Abahlali baseMjondolo

Abahlali baseMjondolo logo

Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM) is a shack-dwellers' movement in South Africa. The movement grew out of a road blockade[1] organized from the Kennedy Road shack settlement in the city of Durban in early 2005[2][3] and now also operates in the cities of Pietermaritzburg[4] and in Cape Town.[5] It is the largest shack dweller's organization in South Africa[6][7] and campaigns to improve the living conditions of poor people[8] and to democratize society from below.[9] The movement refuses party politics and boycotts elections.[10][11] The key strategy is to try "to recreate Commons" from below by trying to create a series of linked communes.[12] According to The Times, the movement "has shaken the political landscape of South Africa."[13] According to Professor Peter Vale, Abahlali baseMjondolo is "along with the Treatment Action Campaign the most effective grouping in South African civil society."[14]

The words Abahlali baseMjondolo are isiZulu for 'Shack dwellers'.


[edit] Context

Abahlali Assembly, Foreman Road Settlement

In early 2008 the United Nations expressed serious concern about the treatment of shack dwellers in Durban.[15] There has also been concern about evictions linked to the 2010 FIFA World Cup across South Africa[16][17] and abroad.[18][19][20][21][22][23]

The eThekwini Municipality, which governs Durban and Pinetown, has embarked on a slum clearance programme which means the steady demolition of shack settlements and a refusal to provide basic services (e.g. electricity, sanitation etc.) to existing settlements on the grounds that all shack settlements are now 'temporary'. In these demolitions some shack dwellers are simply left homeless and others are subject to unlawful forced evictions to the rural periphery of the city.[24][25] Abahlali is primarily committed to opposing these demolitions and forced removals and to fighting for good land and quality housing in the cities. In most instances this takes the form of a demand for shack settlements to be upgraded where they are or for new houses to be built close to where the existing settlements are. However the movement has also argued that basic services such as water, electricity and toilets should be immediately provided to shack settlements while land and housing in the city are negotiated. The movement is engaged in the mass popular appropriation of access to water and electricity[26][27]. It quickly had a considerable degree of success in stopping evictions and forced removals, winning the right for new shacks to be built as settlements expand and in winning access to basic services[28], but for three years was not able to win secure access to good urban land for quality housing.[29] However in late 2008, AbM President S'bu Zikode announced a deal with the eThekwini Municipality which will see services being provided to 14 settlements and tenure security and formal housing to three.[30]

The movement has been involved in considerable conflict with the eThekwini Municipality and has undertaken numerous protests and legal actions against the city authorities.[31] Its members have been beaten and many of its leaders arrested by the South African Police Service in Sydenham, Durban.[32]

Abahlali has often made claims of severe police harassment, including torture.[33] On a number of occasions, these claims have been supported by church leaders[34] and human rights organisations.[35]

In February 2009 the movement signed a deal with the eThekwini Municipality that would see the latter provide services to 14 settlements affiliated to the movement and a full upgrade, in situ, for 3 settlements.[36]

In October 2009, the movement won a constitutional court case which declared the KZN Slums Act unconstitutional.[37][38]

In Cape Town there is acute conflict between the movement and the Cape Town City Council[39] which has centred around the Macassar Village Land Occupation.

[edit] Autonomy & Democracy

Academic work on the movement stresses that it is non-professionalized (i.e. independent of NGO control), autonomous from political organisations and party politics[40] and democratic.[41][42][43] Sarah Cooper-Knock describes the movement as "neurotically democratic, impressively diverse and steadfastly self-critical".[44]

The movement has, along with the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign refused to work with the NGO-run 'Social Movements Indaba' (SMI), and some of the NGOs involved with the SMI.[45] The movement has been particularly critical of the Centre for Civil Society at the University of KwaZulu-Natal[46] and refuses to work with the Centre[47].

[edit] Campaigns

Since 2005, the movement has carried out a series of large scale marches[48] and created numerous dual power institutions.[49] AbM has called for "a living communism",[50] has often made anti-capitalist statements[51] and has demanded the expropriation of private land for public housing.[52]

Abahlali states that it refuses to participate in party politics[53] or any NGO-style professionalization or individualization of struggle and instead seeks to build democratic people's power where people live and work.[54][55]

  • Housing

The primary demand of the movement has been for decent, public housing and much of its work takes the form of opposing evictions[56]. The movement has often used the phrase 'the right to the city'[57] to insist that the location of housing is critically important and demands that shack settlements are upgraded where they are and that people are not relocated to out of town developments.[58][59]

  • Services

The movement has also campaigned for the provision of basic services to shack settlements.[60][61]

  • Evictions & Forced Removals

The movement opposes all evictions and forced removals and had campaigned vigorously on this score via public protest and, also, legal action.[60][62]

  • Fire & Electricity

In South Africa there are an average of "ten shack fires a day with someone dying in a shack fire every other day"[63]. Abahlali has campaigned on this issue demanding, amongst other things, the electrification of shacks.[64]. It has also connected thousands of people to electricity[63].

Since 2005 Abahlali baseMjondolo has refused to vote in all state elections.[65] The movement states that it aims, instead, to use direct democracy to build a counter power to that of the state by creating a series of linked collectives and communes. This position is shared by all the organisations in the Poor People's Alliance.[66][67]

Abahlali baseMjondolo took the Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal to court to have the Slums Act[68] declared unconstitutional.[69][70] but lost the case.[71] On 14 May 2009 it took the case on appeal to the Constitutional Court.[72][73][74] Judgment was handed down on 14 October 2009 and the movement won the case with costs.[38]

The movement took a strong stand against the xenophobic attacks that swept the country[75][76] in May 2008 and there were no attacks in any Abahlali settlements.[77] The movement was also able to stop an in-progress attack in the (non-Abahlali affiliated) Kenville settlement and to offer shelter to some people displaced in the attacks.[78][79]

  • Police Brutality

The movement has organized numerous actions against police racism and brutality.[80]

  • The University of Abahlali baseMjondolo

The movement runs formal courses and issues certification for these. It also hosts regular seminars[81]. The movement reports that topics covered have ranged from computer skills, to training in safely connecting shacks to water and electricity, to questions of law and policy, to political ideas like the right to the city, questions of political strategy and to the work of a philosopher like Jacques Ranciere.[82]

  • 2010 Fifa World Cup

Abahlali baseMjondolo threatened to build shacks outside of the Cape Town stadium to draw attention to their situation[83][84] but were not able to make good on this threat.[85]

[edit] Philosophy

The movement describes it self as "a homemade politics that everyone can understand and find a home in"[86] and stresses that it moves from the lived experience of the poor to create a politics that is both intellectual and actional.[87]

Its philosophy has been sketched out in a number of articles and interviews. The key ideas are those of a politics of the poor, a living politics and a people's politics. A politics of the poor is understood to mean a politics that is conducted by the poor and for the poor in a manner that enables the poor to be active participants in the struggles conducted in their name. Practically, it means that such a politics must be conducted where poor people live or in places that they can easily access, at the times when they are free, in the languages that they speak. It does not mean that middle class people and organisations are excluded but that they are expected to come to these spaces and to undertake their politics there in a dialogical and democratic manner. There are two key aspects to the idea of a living politics. The first is that it is understood as a politics that begins not from external theory but from the experience of the people that shape it. It is argued that political education usually operates to create new elites who mediate relationships of patronage upwards and who impose ideas on others and to exclude ordinary people from thinking politically. This politics is not anti-theory - it just asserts the need to begin from lived experience and to move on from there rather than to begin from theory (usually imported from the Global North) and to impose theory on the lived experience of suffering and resistance in the shacks. The second key aspect, of a living politics, is that political thinking is always undertaken democratically and in common. People's politics is opposed to party politics or politicians' politics (as well as to top down undemocratic forms of NGO politics) and it is argued that the former is a popular democratic project undertaken without financial reward and with an explicit refusal of representative roles and personal power while the latter is a top down, professionalised representative project driven by personal power.[88][89][90][91]

'Abahlalism' has often been described as anarchist or autonomist in practice. This is primarily because its praxis correlates closely with central tenets of anarchism, including decentralisation, opposition to imposed hierarchy, direct democracy and recognition of the connection between means and ends [92]. However, as the above suggests, the movement has never described itself as either anarchist or autonomist.

[edit] Elections

The movement, together with similar grassroots movements in Johannesburg and Cape Town[93], takes a very critical stance towards state elections in South Africa. They have boycotted the local government elections in 2006[94] and the national government elections in 2009 under the banner of No Land! No House! No Vote!. The philosophy of Abahlali baseMjondolo with regards to elections can be summarised by the following statement from its elected presidents S'bu Zikode, "The government and academics speak about the poor all the time, but so few want to speak to the poor...It becomes clear that our job is just to vote and then watch the rich speak about us as we get poorer".[17]

[edit] Repression

In the early days of the movement individuals in the ruling party often accused Abahlali of being criminals manipulated by a malevolent white man, a 'third force', or a foreign intelligence agency.[95]

The movement, like others in South Africa[96], has suffered sustained illegal harassment from the state that has resulted in more than 200 arrests of Abahlali members over the last three years and repeated police brutality in people's homes, in the streets and in detention[citation needed]. On a number of occasions the police used live ammunition, armoured vehicles and helicopters in their attacks on unarmed shack dwellers[97]. In 2006 the local city manager, Mike Sutcliffe, unlawfully implemented a complete ban on Abahlali's right to march[98][99] which was eventually overturned in court.[100][101][102] Abahlali have been violently prevented from accepting invitations to appear on television[103] and radio debates by the local police. The Freedom of Expression Institute has issued a number of statements in strong support of Abahlali's right to speak out and to organise protests.[104][105] The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions [106] and a group of prominent church leaders[107][108] have also issued public statements against police violence, as has Bishop Rubin Philip in his individual capacity[109], and in support of the right of the movement to publicly express dissent.[110]

In March 2008 the Mercury newspaper reported that both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International were investigating human rights abuses against shack dwellers by the city government[citation needed].

In April 2010 IRIN, the newsletter of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, reported that "The rise of an organized poor people's movement [Abahlali baseMjondolo] in South Africa's most populous province, KwaZulu-Natal, is being met with increasing hostility by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) government.[111]

[edit] Church support

The movement has received strong support from some key church leaders.[112] In a speech at the AbM UnFreedom Day event on 27 April 2008 Anglican Bishop Rubin Phillip said that:

"The courage, dignity and gentle determination of Abahlali baseMjodolo has been a light that has shone ever more brightly over the last three years. You have faced fires, sickness, evictions, arrest, beatings, slander, and still you stand bravely for what is true. Your principle that everyone matters, that every life is precious, is very simple but it is also utterly profound. Many of us who hold dear the most noble traditions of our country take hope from your courage and your dignity."[113]

The Italian theologian Brother Filippo Mondini has attempted to develop a theology based on the political thought and practices developed in Abahlali baseMjondolo.[114]

[edit] The Poor People's Alliance

In September 2008 the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign, together with Abahlali baseMjondolo, the Landless People's Movement and the Rural Network (Abahlali baseplasini) formed The Poor People's Alliance.[115][116] The poor people's alliance refuses electoral politics under the banner 'No Land! No House! No Vote!'.[117][118][67]

[edit] International Solidarity

There is an AbM Solidarity Group in England[119] and the movement has links with the following organisations:

[edit] Criticisms

According to eThekwini City Manager Dr. Michael Sutcliffe the essence of the tensions between Abahlali baseMjondolo and the City lie in the fact that the movement "rejects the authority of the city." When the Durban High Court ruled that his attempts to ban marches by Abahlali baseMjondolo were unlawful he stated that: "We will be asking serious questions of the court because we cannot allow anarchy having anyone marching at any time and any place."[129]

According to Lennox Mabaso, spokesperson for the Provincial Department of Housing, the movement is "under the sway of an agent provocateur" who is "engaged in clandestine operations" and who has been "assigned to provoke unrest".[130]

In December 2006, Abahlali members, together with members of the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign,[131] disrupted a meeting of the Social Movements Indaba at the University of KwaZulu Natal and staged a protest.[132] Some academics and activists, all of whom have clear links to the Centre for Civil Society, claimed that this was an aggressive disruption and a 'flaunting of power by ABM'[133][134]. It was also claimed that the protest was somehow illegitimate in that it was in response to the dismissal of four academics from the Centre. However the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign issued a statement vigorously rejecting these claims[131] and, in a report by the Mail and Guardian newspaper Abahlali also gave a very different account of their reasons for their protest.[135] A masters thesis by Matt Birkinshaw explained that the protest happened because "Abahlali felt that there was a lack of genuine democracy and participation due to NGO co-optation" in the SMI[136]. Online video footage of the protest shot by Antonios Vradis shows no evidence that the characterisation of the protest by the academics and NGO professionals linked to the Centre is accurate and, instead, indicates that the movements had a clear critique of the NGO co-option of the SMI.[137]

[edit] Violence at the Kennedy Road settlement from September 2009

On 26 September 2009, it was reported that a group of about 40 people entered the Kennedy Road settlement wielding guns and knives and attacked an Abahlali baseMjondolo youth meeting.[138] The attackers allegedly chanted ethnic and ANC slogans, demolished residents' homes and threatened to kill named individuals. Two people were killed in the resulting conflict.[83] It was reported by members of the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement that the attackers were affiliated with the local branch of the African National Congress and that the attack was carefully planned and sanctioned by the local police.[139][140] However this has been denied by the ANC and the police who blame a 'forum' associated with Abahlali baseMjondolo for the violence.[141]

Shortly after the attacks the Mail & Guardian newspaper reported that –Two weeks earlier, eThekwini regional chairperson John Mchunu, addressing the ANC's regional general council, had specifically condemned the ABM for trying to divide the tripartite alliance– and that an ANC source confirmed there "was a battle for the hearts and minds of the people of Kennedy Road ... There is a political twist to this thing."[142]

The attacks have garnered national and international condemnation with some people labelling the events a 'coup'.[143][144] [145][146] Churches have also issued statements of condemnation.[147] The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Safety and Security held meetings for stakeholders however these were condemned as unrepresentative by church leaders, AbM representatives and a survey by the Mail and Guardian Newspaper.[148] AbM said that they are victims of a 'purge' and that they refused to sit side by side with attackers and have called for an independent investigation into the attacks[149] that should "in the interests of justice and truth, carefully and fairly investigate the actions of everyone, including the local and provincial ANC, the police, the intelligence services, the prosecutors, the courts and our movement, its various sub-committees and our supporters."[150] A number of well known intellectuals, including Noam Chomsky, have expressed concern about the attacks[151] and Human Rights Watch[152], the Centre for the Study of Democracy,[153] The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights[154] and Amnesty International[155] have supported the call for an independent commission of inquiry into the attacks. The government has, thus far, ignored this call.[7]

The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions in Geneva has issued a statement that expressed "grave concern about reports of organized intimidation and threats to members of advocacy group, Abahlali baseMjondolo."[156][157]

Considerable concern has been expressed about the legal process following the arrests of twelve people after the attacks.[158][159][160]

[edit] Films About Abahlali baseMjondolo

See Also: An archive of short documentaries about Abahlali baseMjondolo

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Article in the Sunday Tribune newspaper by Fred Kockott describing the road blockade
  2. ^ [1] Struggle is a School by Richard Pithouse, Monthly Review, 2006
  3. ^ [2] 'Delivery and Dignity' by Jacob Byrant, Journal of Asian & African Studies, 2007
  4. ^ [3] 'ANC to shift to the Left after South Africa's presidential election', The Telegraph, London
  5. ^ [4] Article in the Sowetan newspaper on the launch of the Cape Town branch of Abahlali baseMjondolo
  6. ^ [5]'South Africa's Poor Have Had Enough' Carol Landry, Agence France-Presse, December 2005
  7. ^ a b [6] Jonathan Steele, Why 2010 Could Be An Own Goal for the Rainbow Nation, The Guardian, 30 December 2009
  8. ^ [7] 'The State of Resistance: Popular struggles in the Global South' edited by Francois Polet pp.139-140, McMillian 2007
  9. ^ [8] iPolitiki ePhilayo
  10. ^ Matt Birkinshaw Abahlali baseMjondolo: A homemade politics, 2009
  11. ^ [9]'Shack dwellers honour their leader' by SABC News, December 16, 2009
  12. ^ Joel Kovel, 'The Enemy of Nature', 2007 Zed Books, New York, p. 251
  13. ^ [10]'Stench of shanties puts ANC on wrong side of new divide' by Jonathan Clayton 25 February 2006
  14. ^ Vale - Insight into history of SA an imperative 2010/04/09 Daily Dispatch
  15. ^ [11] United Nations Statement on Housing Rights Violations in South Africa
  16. ^ [12] Guardian: World Cup 2010: football brings defining moment for South Africa, 12 June 2009
  17. ^ a b [13] Sunday Herald: The real winners and losers: of the beautiful game, 09 August 2009
  18. ^ Guardian: World Cup 2010: football brings defining moment for South Africa, 12 June 2009
  19. ^ [14] World Cup Whose Meaning Goes Beyond Soccer, Alan Cowell, 28 December 2009, New York Times
  20. ^ "Shack Dwellers Fight Demolition in S. Africa Court". OneWorld.net. http://us.oneworld.net/article/362921-slums-act-will-displace-thousands-south-africa. 
  21. ^ "Pooh-slinging Slums Act showdown at Con Court". M&G. http://www.mg.co.za/article/2009-05-16-poohslinging-slums-act-showdown-at-con-court. 
  22. ^ "South Africa–s Poor Targeted by Evictions, Attacks in Advance of 2010 World Cup by Democracy Now!". http://www.democracynow.org/2009/10/1/south_africas_poor_targeted_by_evictions. 
  23. ^ [15] Jonathan Steele, Why 2010 Could Be An Own Goal for the Rainbow Nation, The Guardian, 30 December 2009
  24. ^ [16] 'Business As Usual', Centre on Housing Rights & Evictions (Geneva), 2008
  25. ^ [17] COHRE report to the United Nations, 2008
  26. ^ [18] A big devil in the shacks: The politics of fire
  27. ^ [19] A-Short-History-of-Abahlali-baseMjondolo
  28. ^ Durban breaks new ground in participatory democracy, Imraan Buccus
  29. ^ See the COHRE report again
  30. ^ Speech by S'bu Zikode
  31. ^ These are detailed in some of the academic work and there is reference to some of the legal actions in the report on Centre on Housing Rights & Evictions (Geneva) which is online at http://www.cohre.org/southafrica. The papers from many of the court actions are also archived on the Abahlali site
  32. ^ [20] Niren Tolsi, 'I was punched, beaten' Mail & Guardian, 16 September 2007
  33. ^ [21] AbM statement on police harassment
  34. ^ [22] A statement against police violence against Abahlali by 11 church leaders
  35. ^ Relevant Letter and Full Report
  36. ^ Durban breaks new ground in participatory democracy, Imraan Buccus
  37. ^ [23] 'Shack dwellers' victory bus' by Niren Tolsi, Mail & Guardian', 2009
  38. ^ a b Landmark judgment for the poor, Niren Tolsi, Mail & Guardian, 18 October 2009
  39. ^ [24] Collection of articles on the Macassar Village Land Occupation
  40. ^ [25], Article by Raj Patel examining the refusal of electoral politics in Abahlali
  41. ^ 'A Short Course in Politics at the University of Abahlali baseMjondolo', Raj Patel
  42. ^ [26] Nigel Gibson, 'Upright and free: Fanon in South Africa, from Biko to the shackdwellers' movement (Abahlali baseMjondolo)', Social Identities (Volume 14, Issue 6 November 2008 , pages 683 - 715)
  43. ^ [27] 'Zabalaza, Unfinished Struggles against Apartheid: The Shackdwellers– Movement in Durban', Nigel Gibson, Socialism & Democracy
  44. ^ Symbol of hope silenced, Sarah Cooper-Knock, Daily News, November 13, 2009
  45. ^ [28] AEC statement on the SMI
  46. ^ [29] 'Land and Housing: the burning questions', The Diakonia Council of Churches Economic Justice Lecture, 28 August 2008
  47. ^ [30] Supporting Abahlali baseMjondolo
  48. ^ [31] Resistance from the other South Africa by Neha Nimmagudda in Pambazuka News(2008-07-17]
  49. ^ See 'Rights, democracy, social movements: Abahlali baseMjondolo - a living politics' Masters Thesis by Matt Birkinshaw, University of London, 2007
  50. ^ [32] Text of Speech at Diakonia Economic Justice Forum - Please follow the link to the PDF for the full content of the speech
  51. ^ 'Abahlali baseMjondolo – The South African Shack Dwellers Movement' by Suzy Subways, 2008
  52. ^ –The poor need proper homes– - article in the Sowetan by Mary Papayya 1 September 2008
  53. ^ [33] Article by M'du Hlongwa examining the refusal of electoral politics in Abahlali
  54. ^ [34] Article by Xin Wei Ngiam in Critical Dialogue (Vol.2, No.1, 2006) that includes interviews on conceptions of democracy amongst Abahlali militants.
  55. ^ Clandestino Carta Magazine
  56. ^ Serving the public interest in Cairo–s urban development, by Jessie McClelland, al Masryalyoum, 12/05/2010
  57. ^ The Abahlali baseMjondolo Shack Dwellers Movement and the Right to the City in South Africa by Charlotte Mathivet and Shelley Buckingham, Habitat International Coalition, 2009
  58. ^ [35] This emerges clearly in the archive of the movement's memoranda and press statements
  59. ^ There is reference to some of the legal actions against evictions in the 2008 report on housing rights in Durban Centre on Housing Rights & Evictions (Geneva) which is online at http://www.cohre.org/southafrica. The papers from many of the court actions are also archived on the Abahlali site
  60. ^ a b [36] This also emerges very clearly in the archive of the movement's memoranda and press statements
  61. ^ [37] Capitalism the 'real culprit behind climate change' by Faranaaz Parker, Mail & Guardian, 18 December 2009
  62. ^ [38] For a discussion of a key court victory against evictions see the article 'Chetty Champions the Poor' in 'South African Legal Brief', 24 September 2008
  63. ^ a b Matt Birkinshaw 'The Big Devil in the Jondolos: The Politics of Shack Fires in Pambazuka News (2008)
  64. ^ See http://abahlali.org/search/node/fire
  65. ^ Speech by S'bu Zikode, December 2008.
  66. ^ [39] See Raj Patel,'Electing Land Questions: A Methodological Discussion with Reference to Abahlali baseMjondolo, the Durban Shack dwellers' Movement', Codesria, 2007
  67. ^ a b [40] Grassroots movements plan to boycott South African poll Ekklesia, 29 April 2009
  68. ^ Text of the Slums Bill and other Documents
  69. ^ The complete text of the Act, and the legal papers from Abahlali and the state are all archived at http://abahlali.org/node/1629
  70. ^ [41] Shack dwellers take on Slums Act by Niren Tolsi, Mail & Guardian, 14 February 2008
  71. ^ Constitutional challenge to law on slums, Ernest Mabuza, Business Day, 4 May 2009
  72. ^ [42] 'Three provinces protest against slum bill', by Bonile Ngqiyaza, The Star, 15 May 2009
  73. ^ South Africa shanty town bill row, BBC, 15 May 2009
  74. ^ Shack Dwellers Fight Demolition in S. Africa Court, One World, 15 May 2009
  75. ^ See http://www.abahlali.org/node/3582
  76. ^ [43]'The Africa that Pushes Back' by Mukoma Wa Ngugi, Foreign Policy in Focus, 24 December 2008
  77. ^ [44] 'The politics of fear and the fear of politics' by Michael Neocosmos, Pambazuka, 2008
  78. ^ See the 'The Politics of Fear and the Fear of Politics: Reflections on Xenophobic Violence in South Africa', an article by Professor Michael Neocosmos from Monash University in Australia in the Journal of Asian & African Studies Vol. 43, No. 6, 586-594 (2008)
  79. ^ 'The May 2008 Pogroms: xenophobia, evictions, liberalism, and democratic grassroots militancy in South Africa' by Richard Pithouse, in Sanhati, June 2008.
  80. ^ See, for instance, Against Police Brutality - March On Glen Nayager, 10 April 2007
  81. ^ Nigel Gibson, 'Upright and free: Fanon in South Africa, from Biko to the shackdwellers' movement (Abahlali baseMjondolo)', Social Identities (Volume 14, Issue 6 November 2008 , pages 683 - 715)
  82. ^ [Various entries at Abahlali base Mjondolo http://www.abahlali.org]
  83. ^ a b A Quiet Coup: South Africa–s largest social movement under attack as the World Cup Looms Toussaint Losier, Left Turn Magazine, June 2010
  84. ^ Shack dwellers threat to Cup Francis Hweshe, The Sowetan, 1 June 2010
  85. ^ South Africa: from Polokwane to the World Cup and after, Martin Legassick, World Wide Socialist Network, 9 July 2010
  86. ^ Richard Pithouse' Thinking Resistance in the Shantytown', Mute Magazine, August 2006
  87. ^ Abahlali baseMjondolo, Spatial Agency
  88. ^ The movement's philosophy is clearly articulated in a number of statements on its website - see, especially, the statements at http://abahlali.org/node/3208 It is also usefully summarised in the academic work by Nigel Gibson
  89. ^ [45] Also see 'Taking poverty seriously: What the poor are saying and why it matters' by Xin Wei Ngiam in Critical Dialogue, Vol.2, No.1, 2006
  90. ^ [46] Educating resistance by Anna Anna Selmeczi in Debating David Harvey in Interface Journal (pp. 309 – 314), Volume 2 issue 1 (May 2010)
  91. ^ [47] We are being left to burn because we do not count: Biopolitics, Abandonment, and Resistance by Anna Selmeczi in Global Society, Volume 23, Issue 4 October 2009 , pages 519 - 538
  92. ^ Morgan Rodgers Gibson (2009) 'The Role of Anarchism in Contemporary Anti-Systemic Social Movements', Website of Abahlali baseMjondolo, December, 2009
  93. ^ [48] Elections: A Dangerous Time for Poor People's Movements in South Africa
  94. ^ [49] "No Vote– Campaigns are not a Rejection of Democracy, November 2005
  95. ^ [50] Article by S'bu Zikode written in response to Third Force allegations
  96. ^ See a report in illegal police repression in South Africa by the Freedom of Expression Institute
  97. ^ Yonk'indawo Umzabalazo Uyasivumela: New work from Durban, Research Report
  98. ^ This is discussed in the Journal of Asian & African Studies Feb 2008; vol. 43: pp. 63 - 94.http://jas.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/43/1/63
  99. ^ Also see a letter from the Freedom of Expression Institute, 23 February 2008, which gives a detailed chronology of the banning of one march
  100. ^ [51] Article in the Daily News
  101. ^ Statement by the Freedom of Expression Institute
  102. ^ [52] Will Zuma administration open its ears to the streets?, Jane Duncan, Business Day, 4 August 2009]
  103. ^ [53] Richard Pithouse, 'South Africa: Freedom not yet', Pambazuka, 29 April 2010
  104. ^ [54] Freedom of Expression Institute statement
  105. ^ [55] Also see 'Free expression means nothing if it–s limited to the media' by Na'eem Jenah, Thought Leader, 18 October 2007
  106. ^ [56] Open Letter to Obed Mlaba & Mike Sutcliffe by COHRE
  107. ^ [57] Testimony by Church Leaders
  108. ^ [58][59] Sunday Tribune article on church leader's statement
  109. ^ [60] Unfreedom Day Speech by Bishop Rubin Philip, April 27th 2007
  110. ^ [61] See'Why we must keep our eyes on the ground' by Professor Stephen Friedman, Business Day, 17 October 2007
  111. ^ SOUTH AFRICA: Poor people's movement draws government wrath, IRIN,UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 22 April 2010
  112. ^ [62] A bishop's pursuit of justice for South Africa's shack dwellers, Emma Pomfret Christian Today
  113. ^ The speech was printed in the May issue of 'Anglican News' and it can be downloaded at http://www.anglican.co.za/archives.htm
  114. ^ [63] 'Abahlali basemjondolo Theology' by Filippo Mondini, Korogocho, 26 June 2008
  115. ^ [64] The Struggle for Land & Housing in Post-Apartheid South Africa by Toussaint Losier, Left Turn, January 2009
  116. ^ [65] 'Participatory Society: Urban Space & Freedom', by Chris Spannos, Z-Net, 29 May 2009
  117. ^ The alliance, and its position on electoral politics, is mentioned in the speech by S'bu Zikode at http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/12/415682.html
  118. ^ ANC Attacks Shack Dwellers Movements
  119. ^ Protest at Zuma–s UK visit in solidarity with South African Shack Dwellers, TMP Online, 3 March 2010
  120. ^ Talk to Us, Not About Us
  121. ^ An Evening with the Shackdwellers Movement of South Africa (August 20, 2009)
  122. ^ Picture the Homeless Protest in New York City, Oct 9, 2009
  123. ^ Zapatista-Inspired Rally Held in New York City; Aims to Fight Gentrification by Paola Reyes, Latin Dispatch, 3 March 2010
  124. ^ Take Back the Land in South Africa
  125. ^ Tek bir insan ärkä vardär-Abahlali baseMjondolo (Gney Afrika)
  126. ^ Combined Harare Residents' Association Visit to Abahlali: mid June 2007
  127. ^ Il doppio shock by Gianluca Carmosino, Clandestino
  128. ^ War on Want Writes to the South African High Commissioner|date=July 2010
  129. ^ [66], Press Statement by Sutcliffe
  130. ^ [67], Sunday Tribune article by Mabaso
  131. ^ a b On the SMI, from the Anti-Eviction Campaign
  132. ^ See 'Rights, democracy, social movements: Abahlali baseMjondolo - a living politics' Masters Thesis by Matt Birkinshaw, University of London, 2007
  133. ^ Setshedi, V. (2006) –Report Glosses Over Tsotsi Politics–, Mail and Guardian, 18 December 2006
  134. ^ {Walsh, S. (2008) Uncomfortable collaborations: Contesting Constructions of the Poor in South Africa, Review of African Political Economy, 35:2; 255 – 279)
  135. ^ On the far side of left, Niren Tolsi, Mail & Guardian, 8 December 2006
  136. ^ See 'Rights, democracy, social movements: Abahlali baseMjondolo - a living politics' Masters Thesis by Matt Birkinshaw, University of London, 2007
  137. ^ Raw Footage of the Protest at the SMI by the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign and Abahlali baseMjondolo
  138. ^ Report: Experiences of Abahlali baseMjondolo in Durban, South Africa, by Malavika Vartak, Development Planning Unit of University College London
  139. ^ "'Attackers associated with ANC'". News24. http://www.news24.com/Content/SouthAfrica/News/1059/94212f4a70a54a77a811b7fb94c15069/28-09-2009-10-36/Dbn_attackers_associated_with_ANC. 
  140. ^ "Joint Statement on the attacks on the Kennedy Road Informal Settlement in Durban". Professor John Dugard SC, et al. http://antieviction.org.za/2009/09/28/joint-statement-on-the-attacks-on-the-kennedy-road-informal-settlement-in-durban/. 
  141. ^ Ethnic Tensions Boil Over, Niren Tolsi, Mail & Guardian, 3 October 2009
  142. ^ [ http://www.mg.co.za/article/2009-10-03-ethnic-tension-boils-over Ethnic Tension Boils Over], Niren Tolsi, Mail & Guardian, 3 October 2009
  143. ^ "Academics condemn attack on settlement". BusinessDay. http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=82548. 
  144. ^ "Democracy's Everyday Death - The Country's Quiet Coup". AllAfrica. http://allafrica.com/stories/200910080964.html. 
  145. ^ "Statement in support of Abahlali baseMjondolo". Abahlali baseMjondolo. http://abahlali.org/node/5894. 
  146. ^ "Open letter to Jacob Zuma". Friends of the Kennedy Road Development Committee. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/9/an-open-letter-to-jacob-zuma. 
  147. ^ South African Council of Churches Appalled by Violent Attacks Against Democracy
  148. ^ Kennedy olive branch a sham Mail & Guardian
  149. ^ Kennedy olive branch a sham Mail & Guardian
  150. ^ The Kennedy 12 Go To Trial Today, AbM Press Statement
  151. ^ Statement in support of Abahlali baseMjondolo, by Noam Chomsky et al,9 October 2009
  152. ^ [68] Wilson Johwa, 'Slum dwellers– body wants Langa to lead attack probe', Business Day, 5 November 2009
  153. ^ [69] Call for President to Establish a Commission of Inquiry into Violence Against Shackdwellers
  154. ^ [70] Letter to President Jacob Zuma from the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
  155. ^ [71] Failure to conduct impartial investigation into Kennedy Road violence is leading to further human rights abuses, Amnesty International, 16 December 2009
  156. ^ [72] Radio 786, 1 May 2010, Abahlali Stands Defended
  157. ^ South Africa: Attacks on housing rights activists must stop, Centre on Housing Rights & Evictions, Geneva, 12 May 2010
  158. ^ Shack dwellers falsely arrested, says bishop, Kamini Padayachee, The Mercury, 19 November 2009
  159. ^ 'Produce the evidence–, demands Bishop Rubin Phillip Diakonia Council of Churches, 29 November 2009
  160. ^ Justice delayed and denied for 12 Kennedy Road accused, Jeff Guy, The Mercury, 13 May 2010

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