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Connexions Library

The Everyday Activist: 365 Ways to Change the World
Horton, Michael
A positive, practical guide to healing the world - one day at a time. Packed with ideas and facts from leading campaign organizations, this handbook shows how the smallest actions can make a differenc...
The Secret History of Jaywalking: The Disturbing Reason It Was Outlawed - And Why We Should Lift the Ban
Mangla, Ravi
Mangla narrates the origins of jaywalking and the reason why it was made illegal.
The Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream
Duany, Andres; Plater-Zyberk; Elizabeth, Speck, Jeff
The choice is ours: either a society of homogeneous pieces, isolated from one another in often fortified enclaves, or a society of diverse and memorable neighbourhoods, organized into mutually support...
Towns for People
Worpole, Ken
Examines the pressures, lifestyle changes, and social factors that contributed to the decline in urban public life in the late 20th century.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

The Countdown Clock Law is Ridiculous, and so is the Police Pedestrian Blitz
The pedestrian countdown clock law shows what's wrong with Toronto's approach to road issues.
Bowerman, Glyn
The Highway Traffic Act is a foolish law, and this crackdown is antithetical to council’s stated goals. Rather than wasting police resources on enforcing it, we should be appealing to the province to ...

From the Connexions Archives

Pedestrian Sundays at Kensington Market
Information about pedestrian-only days in Toronto's Kensington Market.