Police in Schools

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Authoritarianism Means Never Having to Apologize Over Spilled Milk
Ford, Nick
In Virginia a middle school student named Ryan Turk was arrested and then suspended from school for allegedly stealing a $0.65 carton of milk. Officials claim that the student tried to conceal the car...
Criminalizing First-Graders: Arrested and Handcuffed for Tantrums
Brauchli, Christopher
All across the nation, schools have adopted draconian zero-tolerance policies that treat children like criminals and turn schools into prison-like environments.
Web portal with sources of information about education and academia, including articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and imp...
More Than a Few Rogue Cops: the Disturbing History of Police in Schools
Henerson, Mary Anne; Platt, Brian
Another week, another video of police abuse surfaces. This time the video shows San Antonio school resource officer Joshua Kehm body-slamming 12-year-old Rhodes Middle School student Janissa Valdez. V...