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Connexions Library

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
Putnam, Robert D.
Bowling Alone documents the rise and fall of community activity in the twentieth century in the United States and the social changes this reflects. It offers all the evidence, the confirmatory and the...
Continuous Excursions: Politics and Personal Life
Colman, Marshall
Colman looks at the idea that 'the personal is political'. He looks at personal life in pre-capitalist societies, the nature of politics and social relations, patriarchy and sexual relations, intimacy...
Friendship First
Friendship First
"The Chinese have an attitude toward sport that can best be described as 'friendship first, competition second.'" This manual is an attempt to show children and the adults that work/play with them tha...
Happy Activism: Six ways to make our movement strong and feed our spirit.
Forman, Gideon
How do we make environmental organizations attractive to large numbers of people? And how do we keep these folks engaged for the years, even decades that it will take to create a sustainable society? ...
Intimate Friendships
Ramey, James
Examines various forms of intimate relationship, from monogamy, to monogamy with adultery, to polygyny, polyandry and group relationships.
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 7, 2016: Depression and Joy
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
It's a difficult thing to measure, but there are strong reasons for believing that the number of people struggling with depression has increased significantly in recent decades. Despite the evidence t...

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Questing France
Deepening The Search For My Holy Grail, Personal Growth Through Travel
Barnicke Belleghem, Marilyn M.Ed.
The Human Significance of the Skin
Montagu, Ashley
An analysis of the skin regarded as a sense organ rather than as a simple bodily covering.
You Are Not a Gadget
A Manifesto
Lanier, Jaron
The internet has spawned a hive mentality, where the crowd takes precedence over the individual.