Health Forum: A Printed Media Program for Community Health Education and Promotion

Publisher:  Media Group, c/o Dr. D. Walters/Tina Roberts, Department of Health, Waterloo, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2159

Media Group is the name of a group of four University of Waterloo (Ontario) students who carried out a project in the summer of 1980 related to health problem and issues. They intend to provide a readable, scientifically sound and up-to-date synthesis of health problems and to link this information to relevant community services.

The Media Group found that few health promotion articles existed, and those that did fulfilled the goals of health promotion only to a limited extent. Their desire to remedy this situation resulted in the publication of a paper called, "Is There A Time-Bomb Ticking In Your Lungs?" dealing with asbestos and occupational health.

This paper points to the many hazards of asbestos and names such asbestos-related diseases as mesothelioma and lung cancer. The authors suggest that the best way to protect workers from inhaling asbestos fibers is to prevent the fibers from getting into the environment. Such prevention can be achieved through good engineering controls and good work practices. Employees are encouraged to urge co-workers and management to ensure that the work place provides good exhaust-ventilation and to eliminate asbestos dust through wetting down the asbestos before cutting, grinding or mixing it. Other preventative measures are also suggested.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.

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