![]() Radical Priorities
Chomsky, Noam; edited by C.P. Otero
Publisher: Black Rose Books, Montreal, CanadaYear Published: 1981 Pages: 307pp ISBN: 0-920057-17-9 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6515 Otero presents an analysis and overview of Chomsky's social and political philosophy. For the first time the roots of Chomsky's politics are examined and the relationship to his theory of linguistics demonstrated. Abstract: - Table of Contents Preface Part I: In Defense of the Third World 1. On the "National Interest" 2. Vietnam Protest and the Media The present situation in Vietnam The Vietnamese analogue to "denazification" The protest and the American press Propaganda fabrications The protest as a political act 3. Cambodia: No holds barred 4. The cynical farce about Cambodia Postscript: Letter to the New York Times 5. The hidden war in East Timor U.S. Government and press conceal massacres Fretilin wins victory U.S. News management U.S. Military involvement expands Chronicle of Indonesian atrocities First hand reports Press adheres to State Department line Human rights report: No mention of Timor Comparison with press coverage of Cambodia 6. The Iranian-American conflict 7. Israel and the American intelligentsia 8. Outside of Israeli "official history" 9. On the Middle East 10. The "North-South" conflict A gloomy prospect for the human race Institutional causes The competition for scarce resources The reasons for arms sales Agribusiness and under-nutrition Comparison with the Nazis Self-interest and policy decisions 11. The new Cold War The protection of "our interests" A deadly dance of death The likely dynamics of interventionist policies Waste production and international dominance Commitment or disaster Part II: U.S.A.: Myth, reality, acracy 12. The Carter Administration: Myth and reality The ideological institutions Totalitarianism and "democracy" The rhetoric of human rights The Carter Administration and the Trilateral Prospects for the coming years 13. The secret terror organizations of the U.S. Government 14. Watergate: Small potatoes 15. The Vietnam war: A monstrosity 16. The student revolt The Pentagon and nuclear war A race war Why do students rebel? The students and the future 17. The politicization of the university The American "democracy" Reflections on violence The real problems of society The "moderate" position The position of the hawks Two types of "conspiracy" Two types of protest Ideology and apathy Domestic repression Participation in a "democratic society" Freedom in the university Fantasies of the left Scholarship and action Scientists of the world, unite! Tasks for students "Radical tactics" Tasks for intellectuals The primary principle in the struggle 18. Political prospects The Philippines model Cultural subjugation Latin America Paranoid fantasies Ideological stranglehold American apartheid National security managers 19. Some tasks for the left Possibilities of "internal aggression" Economy and "national defense" A genuine revolutionary movement Libertarian socialism Technology and self-management From autocracy to acracy The advantage of the left A task for radicals The university and the left Radical culture and social change 20. The new radicalism The re-radicalization of the 1960's The organization of the left Industrial society and anarchism Cultural effects of the new radicalism The radicalization of the scientists 21. The relevance of anarcho-syndicalism Acracy and democracy Anarcho-syndicalism and Marxism Organization in Anarchy Work and standard of living Capitalism as an anachronism 22. Industrial self-management Epilogue 23. The danger of nuclear war and what we can do about it 24. Priorities for averting the holocaust 25. US foreign policy 26. 1984: Orwell's and ours Index Subject Headings |