Socialist Revolution
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryThe Caribbean Left's Legacy: Against The Current vol. 112 Abraham, Sara Article 2004 Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has con... Neil Chacker, 1942-2004: Against The Current vol. 113 Finkel, David Article 2004 During the Vietnam war, one Colonel Reberry at Fort Lewis, Washington, posted a threatening notice forbidding the distribution of material that would promote "disloyalty and discontent." A response s... Connexions Digest: Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Connexions Digest: Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 Cuba, the United States and the Left: Against The Current vol. 89 Almeyra, Guillermo Article 2000 The nationalist anti-imperialist revolution of the long beards has lasted forty-one years. It was never a socialist revolution. The Moncada combatants were not socialists, neither were those in the Si... Empire, Religion and Liberation: Against The Current vol. 135 Webber, Jeffery R. Article 2008 “At least 10 Palestinians were killed in Gaza on Sunday by Israeli fire,” today’s New York Times reports as I write this review, “bringing the number of Palestinians killed since Wednesday… to more th... Facing Fascism in Europe: Against The Current vol. 84 Smaldone, Bill Article 2000 Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933, and the Nazis' rapid destruction of Germany's Social Democratic and Communist parties, shook the European left to its core. For many socialists and communists, th... Korea's New Revolutionaries: Against The Current vol. 87 Sheppard, Barry Article 2000 Against the background of a rising militant working-class movement, revolutionary socialists in South Korea are undergoing a process of regroupment. An important force in this development are comrades... The "Labor Aristocracy" and Working-Class Struggles: Consciousness in Flux, Part 2: Against The Current vol. 124 Post, Charles Article 2006 Whatever the theoretical and empirical problems with the economics of the labor aristocracy thesis, its defenders still claim that well paid workers have generally been more reformist and conservative... Liberation, Then What?: Against The Current vol. 124 Webber, Jeffery R. Article 2006 In a lucid contribution to our understanding of contemporary Africa, David Seddon and Leo Zeilig recently charted that continent's two waves of popular protest and class struggle over the last 40 year... Malcolm X Speaks X. Malcolm; edited and with prefatory notes by George Breitman Book 1965 A series of speeches, seminars and press conferences given by Malcolm X during the last years of his life in 1964 and early 1965. Marx, Karl: Connexipedia: Entry in Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of People Article Brief biography of Karl Marx. (1818-1883). A Marxist History of the World part 75: The German Revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 At the end of the First World War, the epicentre of revolution moved from Petrograd to Berlin. Why did the German communists fail where the Bolsheviks had succeded? Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism ![]() Hudis, Peter Book 2013 In contrast to the traditional view that Marx's work is restricted to a critique of capitalism – and that he consciously avoided any detailed conception of its alternative – this work shows that Marx ... The Meaning of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution: Against The Current vol. 113 Albo, Greg Article 2004 A feature of revolutions is that they keep coming around in unexpected ways and in unexpected places. Who would have dared predict the eruption that was Seattle in November 1999, when the powers behi... The Middle East in Flames: Against The Current vol. 124 Kennedy, Andrew; Weissman, Susan Article 2006 Andrew Kennedy and Suzi Weismann Interview Gilbert Achcar. Gilbert Achcar is the author of Eastern Cauldron and The Clash of Barbarisms, both published by Monthly Review Press. The Myth of the Labor Aristocracy, Part 1: Against The Current vol. 123 Post, Charles Article 2006 The persistence of reformism and outright conservatism among workers, especially in the imperialist centers of North America, Western Europe and Japan, has long confounded revolutionary socialists. Th... Notes from a Revolution Dying: Against The Current vol. 134 Pirani, Simon Article 2008 In June 1922, five years on from the Russian Revolution, a group of Moscow communists gathered to discuss a letter by Vladimir Petrzhek, an auto worker, tendering his resignation from the communist (o... An October for Us, for Russia and for the Whole World: Against The Current vol. 131 an appeal from Russian Intellectuals and Artists Article 2007 This appeal from Russian intellectuals and artists on the 90th anniversary of the Russian October Revolution comes to us from veteran leftists, social democrats, artists and even children of Left Oppo... Opa Nobody: Against The Current vol. 135 Tribich, Chloe Article 2008 In Opa Nobody, Sonya Huber — an activist struggling to reconcile her politics with the demands of human relationships and the realities of contemporary U.S. life — undertakes an ambitious task: the po... Radical Digressions ![]() Diemer, Ulli Website 2006 Ulli Diemer's website/blog featuring comment from a radical left-libertarian Marxist perspective.
Ralph Nader and the Legacy of Revolt (Part 2): Against The Current vol. 89 Sheasby, Walt Contreras Article 2000 Our electoral dilemma today derives from a political realignment a hundred years ago, when a faction of populists joined in fusion with William Jennings Bryan and the “Free Silver” Democratic Party. A... Re-examine revolution, but don't abandon it : Book review Nieham, Chris Article 2017 Re-examine revolution, but surely now is not the time to abandon it. Chris Nineham reviews Socialist Register 2017: Rethinking Revolution Rejoinder: The Dynamics of Revolution Miah, Malik Article 1998 ONE COMMON ERROR socialists tend to make when discussing unfolding revolutions in other countries is to offer programmatic analysis that has little to do with the real situation on the ground. Comrade... Reluctant Memoir, Part 2: Against The Current vol. 135 Le Blanc, Paul Article 2008 I think it was in 1963 that I first became aware of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). My older sister Patty had married a very nice guy named Earl Brecher, with whom she went to Liberia as one ... The Rosa Luxemburg Reader ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa. [Anderson, Kevin; Hudis, Peter (eds.)] Book 2004 A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings. The Russian Revolution Ninety Years After: Against The Current vol. 131 Mandel, David Article 2007 The October Revolution of 1917 in Russia was the most influential political event of the 20th century. But since history is written by the victors, it is not well known that October was the opening sh... Six Red Months in Russia: An Observers Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship Bryant, Louise Book 1918 Louise Bryant's account of her time in Russia during the revolution 1917-1918. Socialism.ca ![]() Website 2016 A gateway to resources about socialism, socialist history, and socialist ideas, compiled by Connexions. The Socialist Register 1989: Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Socialist Register 1995: Volume 31: Why Not Capitalism? Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1995 Socialist Register 1996: Volume 32: Are There Alternatives? Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1996 William Morris: From Romantic to Revolutionary Thompson, E. P. Book 1955 A biography of the nineteenth-century socialist, designer, artist, and intellectual William Morris. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesMarxism.ca A gateway to resources about Marxism compiled by Connexions. Socialism.ca A hub featuring links to selected resources about socialism, as well as other progressive sites of interest to socialists and activists. Sources LibraryRevolution.international Web resources on revolutionary politics and revolution. |