Finanz-Archiv, 32nd year,
“French Capital in Russia” (125–33).
Index to Finanz-Archiv, 32nd year (Almost
Finanz-Archiv, 31st year, 1914.
“Colonial Debts and Colonial Loans.”
In 1901 there were colonial securities totalling £600 million == 12,000 million marks on the London Stock Exchanges (p. 8). These are mainly British colonies.
In 1897–1907 (p. 16), France gave the colonies loans of not less than 400 million francs.
Belgium > 250 million francs.
Germany—(1911)—about 137.4 million marks (p. 28). 137.4 &X; 1.25 == 171,750,000 francs.
Millions of francs: 15,000; 400; 250; 171.75.
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