Proletarian management: Informal workplace organization - Kämpa Tillsammans
http://libcom.org/library/proletarian-management-informal-workplace-organization-k%C3%A4mpa-tillsammansDate Written: 2007-12-17 Publisher: libcom.org Year First Published: {47402 Proletarian management: Informal workplace organization - Kämpa Tillsammans PROLETARIAN MANAGEMENT INFORMAL WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION KSMPA TILLSAMMANS http://libcom.org/library/proletarian-management-informal-workplace-organization-k%C3%A4mpa-tillsammans libcom.org Interesting article about informal workplace organising, management tactics and suggestions for workers to build power on the job. 2007-12-17 2005 2007 ART Article CX19921 0 false true false CX19921.htm [0xc000e45b60 0xc002be8480 0xc002be89c0 0xc002be90b0] Cx} Year Published: 2007 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX19921 Interesting article about informal workplace organising, management tactics and suggestions for workers to build power on the job. Subject Headings |