Public Education
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results27 Connexions Library11 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 2 Sources Library 2 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAgainst School: How public education cripples our kids, and why Gatto, John Taylor Article 2003 An essay by a retired teacher on the infantilization of children by the public school system. This intellectual history of US public school curiculum reveals that it was conceived as a democratic mea... Assaulting Public Education in Canada: Privatization Plague Spreads: Against The Current vol. 82 Plawiuk, Eugene Article 1999 For the past six years right-wing provincial governments across Canada have embraced the neoliberal agenda of “educational reform.” Four provinces in particular, Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia and New ... The Best of The Nation: Selections from the Independent Magazine of Politics and Culture Navasky, Victor; Heavel, Katrina Vanden Book 2000 An anthology of articles from The Nation. Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health Garrett, Laurie Book 2000 The story of recent failings of public health systems across the globe. Bloomberg and NYC's Education Wars: Against The Current vol. 154 Wainer, Kit Adam Article 2011 The New York City school system averted catastrophe on June 24, 2011 when mayor Michael Bloomberg, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew reac... Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 3, Number 4 - August 1978 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 Class Warfare: The Assault on Canada's School Barlow, Maude; Robertson, Heather-Jane Book 1994 The authors show that the attack on schools has been mounted by representatives of big business who stand to make a fortune by privatizing education, aided by the religious right, who want to control ... Connexions: Volume 7, Number 2 - May 1982 - Canada-Latin America/Le Canada-L'Amerique Latine Serial Publication (Periodical) 1982 Detroit Public Schools: Who's Failing?: Against The Current vol. 154 Kampfer, Nina Article 2011 It's no scret that the Detroit Public Schools have been in a state of chaos for some time. When former Democratic governor Jennifer Granholm appointed Robert Bobb as Emergency Financial Manager in 200... Education for Change: Henry Giroux and Transformative Critical Pedagogy: Against The Current vol. 83 Hudson, Mark Article 1999 These are difficult times for teachers in U.S. public schools. The increasing size of schools, chronic underfunding of schools serving working-class students (especially students of color), work overl... EducationSources.ca Website 2017 Web portal with sources of information about education and academia, including articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and imp... Milwaukee League Comes to the Defense of Public Schools: Milwaukeeans vs. the Privatization Pandemic Price, Todd Alan Article 2009 The battle to keep the public in control of the public schools. A New City Agenda Sewell, John Book 2004 While Canadians have quickly recognized the importance of healthy cities in their own lives and communities, governments have lagged far behind. In A New City Agenda, journalist and former mayor, John... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 10, 2016: Back to School Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Article 2016 Education - about the world, and about social change in particular - is a key element in the work that Connexions does. In this issue of Other Voices, we explore a few aspects of the ways in which edu... Peer Review and the New Teacher Unionism: Mutual Support or Policing?: Against The Current vol. 82 Jordan, Joel Article 1999 This spring, the California state legislature passed a bill sponsored by the newly elected governor, Democrat Gray Davis, making California the first state to mandate peer review in every school distr... Public Education in California--What's After March 4?: Against The Current vol. 146 Hefty, Adam Dylan Article 2010 On March fourth, we marched forth. Hundreds of marches, rallies and direct actions in defense of public education took place on March 4 across California. Now what? Race and Class: Busing and Integration, 1975-99: Against The Current vol. 82 Miah, Malik Article 1999 In the mid-1970s Boston was a major battle ground for equal education in the public schools. Boston's inner-city schools—as in most urban areas—were less-equipped and in worse condition than those in ... Reflections on October 7th: Against The Current vol. 149 Strong, Wes Article 2010 Students, workers, teachers, parents and faculty throughout the country participated in the October 7th National Day of Action to Defend Public Education. As part of a growing movement, activists from... Rituals Of Failure: What Schools Really Teach Contenta, Sandro Book 1993 Contenta writes that there is a hidden curriculum of passiveness in today's schools in Canada; instead of making students critical thinkers, the not-so smart students are made to feel they are just be... Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child by Child ![]() Gordon, Mary Book 2007 Roots of Empathy looks at eliminating crime and changing the world by starting with a compassionate environment for children. The Save Public Education Fightback: Against The Current vol. 145 Begin, Claudette Article 2010 The Coalition of University Employees (CUE) represents workers on ten University of California campuses and one national laboratory. We have been involved in bargaining statewide for the last two year... School Reform and the Attack on Public Education ![]() Stratman, Dave Article 1997 The education reform movement is part of a wider corporate and government plan to undermine democracy and strengthen corporate domination of our society. School Vouchers Scam Goes Down: Against The Current vol. 90 Cooper, Loiuse Article 2001 A key achievement in the November elections was the defeat of school voucher schemes in California and Michigan. California's Proposition 38 would have offered every child in California a $4,000 vouch... Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives Raphael, Dennis (ed.) Book 2004 The social determinants of health are summarized and analyzed by over 30 medical and social academics. The Survival of Education: Against The Current vol. 134 Olson, Peter Article 2008 I remember reading Jonathan Kozol’s Savage Inequalities as a student activist, when becoming a teacher was an abstract and somewhat romanticized idea floating around my head. I was moved by the politi... Universal Cure Monbiot, George Article 2010 Here's a simple means of transforming the UK's universities, schools and society. Why I'm on the Picket Line Ehrcke, Tara Article 2014 Teacher Tara Ehrcke talks about why she voted to strike in Greater Victoria, British Columbia: The "public" in public school shouldn't mean just providing a building, with some tired teachers to deliv... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesCaledon Institute of Social Policy Our work in social policy research, analysis and public education focuses on poverty and social policy, covering areas such as income security, taxation, social spending, employment and poverty analys... Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women CRIAW is a national organization that promotes and disseminates feminist research through: a Bank of Researchers; research grants, awards and prizes; publication of research papers and research tools;... Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada Advocate for accessible, affordable, high quality, comprehensive, not for profit child care for every Canadian. Education Equality in Ontario Education Equality in Ontario is a non-governmental human rights organization and education advocacy group. We seek the elimination of religious discrimination and duplication in the Ontario school s... METRAC (The Metro Action Committee on Public Violence ) Promotes the rights of women and children to live free from violence and threats of violence.
Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada NECEF is an academically oriented volunteer organization whose extensive international network of individuals and NGO's with expertise about and concern for the Arab World includes a Canadian speakers... One School System Network The organizations represented by the One School System Network [OSSN] are united in the conviction that:
Ontario's publicly funded school system bring students of all backgrounds together in an env... Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants A coalition of 133 community-based immigrant and refugee service agencies located throughout the province of Ontario. People for Education Working together to defend fully publicly-funded education in Ontario.
Western Canada Wilderness Committee Education of the public, business and political leaders on the value and necessity of preserving Western Canada's remaining wilderness. Support groups working to preserve areas. Women's Legal Education and Action Fund Uses the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to promote equality for women. Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryPrivate-school debate grows Nelson, Marissa 2001 Proposed legislation to aid private schools amounts to a subsidy for rich parents, opponents to Bill 45 say. Save Our Public Universities In defense of America's best idea Robinson, Marilynne 2016 This essay looks at the role of public universities in democratizing diverse and thoughtful thinking, and why the importance of these institutions seems to be getting lost in the aggressive capitalism... From the Connexions ArchivesPeople for Educational Participation (PEP) Newsletter Serial Publication (Periodical) 1977 Newsletter reports on projects aimed at improving or developing alternatives to the current educational system. |