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Beyond the War on Drugs: Overcoming a Failed Public Policy
Wisotsky, Steven
Beyond the War on Drugs argues persuasively for a fundamental reassessment of drug control policy. The thrust of the book is simply that the 'war on drugs' cannot be won by trying to dry up the source...
The Candy Machine: How Cocaine Took Over the World
Feiling, Tom
Feiling is interested in the hows and whys of the trade. Everything cocaine touches turns to lead. How it came to this is the question he explores in this extensively researched, passionately argued b...
Convicts, Collateral Damage, and the "War on Drugs": The Real Crime is the War Itself
Nevins, Joseph
Two recent court cases in southern California provide insight into the identity of those smuggle drugs across the international boundary between the two countries. But more importantly what they do is...
Drug War Winners and Losers
Young, Kevin
A review of Dawn Paley's book "Drug War Capitalism."
The Drugs Myth: Why the Drug Wars Must Stop
Coleman, Vernon
Coleman presents medical evidence that the most dangerous and life-threatening drugs are legal, while the banned drugs are comparatively harmless.
Legalize It!: Why Decriminalization of Drugs Won't Get the 10,000 Ton Monkey Off of Mexico's Back
Ross, John
Decriminalization is turning into a bonanza for Mexico City cops who have taken to carrying scales to weigh confiscated drugs and shaking down those "criminals" who exceed the decreed limits. Shaking ...
The Movement for Peace Marches On Against the Drug War: The Goal Is Clear: Peace With Justice and Dignity
Conroy, Bill
The one-year anniversary of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, a grassroots groundswell against the drug war, played out March 28 in a small plaza in the Mexican city of Cuernavaca, just...
Perspectives on Canadian Drug Policy Volume 1
John Howard Society
A symposium of articles on issues of drug addiction and treatment in Canada. Articles include "Substance Abuse and Crime," "Canada's Drug Laws: Prohibition Is Not the Answer," and "Drug Policy in Can...
Public Housing Redesign
Diemer, Ulli
The solution to the specific problems of illegal drug dealing and prostitution is decriminalization.
Radical Digressions 2
Diemer, Ulli
Uruguay's legalization of marijuana leads the world
Dangl, Benjamin
Next year Uruguay will create a state marijuana monopoly. Supplying high quality product in limited per person quantities, and at controlled prices that undercut the black market, the initiative will ...

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