The Arab Choice

Laabi, Abdellatif
Publisher:  Jeune Afrique, Canada
Year First Published:  {9101 The Arab Choice ARAB CHOICE Laabi, Abdellatif Jeune Afrique Canada The Arabs are many peoples, cultures, religions, and realities. I cannot put an Arab tyrant, whoever he is, in the same category as a martyr for democracy like Mehdi Ben Barka. 1990 1991 1pp ART Article CX4166 1 false true false CX4166.htm [0xc0010b6420 0xc0010cf110 0xc000ec4150] Cx}
Year Published:  1991
Pages:  1pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX4166

The Arabs are many peoples, cultures, religions, and realities. I cannot put an Arab tyrant, whoever he is, in the same category as a martyr for democracy like Mehdi Ben Barka.

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