Labor Organizing Across Israel's Apartheid Line: An Interview with Israeli Labor Activist Yoav Tamir

Balthaser, Benjamin
Date Written:  2016-07-05
Publisher:  In These Times
Year Published:  2016
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX19632

Yoav Tamir is an organizer with the new Israeli labour union, Workers Advice Center, or WAC-MANN. WAC-MAAN was founded in the late 1990s as (as its name might suggest) a workers' advice center, and began organizing unions and negotiating contracts in 2010. A product of both deepening austerity within Israel as well as the wave of uprisings in the Arab world in 2011, WAC-MAAN organizes both across the racial line and across the Green Line, doing what no other labor organization in Israel or Palestine's history has done: create a multi-ethnic, bi-national workers' movement.

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