Genetically Engineered Food/Opponents
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results13 Connexions Library4 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 2 Sources Library Connexions LibraryAltered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public ![]() Drucker, Steven M. Book 2015 Drucker elucidates the scientific facts about genetically engineered foods that the PR myths have been obscuring. Connexions Library: Food Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on food. The Crusade in Favor of GMO: Falsehoods and Vilification Will Not Fool the Public Todhunter, Colin Article 2016 Pro-GMO campaigners often attack critics of the technology by claiming their negative views of it emanate from well-funded environmentalist groups or commercial interests in the organic food sector. T... The Future of Food Garcia, Deborah Koons (director) Film/Video 2004 Explores the radical changes in our diet and our food in the last half century. "Lies, Lies and More Lies" - GMOs, Poisoned Agriculture and Toxic Rants Todhunter, Colin Article 2016 As as been well documented, it is the pro-GMO lobby/industry that distorts and censors science, captures regulatory bodies, attacks scientists whose findings are unpalatable to the industry and bypass... Monsanto: Contamination By All Means Necessary Todhuner, Colin Article 2013 What happens when you allow commercial interests free rein over a nation state's food and agricultural policies? Consumers and farmers end up paying the price. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 23, 2016: Science and its enemies Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 Our society and its institutions, public and private, regularly tell us that science, and education in the sciences, are crucial to our future. These public declarations are strangely reminiscent of t... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 21, 2018: What are we eating? Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2018 What are we eating? A simple question which opens up a labyrinth of devilishly complex issues about production and distribution, access to land, control of water, prices, health and safety, migrant la... The Seeds of Spin: Decoding Pro-GMO Lies and Falsehoods Todhunter, Colin Article 2016 If you are in some way critical of genetically modified food and agriculture or have some concerns that remain unaddressed, here is a brief interpretive (satirical) guide for navigating the seedy worl... The So-Called Scientific "Consensus": Why the Debate on GMO Safety is Not Over Food & Water Watch Article 2014 Biotechnology seed companies, aided by advocates from academia and the blogopsphere, are using their substantial resources to broadcast the myth of a "scientific consensus" on the safety of GMOs, asse... So Shall We Reap: What's Gone Wrong with the World's Food System -- And How to Fix It Tudge, Colin Book 2003 How everyone who is liable to be born in the next ten thousand years could eat very well indeed; and why, in practice, our immediate descendants are likely to be in serious trouble.
An expose on the ... Transpacific Partnership and Monsanto Chicherio, Barbara Article 2013 The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has the potential to become the biggest regional Free Trade Agreement in history, both in economic size and the ability to quietly add more countries in addition to... Vandana Shiva On Resisting GMOs: "Saving Seeds Is a Political Act" Gelder, Sarah Van Article 2013 Sarah van Gelder interviewed Vandana Shiva, renowned for her activism against GMOs, globalization, and patents on seeds and traditional foods. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesFriends of the Earth International We are the world's largest grassroots environmental network, uniting 76 national member groups and some 5,000 local activist groups on every continent. With over 2 million members and supporters aroun... GENEaction Focussed on banning genetically engineered food in Canada. Actions generally include music, street theatre, workshops etc. Health Action Network Society (HANS) A membership-based consumer health organization; information resource centre on alternative health since 1982. Information collected and disseminated is in the realm of self-care, alternative medicine... Ram's Horn A watchdog report on food issues and the agribusiness industry. Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryGMOs: Fooling -- er, "feeding" -- the world for 20 years Grain 2013 Myths and outright lies about the alleged benefits of genetically engineered crops (GE crops or GMOs) persist only because the multinationals that profit from them have put so much effort into spreadi... Monsanto's Worst Fear May Be Coming True Latham, Jonathan 2015 The Chipotle restaurant chain decides to make its product lines GMO-free -- a trend that may be a threat to Monsanto's goal of controlling the food industry. |