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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

Connexipedia: The Connexions Social Justice Encyclopedia
More than 1,000 articles on activism, radicalism, resistance, solidarity, social justice, events, movements, organizations, and people.
Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
An encyclopedia published by Ephraim Chambers in London in 1728.
Encyclopédie: Connexipedia Article
A general encyclopedia published in France between 1751 and 1772
Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 16: Marx and Engels 1858 - 1860
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich
Mainly events in Europe.
Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 18: Marx and Engels 1857 - 1862
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich
Articles for The New American Cyclopaedia.

Sources Library

Does Wikipedia Suck?
Weir, Rob
Students were told to pick a concept, theory, or individual central to their paper, read the matching Wikipedia entry, and assess how useful it is for their research.
The Oxford Guide to Library Research - Review
An excellent guide to doing research, explaining research methods and strategies and their strengths and weaknesses of. See review in Sources Select Resources.
Scholarpedia is a peer-reviewed encyclopedia written by the leading experts in their respective fields. It does not publish "research" or "position" papers, but rather "living reviews" that will be ma...