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Connexions Library

Alternative Press Annual 1984, The
Case, Patricia (ed)
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Doidge, Norman
Doidge explains neuroplasticity and shows that the brain is not a collection of specialized parts but a dynamic organ and can rewire and rearrange itself as the need arises.
Chomsky, Noam
The Noam Chomsky Web site.
The Mismeasure of Man
Gould, Stephen Jay
A history and critique of the methods and motivations underlying biological determinism, the belief that "the social and economic differences between human groups- primarily races, classes, and sexes ...
Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? A Scientific Detective Story
Colborn, Theo;Dumanoski, Dianne;Myers, John Peterson
The authors reveal in this work that chemicals in the environment have affected human reproductive patterns in a way that may threaten the survival of the species.
The Rain On Our Parade: A Letter To My Dismal Allies
Solnit, Rebecca
O rancid sector of the far left, please stop your grousing! Compared to you, Eeyore sounds like a Teletubby. If I gave you a pony, you would not only be furious that not everyone has a pony, but you w...
Socialist Register 1992: Volume 28: New World Order?
Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)

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The Noam Chomsky Web site.

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Race and intelligence
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