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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results55 Connexions Library5 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 10 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 18 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe Accumulation of Capital ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1913 Rosa Luxemburg's analysis of the inherent contradictions of capitalist accumulation. Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914 - 1991 ![]() Hobsbawm, Eric Book 1994 A overview of the history of the years 1914 - 1991. Anatomy of Egypt's Revolution: Conditions and Consequences Al-Amin, Esam Article 2011 Like perfect storms, several factors have to simultaneously and collectively come together for popular uprisings or protests, even massive ones, to turn into a revolution. That is why only a few of th... Bloggers Name and Shame Torturers in Egypt McGrath, Cam Article 2009 Egyptian bloggers use the Internet to expose police abuse and torture. Captive Nation - Egypt And The West Article 2011 What mainstream media consumers will find almost nowhere (perhaps literally nowhere) is a detailed analysis of how US-UK support for Mubarak fits with a pattern of US-UK support for dictators across t... Connexions Library: Africa Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Africa. Connexions Library: Middle East Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the Middle East. Egypt and Beyond: Against The Current vol. 151 Achcar, Gilbert Article 2011 An interview with Gilbert Achcar. Gilbert Achcar, who grew up in Lebanon, is professor of development studies and international relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, ... Egypt Shakes the World: Against The Current vol. 151 Peled, Yoav; LeVine, Mark Article 2011 Suzi Weissman interviewed Yoav Peled and Mark LeVine on her program “Beneath the Surface,” KPFK Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles, on February 11, 2010. The following are edited excerpts from those discus... Egyptian Labor Erupting: Against The Current vol. 142 Said, Atef Article 2009 In April 2009, a familiar scenario was repeated, as Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s police apparatus assaulted planned demonstrations and a Mahalla textile workers’ strike. A year earlier, many act... The Egyptian Uprising in the American Media: Obscuring the Obvious Georgy, Joshua Farouk Article 2011 It is no wonder that most Americans are hopelessly in the dark. Middle East “news” in the mainstream is constructed so that people remain in a perpetual state of confusion and fear. Egyptian Women and the Revolution Radwan, Noha Article 2014 Radwan focuses on the role women are playing in the Egyptian Revolution, their reasons for being active in the movement, and the repercussions they experience as a result of their involvement. Egypt's Aunt Peaceful Bonilla, Isadora Article 2012 Ghada Shahbender knows the Egyptian Revolution Didn´t Start in January 2011, because she was there seven years ago reminding the government ¨We Are Watching¨ Egypt's Long Labor History: Against The Current vol. 142 Said, Atef Article 2009 The Egyptian working class is one of the oldest in the region, with a long history of internationalist solidarity. Egyptian loading and longshoremen workers in 1947, for example, boycotted the Dutch s... Egypt's Revolution at Three Radwan, Noha Article 2014 Radwan examines the Egyptian Revolution and the rise of General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi after the ousting of President Morsi. The End of the "Leaderless" Revolution: A Global Fallacy and the Military Intervention in Egypt ![]() Tugal, Cihan Article 2013 When movements don't have (or claim not to have) ideologies, agendas, demands and leaders, they can go in two directions: they can dissipate (as did Occupy), or serve the agendas of others. The end of... From Portugal to Egypt: a Cautionary Tale: The Anti-Empire Report Blum, William Article 2011 The events in Egypt cannot help but remind me of Portugal. Here, there, and everywhere, now and before, the United States of America, as always, is petrified of anything genuinely progressive or socia... ISIS Church Bombings Kill 47 in Egypt Ditz, Jason Article 2017 Ditz details two recent ISIS attacks in Egypt targeting Christian churches and followers. Justice for All: the Struggle for Worker Rights in Egypt: A Report by the Solidarity Center Book 2010 A report on recent workers' struggles in Egypt, against falling wages, oppressive working conditions, and violations of workers' rights, in the face of an authoritarian and repressive government. Last Sparks From Tahrir Square: Tahrir Square Died, But Not the Revolution Vltchek, Andre Article 2013 Once again, the prisons of Egypt are full. The hospitals are overflowing with injured men and women. But the fight, the ‘process’ goes on; it is not dying. Tahrir Square died, but the revolution is ge... Mainspring of the Arab Revolt: A review of Lineages of Revolt by Adam Hanieh Machover, Moshe Article 2014 This book ought to be read — or better, studied — by every socialist interested in the Middle East. A Man Apart: The Life of Henri Curiel Perrault, Gilles Book Curiel was a key figure in founding the Egyptian and Sudanese communist movements; he trained and influenced most of the left militants in Nasser's Free Officer movement. Curiel remained one of the mo... A Marxist History of the World part 96:1956: Hungary and Suez Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 1956 was a year of war, revolution, and disillusionment – a year after which nothing could ever be quite the same again. Massacres That Matter - Part 1 - 'Responsibility To Protect' In Egypt, Libya And Syria Edwards, David Article 2013 Where offending states fail to live up to this responsibility by inflicting genocide, ethnic cleansing and other crimes against humanity on their own people, the international community has a responsi... Memoirs from the Women's Prison Saadawi, Nawal el Book 1994 Nawal El Saadawi was imprisoned in 1981 by Anwar Sadat for alleged "crimes against the State." She offers both firsthand witness to women's resistance to state violence and insights into the formation... Mubarak's Last Gasps: From Counter-Attack to Departure Day Al-Amin, Esam Article 2011 Revolution and counter-revolution in Egypt. Mubarak's third force terror tactic Africa, David Article 2011 President Mubarak unleashed his 'personal' thugs in a failed attempt to silence protestors seeking an end to his regime. The tactics of deploying so-called third forces is a tried and tested method of... New wave of attacks on freedom of information Article 2013 With the trial of former president Mohamed Morsi and major leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood under wa, Egyptian media workers are targets of attack. Freedom of information is threatened. Measures incl... The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism Barker, Jonathan Book 2003 An in-depth look at the nature of terrorism that discusses questioning terrorism, assessing it, the difference between state terrorism and group terrorism, morality and history, and war and politics. Overthrowing other people's governments: The Master List ![]() Blum, William Article 2013 Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid Carter, Jimmy Book 2006 Former U.S. President Carter calls Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid' and identifies continuing Israeli control of the occupied territories as the primary obstacle to peace. A People's History of the World: From the Stone Age to the New Millennium ![]() Harman, Chris Book 1999 Harman describes the shape and course of human history as a narrative of ordinary people forming and re-forming complex societies in pursuit of common human goals. Press for Conversion #51: May 2003 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2003 Why is the U.S. government reviled by so many people in the Middle East and North Africa? This issue looks at the past 50 years of wars and regime changes in the region and unveils a consistent patter... Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles Bartkowski, Maciej (ed.) Book 2013 Essays showing, in considerable detail, the varied roles played by civil resistance in fifteen liberation struggles in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Roads to the Arab Uprisings: Book review of "The Journey to Tahrir" eds. Sowers and Toensing and "The Arab Revolts" eds. McMurray and Ufheil-Somers Wainer, Kit Adam Article 2013 The strength of all the essays in these two collections is that the principal trends the authors analyzed have become critical background to recent events in Egypt and Syria during the summer of 2013,... The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876 to 1912 Pakenham, Thomas Book 1991 Describes the brief vicious scramble by Europe's imperial powers to seize colonies throughout the continent of Africa. Pakenham strips the impresarios of imperialism of their veneer of Victorian heroi... A Short History of Progress Wright, Ronald Book 2004 If the population growth, consumption of resources, and technological advances continue according to the trend of the twentieth century, at the expense of the earth, the outcome may be disastrous. The Socialist Register 1964: Volume 1: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (ed.s) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1964 The Socialist Register 1976: Volume 13: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 Steel walls cannot contain the struggle for freedom Nimah, Hasan Abu Article 2009 If siege is an act of aggression and war, then breaking out of it by any means is an act of self-defense and resistance. The strike that led to Tahir Square: An act of courage that launched a revolution Sly, Liz Article 2012 Labour struggles at Egypt's largest cotton mill, starting in 2006, laid the groundwork for the revolution of 2011. Towards a New Cold War: Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There Chomsky, Noam Book 1982 A sobering assessment of American foreign policy from the end of the Vietnam era to Ronald Reagan. Tunisia, Then Egypt: Why Now? Davidson, Lawrence Article 2011 Under what circumstances does passivity turn into revolt? Two years since Rabaa massacre, impunity still reigns in Egypt ifex Article 2015 On this day two years ago, the Egyptian army and riot police launched a deadly onslaught on supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, leaving hundreds dead and thousands injured. Understanding the counter-revolution Bouharoun, Jad Article 2017 A review of Gilbert Achcar, Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (Saqi, 2016). The US/EU Manufactured Egyptian Nightmare has Arrived: The Ogre of Egypt Now Wants a Mandate for Wholesale Slaughter Kassem, Omar Article 2015 Article on the internationally-financed regime of Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi in Egypt. Why No Reporters in Suez?: The Real Revolution Will Not Be Televised Cramer, Mary Lynn Article 2011 What is happening in Tahrir Square Cairo has been built on the backs of millions of Egyptian workers who waged 3,000 strikes over the past eight years. Why the Revolt in Egypt?: Against The Current vol. 152 La Botz, Dan Article 2011 Why has the Arab world suddenly erupted in revolution from Tunisia to Egypt, from Bahrain to Yemen? Above all, why Egypt, the largest and most important of the Arab nations? Winning the Rank and File Soldiers in Egypt: An Historical Drama Unfolds Borrero, Carlos Article 2013 The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will wield power during and immediately after the current transition of the toppling of Mohamed Morsi. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesChomsky.info The Noam Chomsky Web site.
Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres ESSF est une association de solidarit‚ internationale. Traitant d'un large ‚ventail de questions, notre site pr‚sente une information militante sur de nombreuses luttes et campagnes ; ainsi que des ar... My Catbird Seat Our mission is to inform and educate the public on issues of the US/Middle East conflicts that are unreported, underreported, or distorted in the American media.
We will also reflect the incredible r... Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada NECEF is an academically oriented volunteer organization whose extensive international network of individuals and NGO's with expertise about and concern for the Arab World includes a Canadian speakers... PLAN International Canada Plan International Canada strives to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of children, families and communities in more than 30 developing countries in Africa, Asia and Central and Sout... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryCPJ condemns harsh prison sentences for Journalists in Egypt 2014 CPJ talk about its opinions on the sentencing of 3 journalists to long prison sentences in Egypt on terrorism-related charges. Egypt: Security authorities confiscate book about corruption Sources News Release 2009 The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) reports that the Egyptian security authorities have confiscated a book entitled "A Flood of Corruption and the Advance of bin Laden in Algeria" ... Egypt's civil society facing renewed government crackdown Human Rights Watch 2015 If the Egyptian authorities are successful in their attempt to prevent non-governmental organisations from working, independent civil society in Egypt risks being wiped out. Four Al-Jazeera journalists arrested arbitrarily in Cairo Sources News Release 2014 Reporters Without Borders condemns the arrests of four Al-Jazeera journalists by the Egyptian secret police in Cairo and calls for their immediate and unconditional release. IFJ Condemns Killing of Egyptian Journalist in Damanhur Sources News Release 2013 The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the killing on Monday night, 19 August, of Egyptian daily Al Ahram''s bureau regional chief, Tamer Abdel Raouf, shot by soldiers at an army ch... IFJ-FAJ Delegation Urges Egyptian Prime Minister to Release Al-Jazeera Jailed Journalists Sources News Release 2014 The International Federation of Journalists welcomes the meeting this morning in Cairo between an IFJ-FAJ delegation and Egypt's Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab to discuss the imprisonment of the three ... IFJ hails the strike of Egyptian colleagues denouncing the stifling press freedom in the country Sources News Release 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) hailed the strike action taken on 10 June by Egyptian journalists in response to the call made by the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate's (EJS) Freedom C... IFJ Welcomes Release on Bail of Al Jazeera Journalists in Egypt Sources News Release 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the release on bail of Al Jazeera journalists Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, imprisoned in Egypt since December 2013. Journalist harassed and intimidated by police officers in Cairo after article on curruption 2009 Police officers have led organised attacks against Alaa Al Gamel, a reporter for weekly Sout Al Ouma. Lavon Affair Wikipedia article 1954 The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews wer... Leading news website blocked in 3 Arab countries Sources News Release 2016 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep concerns today following the blocking of news web site al-Araby al-Jadeed and its English counterpart The New Arab, in Saudi Ar... Middle East and North Africa: Blogging flourishes; governments block and monitor content Sources News Release 2009 Thousands of writers, journalists, activists, lawyers and others are expressing their dissent and reporting on social issues by blogging throughout the Middle East and North Africa, says a new report ... New wave of attacks on freedom of information Sources News Release 2013 With the trial of former president Mohamed Morsi and major leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood under way, Egyptian media workers are targets of attack. Freedom of information is threatened. Measures inc... Ordeal continues for journalists detained in Egypt Sources News Release 2014 Reporters Without Borders condemns yesterday's announcement by the Egyptian authorities that they are extending the provisional detention of three Al-Jazeera journalists for another 15 days. Prime Minister Harper - Keep working to free Fahmy 2014 The Canadian Association of Journalists condemns the conviction of Mohamed Fahmy, a Canadian journalist who served as Al Jazeera’s acting bureau chief in Cairo, to seven years in prison for terrorism-... RSF calls for release of six journalists sentenced to life imprisonment Sources News Release 2015 While Egypt's president has just claimed on CNN that his country enjoys unprecedented freedom of expression, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) points out that tomorrow a court will begin hearing the app... Syria, Iraq, Egypt most deadly nations for journalists Beiser, Elana 2013 The conflict in Syria, a spike in Iraqi bloodshed, and political violence in Egypt accounted for the high number of journalists killed on the job in 2013. Why I quit my job as an investigations editor in Egypt Allam, Hisham 2013 Hisham Allam is an award-winning investigative reporter based in Cairo. He was an investigative editor for the El-Watan newspaper, but the recent crackdown on the Egyptian press has taken a toll on hi... From the Connexions ArchivesEmbassy Row Online Website Contact names and numbers for all embassies to Canada and all Canadian embassies abroad. |