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Connexions Library

Helping Teens Stop Violence: A Practical Guide for Parents, Counselors and Educators
Creighton, Paul; Kivel, Paul
Practical workshops to show teens how to stop the violence in their lives.

Sources Library

It's Complicated
The Social Lives of Networked Teens
boyd, danah
In It's Complicated, danah boyd uncovers some of the major myths regarding teens' use of social media.
Teenage Girls Increasingly Requesting Labiaplasty to Get the Perfect Designer Vagina
Very young women are going under the knife to sculpt parts that are still growing and changing.
Holloway, Kari
Never underestimate the power of beauty myths to manufacture inadequacies where before there were none. A little over a decade ago, labiaplasty -- the partial or wholesale removal of parts of the labi...