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Frequently Asked Questions about Sources
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, c...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Zatoun is a NGO which brings fair trade olive oil from occupied Palestine. It highlights the plight of Palestinian farmers and the destruction of their livelihood. Olive oil is a basic food which remi...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Advice and Tips for Nonprofits Creating a Marketing Team
Nonprofit Marketing
This is an instructional guide for non-profits to create marketing teams and developing them into the intermediate stages.
How to promote your expertise with news releases, articles, and FAQs
Sources News Release
Publishing articles and news releases that spotlight your expertise is one of the very best ways to build your credibility & attract positive attention. As a SOURCES member you have Free access to an ...
Marketing Nonprofit Programs and Services
Proven and Practical Strategies to Get More Customers, Members and Donors
Herron, Douglas B.
Suggests a 15 point marketing strategy, concepts and methods to attract and satisfy customers, communicate an organization's message distinctly and effectively, and solve membership and program enroll...
NEW Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template—Right-Things, Right-Now Marketing
Schwartz, Nancy
This is a detailed outline and guide for developing an effective marketing plan in the non-profit sector. Outline includes information on aspects of finance, marketing tactics, and finding the right t...
Ten ways your nonprofit can start - or might already be - delivering content marketing
Oliveira, Marlene
This is a list of several ways in which non-profits can promote their message. This article also contains some information on the effectiveness of each method. There are some tips on creating a market...

From the Connexions Archives

Seven Things Nonprofits Can Learn from Profits
Lessons for non-profits from the for-profit sector.