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Connexions Library

Educating for a Change
Arnold, Rick, Burke, Bev, James, Carl, Martin, D'Arcy, Thomas, Barb
For the authors of Ecuating for a Change, genuine democracy does not happen solely through our political and educational work. Democratic processes and practices are essential elements in achieving a ...
Interpersonal Peacemaking: Confrontations and Third Party Consultation
Walton, Richard
Provides a model for diagnosing recurring conflict between two parties and shows how a third-party facilitator can help interrupt and resolve the conflict. The theory is demonstrated with three in-dep...
A Manual for Group Facilitators: The Center for Conflict Resolution
Auvine, Brian; Densmore, Betsy; Extrom, Mary; Poole, Scott; Shanklin, Michel
The values, assumptions and techniques of group facilitation. Especially useful to people planning workshops. Includes sections on communication, conflict, problem solving, what can go wrong and what ...
Pragmatics of Community Organization: First Edition
Lee, Bill
Information on how to plan action, how to organize meetings, how to train participants for action, how to negotiate, and how to end a particular exercise in community organization.