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Connexions Library

Stolen Seeds: The privatisation of Canada's agricultural biodiversity
Kuyek, Devlin
Through patents and other intellectual property regimes, corporate tactics, and government manoeuvering, public goods are being destroyed to make way for private profit. Seed saving and plant breeding...
TPP is "Worst Trade Agreement" for Medicine Access, Says Doctors Without Borders
The TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership] will…go down in history as the worst trade agreement for access to medicines in developing countries, said Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in...
Two Decades of Monsanto's Illegal Actions, Frauds and Crimes in India
Shiva, Vandana
Over the two decades since Monsanto entered India, it has violated laws, deceived Indian farmers by making unscientific and fraudulent claims, extracted super profits through illegal royalty collectio...
The World Trade Organization: A Citizen's Guide
Shrybman, Steven
Shrybman argues that the WTO not only aggravates envrionmental and social problems, but takes away the tools that governments need to address them.

Sources Library

Gene wars: the last-ditch battle over who owns the rights to our DNA
McKie, Robin
A US biotech company is fighting to protect the patents it took out on a test for a cancer-causing gene. Scientists say a win for the firm would set back a growing ability to detect diseases.