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How the French pension system works
Simon, Henri
Behind the pension reform demonstrations–discontent with politics and politicians, and with the capitalist system itself.
Manufacturing Bankruptcy
Brenner, Robert; Feeley, Dianne; et. al
The authors analyze the politics behind Detroit's manufactured bankruptcy through an analysis of capitalism's expropriation of assets in order to produce wealth -- a process that is at the expense of ...
Parasites in the Body Economic: the Disasters of Neoliberalism
Hudson, Michael
Michael Hudson discusses his new book, "Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy."
Pensions Under Attack: What's behind the push to privatize public pensions
Townson, Monica
Townson discusses the forces behind the drive to privatize public pensions and its impact on the financial security of seniors. In doing so, she traces a history from Pinochet's Chile to Thatcher's Gr...
Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - May 1977: Volume V Number 5
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the mos...
Toolkit for a New Canada - 2013 Edition
A pamphlet providing a snapshot of what the contributors, brought together by Canadian Dimensionmagazine, believe are the big issues facing Canada in the second decade of the 21st century. The article...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

History & Policy
History & Policy: * Demonstrates the relevance of history to contemporary policymaking * Puts historians in touch with those discussing and deciding public policy today * Increases the influence of...

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