Workplace Death & Injury
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results31 Connexions Library2 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 6 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryBangladesh's exploitation economy Cyran, Olivier Article 2013 Before the collapse of Rana Plaza, which killed over a thousand people, most of them textile workers, there was the fire that killed a hundred at the Tazreen factory. A major cause is western companie... Blasted in a West Virginia Mine Ely, Mike Article 2010 Conditions in the mines are caused by capitalism. The 25 dead miners in the latest mine disaster in West Virginia are dead because union-busting and the disregard of safety precautions for the sake of... Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Website CCOHS promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing information and advice about occupational health and safety.
Commemorating France's Worst Mining Tragedy: 1099 Workers Perished to Profit the Bosses Bredoux, Lenaig; Bolland, Patrick (Tr.) Article 2006 A mining catastrophe in northern France on March 10, 1906, is remembered with a number of commemorative ceremonies. Connexions: Volume 6, Number 3 - September 1981 - Atlantic Development/Le Developpement Atlantique Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Courrieres Mine Disaster 1906 Article 2018 The devastating mine disaster in 1906 that killed over 1,000 workers in Courrieres, France, is remembered. Death in a New York Food Sweatshop: The Killing of Juan Baten Gross, Daniel Article 2011 For thousands of recent immigrants, the eastern section of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is where you go to find work in food processing and distribution factories that service many of New York City's marke... Dying Hard: The Ravages of Industrial Carnage Leyton, Elliot Book 1975 A shocking and indignant challenge to the conscience and humanity not just of Canada but of all nations, an outraged cry of protest and concern of workers victimized alike throughout the modern world. Fire in the dark: the astonishing story of the Courrieres mine disaster Munger, Sean Article 2014 One hundred and eight years ago today, on March 10, 1906, an explosion and fire occurred deep underground in a coal mine owned by the Courrières mining company underneath the village of Billy-Montigny... HealthSources.ca Website 2017 A web portal featuring information and resources about health, with articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and important arti... Industrial accident claims three lives in Leduc, Alberta Smith, Penny Article 2018 A look at the troubling indifference to the alarming statistics on worker fatalities, and the lax occupational health and safety regulations that are designed to protect employers and permit the furt... Leadville Colorado, Miners' Strike: Connexipedia Article Article Occurred as a result of rapid industrialization and consolidation of the mining industry. More chance of dying from work than going to war Article 2014 Going to war may seem one of the most hazardous ordeals on the planet, but perhaps not. The International Labor Organization (ILO) says there is more chance of dying from work than fighting for your c... Northland Steiner, Edie (Director) Film/Video 2007 A touching look back at the director's father, Albert Steiner, and his life as a miner. Detailing his death, caused by working in the mine and the reality of getting compensation from mining companies... On a Cross of Coal: How Massey Crucified Miners Macaray, David Article 2011 Federal investigators investigated the Massey mine disaster in which 29 miners died discovered that Massey Energy was keeping two sets of books (safety logs). One log reflected actual mine conditions... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 4, 2014 Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Article 2014 Information about the Connexions Alternative Media List and the Labor Film Archive. Articles on corporations spying on non-profits, workplace deaths, Monsanto and Ukraine, and liberal environmentalism... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 15, 2015: Workers' Health and Safety Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 The topic of the week is Workers' Health and Safety. Articles on why environmentalists should support working class struggles; whistleblowers; the appalling death rate from U.S. drone strikes; the mur... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 23, 2016: Workers and Climate Change Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 Working people -- and most of us are workers -- are affected by climate change in every aspect of our lives. As climate change worsens, our lives will worsen. If we are successful in bringing about th... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 22, 2017: Secrecy and Power Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Secrecy is a weapon the powerful use against their enemies: us. This issue of Other Voices explores the relationship of secrecy and power. A Range of Abuses: The Invisible Deaths of Lebanon's Migrant Domestic Workers Bajec, Alessandra Article 2014 Migrant domestic workers generally get very little protection from the Lebanese government and remain under-reported in the media, while the deaths of these workers are rarely discussed in the news. D... Staff at 'Grinch' KPMG well looked after while advocating 'workers' comp' cuts Fillmore, Nick Article 2011 KPMG – which operates across Canada and internationally – performs “hatchet jobs” for governments – often governments that don’t have the nerve to take the lead themselves when they want cutbacks. Submission to the Hon. Dr. Bette Stephenson, Minister of Labour, Concerning Proposed Occupational Safety and Health: Legislation for the Province of Ontario. Article 1977 A letter regarding workplace safety in Canada. The letter discusses Canada's relative lack of legilsation that promote preventative safety measures in the workplace. Tailoring to Needs: Garment Worker Struggles in Bangladesh Marriott, Red Article 2010 The class struggle in Bangladesh is fought at a consistently high level and concentrated in the ready made garment (RMG) sector, the country’s dominant industry. Mainly unmediated by trade unions, str... Triangle Fire Remembered: Against The Current vol. 151 Anonymous Article 2011 March 25 is the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which killed 145 workers, mostly young women immigrants. The factory, located on the eighth, ninth and tenth floors of the As... US farm fatalities: An unpublicized epidemic Spencer, Naomi Article 2014 Hundreds of agricultural workers, including many child labourers, die in farming accidents across the US each year. With an official workplace fatality rate of more than 21 per 100,000, farming is the... Why Workplace "Accidents" Happen: Safety Costs Money Macaray, David Article 2013 Many industrial and manufacturing companies resort to almost any means (some of them not entirely legal) to dissuade employees from joining a union because besides having to offer higher wages and imp... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesCanadian Injured Workers Alliance CIWA/ACVAMT conducts research and shares information about the experiences of injured and disabled workers. We share information regionally and nationally with our members, the public and the media. O... Workers' Health and Safety Centre The Workers Centre is playing a significant role in transforming workplace health and safety in Ontario. Our training programs and support services equip workers with the knowledge and skills to ident... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryAsbestos revealed as Canada's top cause of workplace death Grant, Tavia 2014 Asbestos exposure is the single largest on-the-job killer in Canada. Since 1996, almost 5,000 approved death claims stem from asbestos exposure, making it by far the top source of workplace death in C... Bangladesh factory fire: brands accused of criminal negligence Sources News Release 2012 Clean Clothes Campaign, along with trade unions & labour rights organisation, is calling for immediate action from international brands following the fire in Dhaka Bangladesh which killed over 100 wor... Cheap clothing proves far too dear The death of workers in Bangladesh are just the latest tragedy that springs from the west's addiction to fashion Siegle, Lucy 2010 In Bangladesh one hundred workers died in a garment fire, a common occurence plaguing a workforce that already has the distinction of being the "most poorly paid in the world". The author investigates... Death on the Bakken shale 2015 North Dakota's fracking industry has the highest worker fatality rates in the US. Why are so many dying and who should be held responsible? Newfoundland Sealing Disaster Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia SS Newfoundland was a sealing ship which lost 78 sealers on the ice during extreme weather conditions in March 1914 which claimed lives from three sealing ships in an event known as the 1914 Newfoundl... From the Connexions ArchivesIdeas and Action Periodical profile published 1981 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Archive of some articles published in Ideas and Action, a radical paper published by the Workers Solidarity Alliance from 1981 to 1997. |