Organizational Culture

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Blocking Progress: Consensus Decision Making In The Anti-Nuclear Movement
Ryan, Howard
Howard Ryan maintains that consensus is wrong in principle and in practice: "The problem is not so much that individuals are being irresponsible or somehow abusing the consensus process. The problem l...
Managing Volunteers, Building Consensus, Nurturing Creativity
Techniques for managing volunteers, staff and board members for positive results; how to make everyone more effective; and methods to reduce conflict while building consensus.
On Organization
Wetzel, Tom
Discusses the democratic organizational forms appropriate to libertarian socialist organizations.
Planning As Learning: The Education of Citizen Activists
Alexander, Donald Hayley Morrow
Phd thesis focusing on the learning undertaken by members of citizens' groups involved in land use planning.
Resource Manual for A Living Revolution: A Handbook of Skills & Tools for Social Change Activists
Coover, Virginia, Deacon, Ellen, Esser, Charles, Moore, Christopher
A manual for people who are concerned or angered by the deterioration of our society and who, because they have some sense that their efforts can have an effect on change, are looking for tools to tra...
The Tyranny of Structurelessness
Freeman, Jo
Contrary to what we would like to believe, there is no such thing as a "structureless" group. Any group of people of whatever nature that comes together for any length of time for any purpose will ine...
Vanguard, Vanguard, Who's Got the Vanguard?
Schneider, Michael
A critique of Leninist vanguard-party theories and practice, especially as manifested in the new left groups of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Published in the May 1972 and August 1972 issues of Libe...
What a Way to Run a Railroad: An Analysis of Radical Failure
Landry, Charles; Morley, David; Southwood, Russell; Wright, Patrick
How can the high failure rate of radical projects, in the media and elsewhere, be understood? This book analyses the reasons why many of the key organisations and projects in this sector, which grew u...