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Connexions Library

Aboriginal Ontario: Historical Perspectives on the First Nations
Rogers, Edward S.; Smith, Donald B. (eds.)
Essays on the history of Ontario's native people.
A Long and Terrible Shadow: White Values, Native Rights in the Americas 1492-1992
Berger, Thomas R.
Against the odds, Native peoples have waged a tenacious struggle to survive and the re-emerge as distinct cultures.
A Network of Indigenous Language Digital Activists in Mexico
Avila, Eduardo
The Internet has emerged as a space where many in Mexico can communicate online using indigenous languages, as well as to create new digital content instead of being just consumers of content.
Stolen Continents: The "New World" Through Indian Eyes
Wright, Ronald
A history of the Americas through Native eyes.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Endangered languages: There's nothing benign about benign neglect
Romaine, Suzanne
in many cases, language death occurred not because of an increase in the available choices, but because of a decrease in choice brought about by the exercise of undemocratic power. Such power is almos...
'It's like bombing the Louvre'
Abley, Mark
Marie Smith Jones was the world's last Eyak speaker - by the time she died last week, she could use her mother tongue only in her dreams. But the loss of a language is not just a personal tragedy, it ...