Family Income

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Connexions Library

Falling Behind: The State of Working Canada, 2000
Jackson, Andrew, Robinson, David, Baldwin,Bob, Wiggins, Cindy
An accessible collation of data and analysis, analyzed from a progressive perspective, about the social and economic realities of working people in Canada.
Hitting the Maternal Wall: Against The Current vol. 133
Huber-Humes, Sonya
The “Maternal Wall” is not a new method of contraception, and it’s not the look mom gives when the kids miss curfew. In this slim and accessible book The Motherhood Manifesto, Blades and Rowe-Finkbein...
Wages for Housework
Fairbairns, Zoë
'If women were paid for all they do, there'd be a lot of wages due', sang women campaigners in the 1970s. But demanding money for unpaid domestic work is a sad indictment of the Women's Movement, argu...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Half a man beats none
In Russia and Mongolia, women don't shy away from polygamy
Katbamna, Mira
Investigation into the socio-economic motivations behind the movement to legalize polygamy. There are fewer men than women in Russia and Mongolia due to economic migration and alcoholism. Both urban a...