Policy Analysis

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Connexions Library

The Deficit Made me do it
Chorney, Harold; Hotson, John; Seccareccia, Mario
Equal Shares in Caring
Brotchie, Jane ; Hills, Dione
From PRI to Foxismo: Against The Current vol. 88
Almeyra, Guillermo
Mexico on July 2 experienced an alternation of parties in power at the national level. But the more fundamental shift away from the one-party state had begun already with the Salinas administration (1...
Our Generation: Volume 8 Number 4
Serial Publication (Periodical)

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
To facilitate research on social and economic issues facing Canada and to promote alternatives for business and government.
Connexions Archive & Library
The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice. Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r...
History & Policy
History & Policy: * Demonstrates the relevance of history to contemporary policymaking * Puts historians in touch with those discussing and deciding public policy today * Increases the influence of...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

From the Connexions Archives

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Many articles, fact sheets and background papers and analyses, on Canadian and international issues, from the CCPA, which promotes research from a progressive point of view.