Heretics and Renegades

Deutscher, Isaac
Publisher:  Jonathan Cape Paperback
Year First Published:  {26675 Heretics and Renegades HERETICS AND RENEGADES Deutscher, Isaac Jonathan Cape Paperback Essasy on the Soviet Union and the Soviet bloc. 1955 1969 228pp BC26675s-HereticsRenegades.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction <br>Author's Preface <br> <br>Part I: Heretics and Renegades <br>1. The Ex-Communist's Conscience <br>2. The Tragic Life of a Polrugarian Minister <br>3. '1984' - The Mysticism of Cruelty <br> <br>Part II: Historical Essays <br>4. Two Revolutions <br>5. Marx and Russia <br>6. Trotsky on Stalin <br>7. Mr E H Carr as Historian of the Bolshevik Régime <br> <br>Part III: The Close of the Stalin Era <br>8. Mid-century Russia <br>9. 'Socialist Competition' <br>10. Stalin's Last Word <br> <br>Part IV: Russia in Transition <br>11. The Beria Affair <br>12. A Reply to Critics <br>13. Post-Stalinist Ferment of Ideas CX11525 1 false true false CX11525.htm [0xc0022ca9f0 0xc0002f2390 0xc00037daa0 0xc0000d6450 0xc00038be60 0xc00043c780 0xc00058ca50 0xc00061df20 0xc000b06a20 0xc000b07c50 0xc0010dc090 0xc000477a40 0xc0004fb830 0xc0014be060 0xc000cd2810 0xc002504e70 0xc002516a50 0xc000a2a7b0 0xc000da02d0 0xc000da1b30 0xc001008600] Cx}
Year Published:  1969
Pages:  228pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX11525

Essasy on the Soviet Union and the Soviet bloc.


Table of Contents

Author's Preface

Part I: Heretics and Renegades
1. The Ex-Communist's Conscience
2. The Tragic Life of a Polrugarian Minister
3. '1984' - The Mysticism of Cruelty

Part II: Historical Essays
4. Two Revolutions
5. Marx and Russia
6. Trotsky on Stalin
7. Mr E H Carr as Historian of the Bolshevik Régime

Part III: The Close of the Stalin Era
8. Mid-century Russia
9. 'Socialist Competition'
10. Stalin's Last Word

Part IV: Russia in Transition
11. The Beria Affair
12. A Reply to Critics
13. Post-Stalinist Ferment of Ideas

Subject Headings

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