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Connexions Library

The Radical Camera: New York's Photo League, 1936-1951
Klein, Mason
Artists in 'the Photo League', active from 1936 to 1951, were known for capturing sharply revealing, compelling moments from everyday life.
Ways of Seeing
Berger, John
Seeing establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

In Praise of the Telescopic Perspective: A Reflection on Living Through Turbulent Times
Perspective to lift the blinders of our cultural moment
Popova, Maria
Maria Popova has found solace in taking a more telescopic view - not merely on the short human timescale of her own life, looking back on having lived through a Communist dictatorship and having seen ...
Life in Stills
Tal, Tamar
A photo shop owner and her grandson join forces to save the shop and the nearly one million negatives that document Israel's defining moments.