Bain Ave. controversy
Note: The last issue of The Red Menace carried
an article entitled Bain
Co-op Meets Wages for Housework. The article was a report
on the political polarization that took place at Bain Ave. apartments,
involving groups of tenants with sharply differing views of the
future of the project, and was strongly critical of the role played
by the Wages for Housework rent freeze group in the dispute. Printed
below is a response to that article written by the three principal
organizers of the rent freeze group. It is followed by a reply
from Ulli
Diemer, the author of the original article.
The Red Menace asked representatives of the Bain Ave. majority
to respond to the submission from the rent freeze group as well,
but their response was not ready as of press time.
To the editor,
After reading Ulli Diemer’s political thriller, "Bain
Co-op Meets Wages for Housework", we must say it is
a fine piece of fiction. However sometimes the truth is more exciting.
We apologize for being so busy during the struggle that we forgot
to read the "Libertarian Handbook on Working Class Behaviour,
sec. 4 — Tenants." The managers of the Bain Co-op are
also angry that so many people ignored their circulars on "How
to Pay Rent Increases". Your articles is useful however, for
amplifying a number of misconceptions that the Co-op managers and
assorted leftists here pushed, in order to stop the struggle. But
you were able to out-do even them — for they knew, that they
could never sell such a cornucopia of inaccuracies and distortions
here at Bain. Since the points that we could take issue with are
so numerous, it is best to isolate a few themes you chose to dwell
a) Perhaps the most amazing part of your analysis was the idea that
the tenants were at fault for being interested in "putting
more money in their pockets". You obviously feel that we would
be better off trading in our standard of living for the Co-op’s
offer of "community control". Maybe you think we should
organize next for an even greater increase — that would really
impress the government with the Co-op’s management capability! Ironically,
that is exactly the track record of our Co-op leaders during the
last two years. But as a fellow tenant said at one of the rent increase
meetings, "What good is ownership if I can’t afford to live
here". Records show that between January 1977 and October at
least 50 units have been vacated at Bain, and more are still moving.
And we will be getting another increase of between $11 and $32 in
a few months, the 4th in only three years.
For you to tell us, as tenants and workers, that we should not care
about money, or organize against an 18% rent increase because we
’’walked into it with our eyes open" is an incredible piece
of arrogance. Exactly what kind of identification with tenants do
you or your magazine claim to have? What do you think past struggles
at Bain or by tenants elsewhere have been about? Do you think that
tenants fought against evictions, for rent control, and for better
maintenance so that we could pay through the nose in a Co-op? Where
have you, as a so-called community reporter, been for the last 15
years? Why is it OK with you for workers in the factory to want
more money, while here, in the community, money becomes a ’vulgar’
thing. You are asking us to subsidize the left’s ideal of "community
control" with our free labour. The co-op like yourself
feels that money and more work are no object whatsoever for tenants.
If we want better maintenance, either we pay more or we live in
a slum, unless we make up the difference with our own free labour,
shovelling side walks, repairing leaky faucets, and building the
"co-op spirit". And all the while, Central Mortgage and
Housing Corporation pockets $350,000 a year in interest payments
from Bain tenants. This is really what Co-op and government "Non-profit"
housing are all about. We are sorry to inform you that money is
still our only defence against more free work for the State. Shutting
up and waiting to see if the co-op — after more than 2 years
of stalling — was really going to stop skyrocketing rents here
was something we damn well were not going to do. We wanted affordable
housing, good maintenance, and to keep our hard-earned money in
our pockets. If that’s asking too much, then there isn’t a bit of
difference between you and Trudeau telling us we are "living
too high off the hog" and to lower our expectations!
b) One of your main obsessions was the composition of the group
of tenants who were organizationally active, and the role Wages
for Housework played in the struggle. Spiced with comments like,
’this group consisting primarily of members and supporters of WFH...’
or ’now reduced to its original core of WFH people,’ etc, your objective
presumably was to portray the tenants who were active in our struggle
as small in numbers, and part of WFH only. Does it not seem odd
to you that there was such a massive reaction from the Co-op governors,
the City of To-ronto, and last but not least — yourself? Or
perhaps you could explain how a handful of tenants could possibly
keep a struggle going for 6 months? In any case, you personally
watched 137 tenants vote against the Co-op at the May ’77 referendum
on ownership here at Bain - a vote that was clearly against the
control of our money and lives by either the Co-op or the government.
We know, and we suspect you know, that your attack on Wages for
Housework and the struggle here, is nothing more than a clear trashing
of the many tenants who do not happen to share your ideas on how
to fight for their needs.
Certainly Wages for Housework was involved in the struggle from
early on. However it was a development far less mysterious or conspiritorial
than you would have us believe. A tenant, who was in our already
quite rebellious group opposing the increase, simply offered the
resources of the Wages for Housework Campaign — both in terms
of technical help, and also their experience, in making other fights
for money and against unpaid work. No one thought this was odd —
especially as most of the tenants who were active were also women
(a situation which happens to be common in tenant struggles everywhere).
Neither were there any cries of ’outsiders’. If you jog your memory
as a community reporter, you may recall that help from outside groups
and individual tenants was common in all the major housing battles
like South St. Jamestown and Quebec-Gothic. Then as now, it was
welcomed and needed to win. Solidarity among tenants wherever they
live, is not our invention.
Also, in contrast to your idea that we had some sort of monolithic
organization taking orders from WFH — quite the opposite was
true. We made group decisions on possible routes of action, and
no decision prevented any tenant from making their fight in anyway
they pleased — in fact, a number of tenants expressed their
opposition to the Co-op on their own, which was something we always
welcomed and encouraged. Perhaps this is why you saw the ’tactics’
so far removed from your own and the left’s rigid ideas of tenant
struggles. Your conception of women’s leadership and the role of
Wages for Housework at Bain is clearly rooted in the traditional
position that those with less power should submit to those who claim
to represent ’the majority’. But when they do, their own specific
interests are always lost. You say, for example, that ’of course
the issues (of high rents, etc.) concern male and female residents
equally’. In fact, the women were in the forefront of the struggle
precisely because it effected them more. Not only do women
with a second job have only half the money of men, but full-time
housewives know that rent increases mean still more housework -
more budgeting, bargain-shopping, and soothing family tensions which
always mount up quicker when money is tight. Your comments claiming
that tenants with subsidies — most of whom are women - are
’not affected’ by rent increases because of increased subsidies
is also wrong. Not only do they feel the increased poverty of their
neighbours, but they themselves are further ’in the hole’, as future
wage increases simply mean a lower subsidy. Subsidized tenants,
in fact, were among the most active organizers of the rent freeze.
What lies just beneath the surface in your article is not simply
your objection to the role of Wages for Housework here (which you
did not do much to find out about anyway), but rather the fact that
you, like the Co-op managers could not stomach a struggle led
by women which broke all the rules in the book because ’democracy’
was the instrument of the more powerful Co-op forces against us.
c) Much of your thesis seems to rest on a rather dogmatic notion
of "community control", and of course, the unquestionable
virtues of "the democratic process". Had you bothered
to include a few minor facts such as the wave of door-to-door visits
by the Co-op office staff and council members telling tenants that
supporting the rent-freeze would surely mean their eviction and/or
loss of their rent subsidies — it might have put that vote
against the rent-freeze in a more realistic perspective. Many tenants
simply did not want to show their support publicly after having
been intimidated. Who, after all, meets them at the Co-op office
if they want something done, or if the rent is late? You might also
have mentioned the fact that our so-democratically-elected council
here at Bain had only 13 people running for the 12 positions, and
about 45 tenants out of 400 voted them in. Or perhaps you might
have explained why the Co-op managers frantically lobbied ward aldermen
to change the rules set for the referendum on ownership immediately
after the City committee had arbitrated a compromise between the
Co-op and the tenants’ organization. Had the rules agreed upon been
used, we would have won the vote with 37% of the tenants against
the Co-op. You also conveniently described the Co-op meeting
to evict tenants withholding rent as having "voted by a large
majority to issue eviction notices". In actuality, although
120 tenants attended the meeting, most were disgusted with the affair,
and the vote was only 57 to 23 - hardly a blazing majority of the
Co-op. And finally, why if you and the Co-op are so concerned about
the City of Toronto being the cause of our high rents, did the Co-op
council decide to forgo action against the City for the misuse of
$300,000 — over the constant demands of tenants to do so for
at least one and one-half years? Had you included these and other
points, it would have of course been dificult for you to write your
article at all. But for us here, it was precisely this kind of "democracy"
and "community control" that we opposed. It was, in fact,
our struggle for affordable housing that was trying to bring back
tenant control — control that we had won in the past here at
Bain by fighting back against the City.
You would have us, instead, ’form a disciplined corporate entity
capable of dealing with the government bureaucracies which provide
the necessary capital, and even in a sense, that tenants become
their own landlord’. If you can’t beat them, join them, right Ulli?
The Co-op has always been quite cozy with the governments (while
at the same time putting on airs of opposition of course). And this
ownership deal was too good for the Co-opers to refuse. The City
politicians would help the Co-op by changing the rules, and issuing
eviction orders for the Co-op, and the Co-op managers would become
the proud owners of Bain Ave., while many of us would be forced
to move out. In return, the Co-op would of course, enforce rent
increase, and generally keep the tenants from making any demands.
It was also quite useful to keep us split from the other City of
Toronto Non-profit Housing tenants, who at that time were at the
boiling point over their own rent increases — and watching
Bain Ave. very closely. You certainly mystify the State, Ulli -
which for you can only be in Ottawa or in some corporate office.
But is was quite clear that for us as tenants at Bain, the actions
of the Co-op put the State right at our doorsteps. Tenants here
were not as confused about that as you are. At the rent-freeze meeting,
a tenant who had seen landlords at Bain come and go, asked whether
the speaker for the Co-op was ’working for the City’. Other tenants
quite seriously wondered whether a red flag would go up in the courtyards
after the Co-Op took over. And we were quite right in associating
the Co-op managers and the left with the State — for their
position in the name of Co-op ownership and ’community control’
was austerity, high rents, and free labour or forced eviction.
It is incredible to us that you underwrite this position simply
because of the supposed ’democratic process’ that was going on at
Bain. Trudeau got elected democratically no? And as a Canadian Native
put it at a Co-op general meeting, ’For our people, democracy is
best demonstrated by the activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police against us’. If we were expected to wait to fight until the
’will of the majority’ let us, whether at Bain or elsewhere, then
not only the tenants here, but also women, blacks, native peoples,
and others would be waiting in vain for the go-ahead.
Finally, where does the Red Menace stand in this controversy
between the tenants and the Co-op managers at Bain? From the slogan
on"your back cover, "Capitalism is icky", it seems
that like Ulli, you are not about to get your hands dirty with "vulgar
things" like the struggle by workers for money. And maybe like
the Co-op, you also long for a little hide-away subsidized by the
free labour of the workers and tenants. If so - TOUGH LUCK!
For the Tenants Voice
Linda Jain
Francie Wyland
Steve Oltuski

Published in Volume 2, Number 2 of The
Red Menace, Spring 1978.
See also: Ulli Diemer’s reply.
See also: Bain Co-op
Web site
Menace home page
Subject Headings:
Co-operative Housing - Toronto/Ward