Academe's Poisonous Call-Out Culture

Walters, Suzanna Danuta
Date Written:  2017-05-05
Publisher:  The Chronicle of Higher Education
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX20968

I cannot help thinking that something has gone seriously wrong when a scholar who is not transphobic or working against the interests of trans people, but, in fact, considering an important question, is labeled as "doing harm."



Explain this:

We are in the midst of the Trumpian apocalypse. Actual bigoted provocateurs like Charles Murray and Ann Coulter throw flames in the academy. Hate crimes against trans people and people of color and Muslims are on the rise; women’s reproductive rights are on the line, as are just about every other aspect of bodily autonomy and gender justice. So what’' making scholars hyperventilate in outrage? A feminist academic whose body of work is clearly on the side of progressive social justice.

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