Blood and Belonging
Journey into the New Nationalism

Ignatieff, Michael
Publisher:  Penguin, Canada
Year First Published:  {12003 Blood and Belonging BLOOD AND BELONGING Journey into the New Nationalism Ignatieff, Michael Penguin Canada Essays on nationalism in Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Ukraine, Quebec, Kurdistan, and Northern Ireland. 1993 1994 264pp $13.99 B Book 0-14-023262-1 JC311I45 1994 320.5'4 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>The Last Refuge <br>1. Croatia and Serbia <br>2. Germany <br>3. Ukraine <br>4. Quebec <br>5. Kurdistan <br>6. Northern Ireland <br>Further Reading <br>Acknowledgments <br>Index CX6143 1 false true false CX6143.htm [0xc0012d7830 0xc0004acba0 0xc0004fed20 0xc0005753b0 0xc00085adb0 0xc00086e060 0xc00086f7a0 0xc00036f230 0xc000695bc0 0xc000a51e30 0xc000068390 0xc000c6c570 0xc000df3ad0 0xc0004b8390 0xc000b48f30 0xc001346a50 0xc001398180 0xc001802150 0xc00182c090 0xc0018ce4b0 0xc00245a9c0 0xc000326180 0xc000da1f20 0xc001fe1c20 0xc002026c90 0xc0025201b0 0xc002c58570] Cx}
Year Published:  1994
Pages:  264pp   Price:  $13.99   ISBN:  0-14-023262-1
Library of Congress Number:  JC311I45 1994   Dewey:  320.5'4
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6143

Essays on nationalism in Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Ukraine, Quebec, Kurdistan, and Northern Ireland.


Table of Contents

The Last Refuge
1. Croatia and Serbia
2. Germany
3. Ukraine
4. Quebec
5. Kurdistan
6. Northern Ireland
Further Reading

Subject Headings

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