Religion & Sexual Oppression
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results13 Connexions Library3 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 2 Sources Library Connexions LibraryBurning Desires: Sex in America: A report from the field Chappele, Steve & Talbot, David Book 1989 Burning Desires looks at the state of sex in the aftermath of the `sexual counter-revolution' that marked the 1980s. Connexions Library: Religion Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on religion. Globalizing the Culture Wars: Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill Rosen, David Article 2010 Uganda, like many countries in Africa and around the world, adheres to long-standing heterosexual and patriarchal traditions as to what is acceptable sexual behavior. In the West, such traditions are ... Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution Eltahawy, Mona Book 2015 A condemnation of the repressive political, cultural, and religious forces that reduce millions of women to second-class citizens. Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution: Book Review Aspden, Rachel Book 2015 One afternoon earlier this year, I stepped into the carriage of a Cairo metro train. I was on the way home from interviewing female students - all of them devout, veiled Muslims - who had been snatche... Infidel Hirsi Ali, Ayaan Book 2007 Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali woman who escaped a forced marriage and moved to the Netherlands, where she became a spokeswoman for Muslim women's rights. She tells the story of how her experiences led h... Islam, Children's Rights, and the Hijab-gate of Rah-e-Kargar: In Defence of the Prohibition of the Islamic Veil for Children Hekmat, Mansoor Article 1997 It has been proved time and time again that pushing back religiosity and religious reaction is not possible except through unequivocal defence of human values against religion. It has been proved time... Knicker protest targets Hindu militants Ramesh, Randeep Article 2009 The socially conservative Hindu Sri Ram Sena (Lord Ram's Army) a group of vigilantes has attacked women in pubs and unwed couples, in an effort to protect what they call "Indian Culture". Indian women... The roots of gay oppression Carlin, Norah Article 2007 Marxists, since Marx and Engels themselves, have always believed that only a socialist revolution could open the way to sexual freedom and equality. The history of same-sex relations suggests that the... The Secret Museum: Pornography in Modern Culture Kendrick, Walter Book 1988 Kendrick looks at the idea of pornography since the word was coined a century and a half ago, concentrating less on the books and pictures that have instigated battles over "pornography" than on what ... Touching a Nerve: No apology for fighting homophobia Tatchell, Peter Article 1993 Defending OutRage!'s decision to campaign against the homophobia of Lord Jakobovits. Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism ![]() Bennoune, Karima Book 2013 Karima Bennoune interviews 300 people from 30 countries to report on a largely invisible group of people: Muslim opponents of fundamentalism. They remain largely invisible, lost amid the heated cover... Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight against Muslim Fundamentalism, by Karima Bennoune (Book Review) Droeber, Julia Article 2013 Karima Bennoune, a US-based law scholar raised in Algeria, has written an account of the stories of numerous people whose lives have been scarred by Islamic fundamentalism and who decided, using a var... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesSexsources.ca A web portal featuring sexuality resources: articles, websites, books. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A search feature, subject index, and other research tools ma... Women Living Under Muslim Law WLUML is an international solidarity network that provides information and support for those women whose lives have been shaped by the customs and/or laws of Islam. It extends to more 70 countries and... Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime Dem Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime geh”ren Menschen an, die entweder den muslimischen Glauben aufgegeben haben oder die niemals Muslime waren, wenngleich sie aufgrund ihrer Herkunft aus einem sog. "muslimi... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryUk needs modern mosques The third generation of British Muslims still don't have mosques that teach compassion and citizenship Baig, Anila 2011 An Islamic woman's opinion column mourns the lack of modern mosques in England. She discusses her search for a place where her children could learn Arabic and how to read the Qu'ran without facing vio... |