Super Imperialism

Hudson, Michael
Publisher:  Pluto Press
Year First Published:  {54362 Super Imperialism SUPER IMPERIALISM Hudson, Michael Pluto Press This study of U.S. financial diplomacy explores the faults built into the core of the World Bank and the IMF at their inception. Forensic detail reveals how the world's core economic functions were sculpted to preserve US financial hegemony. Difficult to detect at the time, these problems have since become explicit as the failure of the international economic order has become apparent; the IMF and World Bank were set up to give aid to developing countries, but instead many of the world's poorest countries have been plunged into insurmountable debt crises. 2003 2022 B Book CX24565 0 false true false CX24565.htm [0xc000c02390 0xc002275b60] Cx}
Year Published:  2022
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX24565

This study of U.S. financial diplomacy explores the faults built into the core of the World Bank and the IMF at their inception. Forensic detail reveals how the world's core economic functions were sculpted to preserve US financial hegemony. Difficult to detect at the time, these problems have since become explicit as the failure of the international economic order has become apparent; the IMF and World Bank were set up to give aid to developing countries, but instead many of the world's poorest countries have been plunged into insurmountable debt crises.

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