Social Gospel

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Connexions Library

Canada for the People!: A Study of the Social Gospel in Canadian History
Malkinson, Trevor
United Church of Canada's relation with the social gospel and the criticisms of the Social Gospel movement
The Canadian Social Gospel: 1880-1960: What is the social gospel?
Welton, Michael
What is the social gospel? It is an attempt to apply Christianity to the collective ills of an industrializing society, and was a major force in Canadian religious, social and political life from the ...
Christians on the Left: The Importance of the Social Gospel in the Canadian Social Democratic Tradition
Ives, Andrew
This article looks at the history of the Canadian social democratic movement and highlights the preponderant role played by leftist Christians. Finding their inspiration in a social interpretation of ...
Social Gospel: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia
The Social Gospel was an attempt to apply Christianity to the collective ills of an industrializing society, and was a major force in Canadian religious, social and political life from the 1890s throu...
Social Gospel: Wikipedia article
The Social Gospel movement is a Protestant Christian intellectual movement that was most prominent in the early 20th century United States and Canada. The movement applied Christian ethics to social p...
The Social Passion: Religion and Social Reform in Canada 1914-28
Allen, Richard
An account of the movement within Canadian protestantism which sought to revive the neglected social dimensions of Christianity and to involve the church in social action.