Rosa Luxemburg

Frolich, Paul
Publisher:  Monthly Review Press
Year First Published:  {12403 Rosa Luxemburg ROSA LUXEMBURG Frolich, Paul Monthly Review Press A biography of Rosa Luxemburg written by a German revolutionary who worked with Luxemburg in the Spartacist organization. 1939 1972 329pp BC12403-Luxemburg.jpg B Book 85345-260-1 335.43 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Translator's Note <br>Introduction to the English edition by Tony Cliff <br>Preface to the second German edition <br> <br>1 Youth <br>2 The fate of Poland <br>3 In defense of Marxism <br>4 The conquest of political power <br>5 The Russian Revolution of 1905 <br>6 In the line of fire <br>7 A new weapon <br>8 Concerning the end of capitalism <br>9 The struggle against imperialism <br>10 Like a candle burning at both ends <br>11 War <br>12 Russia 1917 <br>13 The German revolution <br>14 The road to death <br> <br>Postscript by Iring Fetscher <br>References <br>Bibliography <br>Index CX6543 1 true true false CX6543.htm [0xc000068510 0xc0007f7c20 0xc0002472f0 0xc0004cf140 0xc00232c2a0 0xc0009ee0f0] Cx}
Year Published:  1972
Pages:  329pp   ISBN:  85345-260-1
  Dewey:  335.43
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6543

A biography of Rosa Luxemburg written by a German revolutionary who worked with Luxemburg in the Spartacist organization.


Table of Contents

Translator's Note
Introduction to the English edition by Tony Cliff
Preface to the second German edition

1 Youth
2 The fate of Poland
3 In defense of Marxism
4 The conquest of political power
5 The Russian Revolution of 1905
6 In the line of fire
7 A new weapon
8 Concerning the end of capitalism
9 The struggle against imperialism
10 Like a candle burning at both ends
11 War
12 Russia 1917
13 The German revolution
14 The road to death

Postscript by Iring Fetscher

Subject Headings

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