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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

An Annotated Bibliography of Nonsense
Malik, Kenan
Academic critics today not only question the impact of science upon society, but they also question the very idea of scientific rationality.
Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosphy and Culture
Sokal, Alan
Exposes the faulty thinking and outright nonsence of the postmodernist critique of science, which asserts that facts, truth, evidence, even reality itself are all merely social constructs.
Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and its Quarrels with Science
Gross, Paul; Levitt, Norman
Describes attacks on science, and on concepts of truth and rationality, in areas of the humanities.
Utopian Essays and Practical Proposals
Goodman, Paul
Whatever the subject, Goodman asks: What blocks and limits human freedom, joy, and creativity? What tends to release, free, liberate? In criticizing society and life his purpose is to improve. Goodman...

Sources Library

A Dictionary of Superstitions
Opie, Iona; Tatem, Moira
Divinations, spells, cures, charms, signs and omens, rituals, and taboos arranged A - Z by term.