Soil Erosion/Developing Countries

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Connexions Library

Africa in Crisis: The Causes, The Cures of Environmental Bankruptcy
Timberlake, Lloyd
Africa in Crisis looks at the causes of African famine and how it is a symbol of a much deeper crisis. African droughts and famines are not just the results of a lack of rain but the end result of a ...
Conserving soil: precious, finite and under threat
Rickson, Jane
Human existence relies on healthy soils. But all over the world soils are being lost and degraded by inappropriate land use, reducing their capacity to produce food and store water, nutrients and carb...
The Earthscan Action Handbook
Litvinoff, Miles
A compendium of the world's major ills with suggestions for remedial action.
How to Save the World: Strategy for World Conservation
Allen, Robert
"How To Save The World" discusses, "Why the world needs saving now and how it can be done". Allen breaks his work down into seven chapters, devoting each to an important aspect of the global predicame...