Amin, Samir
Publisher: Review PressResource Type: Book Cx Number: CX11340 Amin argues that Eurocentrism is an ideological distortion, a myth and historical fallacy and argues for a new social, economic, cultural and political system based on socialist universalism. Abstract: Amin's "Eurocentrism" is a critical account of the historical, economic and social history in which European culture reflects the most progressive manifestation of metaphysical values. He argues that Eurocentrism is an ideological distortion, a myth and historical fallacy. Europeans appropriated Greek rationality and Christianity to legitimize the new capitalist social order with its economic, military and cultural mastery of the world. Eurocentrism denies other non-European cultures their values and ethics. Amin looks at two possible options for Third World countries to reverse this situation: the first is a return to ancient cultural roots as seen with Islamic fundamentalism or third world nationalism and the second is to adopt a socio-cultural pluralism. He rejects both ideas for being either reactionary and blind to the scientific view of the world or provincial leading to unsolvable conflicts with the global community. Instead he argues for a new social, economic, cultural and political system based on "socialist universalism" a non-European, rational world order that would overcome the inherent contradictions of capitalism. Subject Headings |