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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

The Best of The Nation: Selections from the Independent Magazine of Politics and Culture
Navasky, Victor; Heavel, Katrina Vanden
An anthology of articles from The Nation.
The Drugs Myth: Why the Drug Wars Must Stop
Coleman, Vernon
Coleman presents medical evidence that the most dangerous and life-threatening drugs are legal, while the banned drugs are comparatively harmless.
Health Hazard: New Internationalist January/February 2001
Serial Publication (Periodical)
A look into the history of public health and the challenges it is facing.
Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay
Nickerson, Michael
The failure to reduce green house gas emissions, the success of efforts to curb ozone depletion, causes related to prosperity and social justice are just some the topics covered. By using the example ...
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming
Oreskes, Naomi; Conway, Erik M.
Investigative reportage on how private interests and lobbies in America use hired gun scientists to spread doubt and misinformation. The media's binary understanding of balanced repoting has given the...
Smoke and Mirrors: The Canadian Tobacco War
Cunningham, Rob
Describes Canada's stance and battle against tobacco. Cunningham explains the health movement and tactics to regulate the tobacco industry.
Tobacco Hooked on tobacco: New Internationalist July 2004
Serial Publication (Periodical)
A look at the effects of tobacco around the world, the health risks, and how to kick the habit.
Vital Signs: The Trends that are Shaping Our Future
Brown, Lester
Worldwatch Institute charts coming trends using a straightforward format. Areas addressed include military expenditures and cigarette consumption.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Canadian Society for International Health
To facilitate education and research in international health through the mobilization of Canadian resources.
New Internationalist
New Internationalist reports on issues of world poverty and inequality. We focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide in the fight for global justice.
Non-Smokers' Rights Association
To eliminate the discomfort, disease and risk of premature death caused by environmental tobacco smoke. As a preventive approach, the NSRA is committed to eliminating the tobacco epidemic through the ...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

From the Connexions Archives

New Internationalist
Serial Publication (Periodical)
New Internationalist reports on issues of world poverty and inequality. We focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide in the fight for global justice.