Deception By Design
Pharmaceutical Promotion in the Third World

Lexchin, Joel; Kaur, Shila Rani
Publisher:  Consumers International
Year First Published:  {11630 Deception By Design DECEPTION BY DESIGN Pharmaceutical Promotion in the Third World Lexchin, Joel; Kaur, Shila Rani Consumers International The authors discuss the workings of the pharmaceutical industry by exposing the unethical marketing practices, double standards and weak marketing codes. 1995 1996 91pp B Book 9789679973686 - <br> <br>Developing countries are being flooded with drugs, many of which are useless, expensive, or dangerous. All too often the pharmaceutical industry's promotion of drugs leads to irrational prescribing by doctors. Companies spend about 20-30% of their sales budget on promotion, providing free samples to doctors to create demand for their products. In recent years in many developing countries with developing market economies, prices of medicines have sometimes risen by 400-500%. <br> <br>The main sources of information on new and existing products are the drug companies CX6898 0 false true false CX6898.htm [0xc000afd860 0xc000afde60 0xc0003fa060 0xc00249ade0 0xc00249ae40 0xc0004014a0 0xc0004237d0 0xc000690bd0 0xc000691860 0xc000691ef0 0xc0006f03c0 0xc0006f0b10 0xc00135a2a0 0xc00139c8d0] Cx}
Year Published:  1996
Pages:  91pp   ISBN:  9789679973686
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6898

The authors discuss the workings of the pharmaceutical industry by exposing the unethical marketing practices, double standards and weak marketing codes.


Developing countries are being flooded with drugs, many of which are useless, expensive, or dangerous. All too often the pharmaceutical industry's promotion of drugs leads to irrational prescribing by doctors. Companies spend about 20-30% of their sales budget on promotion, providing free samples to doctors to create demand for their products. In recent years in many developing countries with developing market economies, prices of medicines have sometimes risen by 400-500%.

The main sources of information on new and existing products are the drug companies

Subject Headings

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