Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box on the left. Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:
2020 & later Publications
- Active Participants in Genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 In obedience to Israel, the Western political and media class is isolating itself from public opinion on Gaza in ways hard to believe.
- AIPAC's Dark Money Arm Unleashes $100 Million
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Amid Israel's assault on Gaza and intensifying repression in the West Bank, AIPAC is showing zero tolerance for even the mildest criticism of Israel during the 2024 U.S. elections.
- Akram's empty chair
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 More than 10,000 Palestinian children have been killed in just over 100 days of Israeli bombardment. That’s nearly 100 every day. Akram Abu Shammala was one of them.
- Assange Is Free: Here's What He’s Given Us
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Contrary to U.S. government claims, WikiLeaks’ revelations actually saved lives -- and drove demand for accountability from Washington.
- Belfast's International Wall becomes the Palestinian Wall
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2024 In a defiant show of solidarity with the people of Palestine a group of mural artists led by internationally renowned artist Danny Devenny has transformed Belfast's iconic International Wall into the Palestinian Wall to show off amazing murals designed by Palestinian artists who would have suffered imprisonment, torture and death had they attempted to paint them in their homeland.
- Beyond Awards and Accolades: Why Gaza Journalists are the Best in the World
Why Gaza Journalists are the Best in the World Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 By granting its 2024 World Press Freedom Prize to Palestinian journalists covering the Israeli war on Gaza, UNESCO has acknowledged a historic truth.
- Bill C-70: Trudea's Latest Assault on Free Speech
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The Trudeau government’s latest national security legislation promises to cement Justin Trudeau’s legacy as the most anti-free speech Prime Minister in the post-WWII era. Bill C-70 constitutes a serious threat to democratic discourse. It is particularly dangerous for those who are critical of Canadian foreign policy.
- 'Birthright' in a time of genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Amid the genocidal war on Gaza, Israel’s Birthright programme accrued even more horrifyingly sinister implications.
- The B'nai Brith Audit of Antisemitic Incidents: An Unreliable and Dangerous Document
An Unreliable and Dangerous Document Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Allegations of widespread antisemitism in Canada have penetrated the media and the political sphere. But a careful analysis of these claims shows that while there is a rise in antisemitic incidents, claims of imminent danger to Canadian Jews are fueling a moral panic that is both disingenuous and dangerous.
- Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Salt of the Earth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 In many ways, 1954's Salt of the Earth is a singular, cinematic phenomenon, one of the most unique American movies ever made. At a time when star-driven Hollywood was cranking out widescreen biblical epics, technicolor musicals, sci-fi and horror B pictures for drive-ins, Westerns, comedies, as well as films starring highly trained "Method" actors, Salt featured a largely nonprofessional cast in a story about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. These non-actors played versions of themselves—miners who had struggled in a recent, real-life strike.
- Censorship is a crucial complement of genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 This is why, as a genocide continues unabated in Gaza, we all have a responsibility to insert 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' into every conversation.
- "The Children," James Baldwin Wrote, "Are Always Ours, Every Single One of Them"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Saqib Bhatti laments the unbearable task of parenting during genocide -- from the United States to Gaza.
- Civilization Will Triumph Over Barbarism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The recent Congressional hearings leading to a bloodbath of university presidents brings back memories from my teen-age years in the 1950s when everyone's eyes were glued to the TV broadcast of the McCarthy hearings.
- Connexions List of Perfect People
A list of perfect people - with photos and accounts of their lives Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 As a service to those offended by imperfections in other human beings, Connexions has compiled a list of perfect people, people who never said or did anything for which they could be criticized.
- Cringeworthy Words in the Battle of Ideas
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Zoltan Zigedy says it’s time to call out words or expressions that mislead, distort, or poison our discourse. He nominates several candidates for retirement, restraint, or caution.
- D-Day 2024
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 In retrospect, it becomes clear that the Cold War "communist threat" was only a pretext for great powers seeking more power.
- Database exposes 500 instances of Israeli incitement to genocide in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Europe-based NGO, Law for Palestine, unveils more than 500 cases of incitement to genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians by Israeli decision-makers, lawmakers, army personnel, and intellectuals.
- Dear Child
Full Short Film Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2024
- Deaths at sea: Mass media mourns the rich, ignores the poor
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The sinking of a super-yacht gets mass coverage, while thousands of refugees drown in darkness.
- Did The West Provoke The Ukraine War? Sorry, That Question Has Been Cancelled
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Is it possible for an entire 'mainstream' media system -- every newspaper, website, TV channel -- to completely suppress one side of a crucial argument without anyone expressing outrage, or even noticing?
- Drowning in a Sea of Lies
Introduction to the March 3, 2024 edition of Other Voices Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Lies are the lifeblood of the world we live in. The American-dominated international order is rooted in violence and exploitation, but lies are its language, its public face, and its spiritual essence.
- 11 Communications Rules for Activists to Live By
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 People from the liberal arts (or law or the sciences) are inculcated with the false belief that the facts persuade by themselves.
- Elite Fear Of The Public: Ukraine, Gaza and Assange
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 It is a historical fact that powerful elites do not wish to be diverted from pursuing their selfish interests by the public. Minimal, unthreatening expressions of dissent may be tolerated in ostensible 'democracies'. But public opinion needs to be managed, manipulated or, if necessary, simply ignored.
- The Entry of a New German Left Party Shakes up the Country
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Launched by Sahra Wagenknecht and her allies, a new left party is proposing a different direction for Germany.
- E.P. Thompson, Marxist rebel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The Little Englander still shows that socialism can have a human face.
- Everything is under control. Until it isn't.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 In the nuclear age, a miscalculation can result in unspeakable catastrophe, but nonetheless, decision-makers continue to take risky actions which they calculate will bring them an advantage. They assume that they can to push forward and ‘show strength’ and then push some more, while reserving the option of showing restraint if the other side pushes back too vigorously. The world now finds itself in probably the most dangerous situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis. All it will take is one misstep, one miscalculation, one reckless action by a mid-level military officer acting without orders – and the missiles will start flying. And it will be game over for the human race.
- 'Extremists stoking rage': The German government seeks to downplay protesting workers' plight
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Farmers, truckers, train drivers – numerous workers are making it known that they are fed up, as the chancellor’s approval drops to 20%.
- Facebook designates Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg a 'dangerous individual'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The notoriously intelligence-friendly social media network appears to have imposed a ban on posting a recent report by Kit Klarenberg, and is automatically restricting users who re-publish his work.
- For a bi-national workers' state in Palestine-Israel!
From the river to the sea: Smash Zionist tyranny! Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The result of the 1948 Nakba is that two peoples are now interspersed within a single territory, and each can only exercise their right to 'self-determination' at the expense of the other. No 'two state' solution can equitably resolve their competing national claims and Marxists reject out of hand 'solutions' to national oppression that simply reverse the terms of oppression.
- For Children of Gaza, War Means No School, No Indication When Formal Learning Might Return
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Atef Al-Buhaisi, 6, once dreamed of a career building houses. Now, all he craves is to return to school.
- The foreign interference behind foreign interference act
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The foreign interference panic sweeping Canadian media and politics reflects US power. It targets states which the U.S. sees as competitors. It ignores those states most active in interfering in Canadian politics: Israel and the United States.
- France: the new authoritarian journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Western media's reporting of the war in Gaza makes little pretence of impartiality. In French newsreooms and radio studios, unconditional support for Israel is the norm and part of a wider lurch to the right.
- Gaza - A Brutal Demonstration Of 'Western Values'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Displaced children having their faces painted ahead of New Year celebrations at an UNRWA school in Deir al-Balah, Gaza.
- German guiltwashing in times of genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 We have experienced the full severity of Germany’s crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism. We know it is not about historic guilt.
- German Parliamentarian in Washington Says No to NATO - Yes to Peace
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 NATO’s myths are losing their luster. The Alliance’s strategies are succumbing to their own imperial overextension. What we need now is an immediate end to arms deliveries to Ukraine and, at long last, a ceasefire there. Those who seek peace and security for their own populations must halt the aggressive policy of expansion into Asia. We need peace instead of NATO.
- Good Westerners Don't Start Off Hating Israel, But Truth Eventually Leads Them There
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 A sincere dedication to truth, justice and kindness can only lead one to view the Zionist project with complete revulsion after learning the facts about what it really is, what it really does, and why our western governments really support it.
- Guilty as Charged
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 This is a hallmark crossroad: a generational test of time and purpose and a profound challenge for all those yet to come. In the presence of indisputable overwhelming evidence of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, we are painfully, perhaps predictably, witness to collective inaction by the United Nations and other international bodies and tribunals that preach from on high while perched as little more than silent witness to unspeakable Israeli crimes.
- Hindu far right pressured a Canadian university into cancelling a critical lecture
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Exploiting the language of anti-racism and multiculturalism, Hindu nationalists are promoting their far-right ideology in Canada.
- How American media incited genocide
Commentaries published by US media outlets have openly demonised Palestinians and justified the mass killings in Gaza. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- How Wokeness Kills Class Politics and Empowers Empire
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2024 Oftentimes the idea of 'wokeness' or 'woke' ideology, whether calling it as such or acknowledging its existence, can be thought of as coinage of the right wing. Christian Parenti, professor at John Jay College, journalist and author, joins host Chris Hedges on this episode of The Chris Hedges Report to make the case that what he and many others define as "woke" is actually a weapon used to further suppress marginalized people, prevent the awareness of class politics and class struggle and further divide the working class.
- 'I am prepared to die': Mandela's speech which shook apartheid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Sixty years ago during the Rivonia Trial in South Africa, Nelson Mandela delivered one of the most famous speeches of the 20th century. He expected to be sentenced to death but instead lived to see his dream ‘of a democratic and free society’ realised.
- Ignore Their Words; Watch Their Actions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 While the mass media publish White House press releases disguised as news stories about the president’s feelings and celebrity progressives assure us that this administration is "working tirelessly for a ceasefire," the Israeli Defense Ministry is announcing that it has secured another $8.7 billion in military aid from the US.
- 'I'm bored, so I shoot': The Israeli army's approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their commanders’ permission.
- Indeed, there is no comparison: Israel's crimes are far worse than Hamas's
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Benjamin Netanyahu is right to dismiss as 'absurd and false' the suggestion that there is any equivalence in the atrocities committed by the two sides. Here's why.
- Is it really 'disinformation' to show Russians as human beings
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 he Liberals are openly suppressing alternative views and escalating a war with a nuclear armed state. In recent days they’ve helped ban an anti-war film, labelled a media outlet foreign interference and sought to bomb deep inside Russia. Last Tuesday Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland boosted a campaign to suppress the screening of Russians at War at the Toronto International Film Festival.
- Is this how western media would report Netanyahu's killing by Hezbollah?
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Western journalists claim to report the news objectively and fairly. If they really did, this is what coverage of Netanyahu’s assassination might look like…
- Israel may have the least 'moral army' in the world
The rate of civilian death during Israel’s assault on Gaza has few precedents this century Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 It is a sign of desperation that Israel and its supporters go on making the outlandish claim that the IDF is a beacon of morality. This is an indication of how isolated from world opinion, particularly in the Global South, Zionism has become. That the project is that detached from reality is a sign of its vulnerability.
- Israel Supporters Are Some Of The Worst People In The World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 No political faction I have ever interacted with is as immoral and dishonest, or so frequently says things that are so jaw-droppingly disgusting I am sure I must be misinterpreting it at first. I’ve never tangled with a more odious group of people.
- Israel supporters flout Canadian law with impunity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Canadians fighting in a force that’s slaughtered tens of thousands should be investigated under Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Highlighting reports of Canadians in the Israeli military, a Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East letter to Justice Minister Arif Virani called on him to “Issue a warning to Canadian nationals that serving or volunteering with the Israeli military may make them criminally liable under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act”.
- Israeli journalists join the live-streamed genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 A mainstream Israeli journalist recently blew up a house in Lebanon as part of a news report while embedded with the military. The broadcast shows how mainstream genocidal activity has become in Israeli society.
- Israeli journalists join the live-streamed genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 A mainstream Israeli journalist recently blew up a house in Lebanon as part of a news report while embedded with the military. The broadcast shows how mainstream genocidal activity has become in Israeli society.
- "It Surpassed Tragedy": The Horrors of Being Pregnant and Giving Birth in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Women in Gaza are giving birth in a health care system that is on the brink of collapse, with little access to prenatal or postnatal care.
- Jeremy Brecher on How Labor and Climate Movements Build Power from Below
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Author, labour historian and activist Jeremy Brecher has been engaged at the intersection of labour, the environment, and the climate for decades. We talk with Jeremy about strikes, unions, and union leadership, the labour-climate movements and much more.
- John Pilger - 'A Majority Of One
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- Laundering Carbon and the New Scramble for Africa
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The carbon offset market is an integral part of efforts to prevent effective climate action. Most carbon credits traded today are fictitious and do not result in any real reduction in carbon emissions.
- Life, Preempted
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Policymakers in both the U.S. and Europe are undertaking increasingly brazen acts of escalation in Ukraine designed to bring Russia to the breaking point.
- The Media Kept Assange Behind Bars
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The establishment press acted in concert to assassinate the character of the WikiLeaks founder, making it respectable to hate him.
- Media Literacy Guide
How to Detect Bias in News Media Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- Music inspires child who lost hand in Israeli attack
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Muhammad Abu Aida, 14, and his mother, Muna, had hoped they had found some measure of safety in the Nuseirat refugee camp, even though the sounds of explosions resonate constantly and feelings of fear permeate every corner. But the UN school at which they had sought shelter eventually proved to provide no protection. On 16 July, ten months after they were forcibly displaced from their home, Israeli warplanes bombed the school that had become their haven.The attack partially destroyed the school, killed 23 people, and wounded more than 70, including Muhammad, whose right hand had to be amputated.
- The Myth of Israel as 'US Aircraft Carrier' in Middle East
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 If Israeli apartheid were to disappear, oil and trade would still flow from the Middle East towards the West, write Jean Bricmont and Diana Johnstone.
- NDP, Liberals smear Palestine Demo
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Canada's liberal political establishment are echoing Kahanist fascists in their smears of internationalist, anti-genocide, activists.
- The Need for a New Political Vocabulary
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Political differences between Europe’s centrist parties are marginal, all supporting neoliberal cutbacks in social spending in favor of rearmament, fiscal stringency and the deindustrialization that support of U.S.-NATO policy entails. The word “centrist” means not advocating any change in the economy’s neoliberalism. Hyphenated-centrist parties are committed to maintaining the pro-U.S. post-2022 status quo.
That means letting U.S. leaders control European politics via NATO and the European Commission, Europe’s counterpart to America’s Deep State. This passivity is putting its economies onto a war footing, with inflation, trade dependence on the United States and European deficits resulting from U.S.-sponsored trade and financial sanctions against Russia and China.
- The olive tree, symbol of Palestine and mute victim of Israel’s war on Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The loss of these steadfast companions has left deep scars on the hearts of many Palestinians in Gaza.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 7, 2024
Bearing witness Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2024
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 3, 2024
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2024 Lies are the lifeblood of the world we live in. The American-dominated international order is rooted in violence and exploitation, but lies are its language, its public face, and its spiritual essence.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 5, 2024
Everything is Under Control. Until it Isn't. Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2024 In the nuclear age, a miscalculation can result in unspeakable catastrophe, but nonetheless, decision-makers continue to take risky actions which they calculate will bring them an advantage. They assume that they can to push forward and ‘show strength’ and then push some more, while reserving the option of showing restraint if the other side pushes back too vigorously. The world now finds itself in probably the most dangerous situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis. All it will take is one misstep, one miscalculation, one reckless action by a mid-level military officer acting without orders – and the missiles will start flying. And it will be game over for the human race.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 9, 2024
This Moment Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2024
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 14, 2024
Imperial Spectacle, Imperial Decline Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2024
- Ottawa shrugs off ICJ genocide verdict while cutting funds to Palestinian refugees
Many Western powers are now plausibly complicit in the genocide of Palestinians Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The ICJ’s ruling puts the lie to the dominant claims by Western media and government officials that Israel is simply defending itself against terrorism, and its actions in Gaza, however excessive, are nonetheless justified. In short, the global majority has rejected the West’s framing of the Israeli war on Gaza.
- Palestine & the Lessons of East Timor
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 History teaches us that Palestine, as with East Timor, will be free.
- The Palestinian Resistance is Winning
The Movement Must Expose and Defeat Netanyahu's "Final Solution" to the Palestinian Question Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Netanyahu makes his objectives clear. He wants a "final solution" to the Palestinian problem -- the mass annihilation of the Palestinian people. His goal is a Palestine without any Palestinians so Israel can completely occupy all of Palestine once and for all.
- Planting seeds of sovereignty in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Food sovereignty is a matter of life and death in Gaza, where Israel has been deliberately destroying Palestinians’ ability to sustain themselves. Over the past year, many farmers in Gaza like Abu Rabee have had to abandon their land, crops and way of life due to Israeli bombing and evacuation orders. Instead of producing their own food, they, like everyone else in Gaza, have become dependent on the little humanitarian aid allowed in as Israel deliberately destroys Palestinians’ self-sufficiency. And they have also become the targets and victims of Israel’s genocide.
- Quality and Propaganda
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 An obviously fake video created and circulated by the Australian Jewish Association, which purported to show protesters chanting 'Gas the Jews,' received massive media coverage and went viral, even though it was immediately shown to be fake. Hundreds of mainstream journalists reported it as if it were true.
- The 'Reality' around Us is Constructed by Liars: 'Journalists are War Criminals'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- Rethinking Ukraine: Putin and the Mystery of National Identity
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The same powers who fund and arm Ukraine fund and arm genocide by a racial supremacist Israel. My belief in some kind of inherent decency in the Western political Establishment was naive.
- Rosa Luxemburg: The Incendiary Spark
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2024 Renowned Marxist scholar Michael Lpowy offers an indispensable assessment of an enduringly fascinating revolutionary.
- Peter Rosenthal
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- 7 easy steps to outlawing marches that call for an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The BBC and other media are willing co-conspirators in promoting the pro-genocide playbook of groups like the Campaign Against Antisemitism.
- 72 Minutes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Our future is held hostage by a madman in Kiev, backed by lunatics in Europe. The question is -- what are we going to do about it?
- Pauline Shirt
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Elder Pauline (Nimikiiquay) Shirt (July 13, 1943 - May 7, 2024) was an Indigenous activist and educator who cultivated space for Indigenous approaches to education and provided guidance and mentorship to the Toronto Indigenous community.
- Simply No Red Lines At All
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 There is literally no act so vile that the UK, US and Germany will not support if perpetrated by the terrorist state of Israel.
- Starting college when there are no colleges left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 How do you study in the rubble of destroyed buildings? How do you concentrate when classmates are killed?
- Taliban In Afghanistan Bad, Al-Qaeda In Syria Good
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 It’s pretty wild how the west went directly from "We need to occupy Afghanistan for two decades to prevent it from being taken over by the Taliban" to "Yay! Syria’s been taken over by al-Qaeda!"
- That's militainment! Big Hollywood succumbs to the Pentagon Borg
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- Theaters of War
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2024 Traveling across America, filmmaker and media scholar Roger Stahl engages an array of other researchers, bewildered veterans, PR insiders, and industry producers willing to talk. In unsettling and riveting detail, he discovers how the military and CIA have pushed official narratives while systematically scrubbing scripts of war crimes, corruption, racism, sexual assault, coups, assassinations, and torture.
- Three phones go silent
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 When the Israeli genocide in Gaza began more than a year ago, the three elderly al-Ghalayini sisters — Maysoun, 80, Rofida, 65, and Arwa, 61, decided they would not leave their house in al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City. In January, Israeli soldiers surrounded their home and ordered them to move to southern Gaza. When they did not comply, the soldiers threw a firebomb.
- To the Israeli Soldier Who Murdered Her
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Shooting unarmed people is not bravery. It is not courage. It is not even war. It is a crime.
- Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen
Kinder und Israels Krieg gegen Gaza 2006-2024 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024
- The United States sanctioned Europe, not Russia
Dimitri Lascaris in Conversation with Michael Hudson and Radhika Desai Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Geopolitical economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson contend that the true victim of Western sanctions on Russia is not Russia itself, but Europe.
- War criminal Israelis welcomed to Canada, Palestinians barred
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The double standard is egregious. Holocaust victims face extreme security checks while genocidal Jewish supremacists enter Canada with ease.
- Warsaw-Rafah: Scurrying Cockroaches
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The serial ethnic cleansings of the people of Gaza, to culminate with the expulsion of 1.4 million people trapped in Rafah (half of them children) to either al-Musawi, a forlorn desert area the size of Los Angeles Airport, or into the Egyptian Sinai, reminded me of something my late Mother once said about her experience during the Nazi holocaust: “It was not a war; it was an extermination. We were like cockroaches, scurrying this way or that whenever the light shone on us.”
- The West agonises over an 'atrocity upsurge' while backing Israel's genocide in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The problem isn't 'global inaction' to prevent mass atrocities, as the Guardian claims. It's intense US and UK support for atrocities so long as they bolster their global power
- The Western Press Are Just Printing Straight Up Nazi Propaganda About Middle Easterners Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 It sure is an interesting coincidence how all this mass media demonizing and dehumanizing of Muslim populations is happening at the exact same time the western empire is raining military explosives upon nations full of Muslims.
- The West's Support for Israel's Genocide Is Destroying the World as We Know It
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The old world is dying once again, but the US-Israel axis is wrong to suggest it is slaying monsters. It is the monster.
- When school shelters are targeted
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 A family took refuge in Kuwait School, then Israeli shelling destroyed nearly everything. Yet dreams survive.
- Why Brazil's Lula is Right -- Israel is Behaving like Nazis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 I note the irony that YouTube allows unfettered access to view images of the Holocaust but tries to limit who can see similar images from Gaza. What is unfolding in Gaza is a war crime of gargantuan proportions. Israel, by its conduct, desecrates the legacy of those Jews who were exterminated by the Nazis and those who survived.
- Why the news media's job is to groom us
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart. The media's differing treatment of these comparable events is the clue to what the media’s really there to do. As readers, we don't, as we imagine, 'consume' news. Rather, the news consumes us. Or put another way, the media uses the news to groom us, its audience. Properly understood, the relationship is one of abuser and abused.
- Will it matter when the last newspaper dies?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 There will come a day in our lives when the last newspaper, on actual paper, is sent out on the trucks. There will come a day sometime after that when whatever the old houses evolved into, finally fall into ruin and silence. Will it matter?
- Worthy & Unworthy Victims: Navalny & Lira
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 While Alexey Navalny's death commanded 24-hour news coverage, Gonzalo Lira's death in Ukraine was virtually ignored.
- Worthy vs. unworthy victims: Study reveals media's selective coverage of Navalny and Lira
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 A new MintPress News study of media coverage of the deaths of American journalist and commentator Gonzalo Lira and Russian political leader Alexey Navalny has found that the establishment U.S. press overwhelmingly ignored the former and focussed on the latter.
- Yes to life in spite of everything: Children and Israel's war on Gaza 2006 - 2024
Connexions Other Voices May 25, 2024 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2024 For most of us our natural instinct is to protect children, nurture them, teach them, answer their questions, help them understand, help them find their way.
But sometimes we can't protect them.
And we have no answers to their questions.
We can’t explain why this is happening or why the world is letting it go on.
- You Saved Julian Assange
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 After 14 years of persecution, Julian Assange will go free. We must honor the hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who made this happen.
- Zionists lead the charge to a more authoritarian Canada
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Israel supporters have become a leading fascist force in Canada. They are pushing to restrict civil liberties, dismantle democratic organizations and increase policing.
- Zionists travel further on path to fascist far right
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Israel supporters have become a leading fascist force in Canada.
- 'Accusing Israel of apartheid is not anti-Semitic': Holocaust historian
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A growing number of Jewish academics are using the term apartheid to describe Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.
- Activating the Genocide Convention
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 There is no doubt that Israel's actions amount to genocide. Numerous international law experts have said so and genocidal intent has been directly expressed by numerous Israeli ministers, generals and public officials. I can see no room to doubt whatsoever that Israel's current campaign of bombing of civilians and of the deprivation of food, water and other necessities of life to Palestinians amounts to genocide.
- 'Apartheid' Designation Ignored as Israel Kills Children in Gaza Again
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Greene looked at coverage of Israel's bombings of the Gaza Strip from the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN, and didn't find a single reference to Israel as an apartheid state, despite this being the consensus in the human rights community. Greene criticizes the lack of coverage and distortion of events perpetuated by the media.
- 'Are we the baddies?'
Western support for genocide in Gaza means the answer is yes Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The desperate smear campaign to defend Israel's crimes highlights the toxic brew of lies that's been underpinning the liberal democratic order for decades.
- At the Onset of the 'Sixties' Radicalization
My Youthful Year in Germany 1961-62 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Published: 2024 In June 1961, with the aid of a modest bequest and encouragement from a number of European student friends, I left my home in Toronto and set out for a year of study in Germany.
- Attack on Antiwar Activists Exemplifies Russophobia Among 'Leftist' Apologists for Western Imperialism and a Fascist-Loving Regime
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Many liberal leftists, siding with the U.S.-NATO and Kyiv, purvey falsehoods about the Ukraine War.
- The Attack on Our Libraries
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Bad faith UN report on Nicaragua whitewashes violent US-backed coup
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A new, anonymously-produced UN report denouncing Nicaragua's government whitewashes the brutal US-backed 2018 coup against it while refusing to interview victims of sadistic opposition violence.
- Bayard Rustin: The Panthers Couldn't Save Us Then Either
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Bayard Rustin's commentary between 1965 and 1975 on race, class, and politics in the U.S. was sharply insightful and can be read profitably for cultivating a nuanced understanding of the crucial period between the victories won by the civil rights movement and institutional consolidation of the ethnic interest-group regime generally known as 'black politics.'
- Behind the Wall of East-Germany
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 With more than 300,000 objects, German Democratic Republic museum in Berlion probably has the world’s largest collection of GDR artifacts and historical items. The wealth of objects at the museum is due to the enormous willingness of former citizens of the GDR to donate items that they still had in their possession.
- Beware the Righteous
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 There is nothing more dangerous that the inability to see that it is reasonable for others to have a different view or interest.
- Biden DOJ Indicts Four Americans For 'Weaponized' Free Speech
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The U.S. government is charging that members of the African People's Socialist Party 'weaponized' the First Amendment to publish 'propaganda' and promote 'dissenion." What that means is that they engaged in speech and political activism that the U.S. government does not like.
- Biden DOJ Indicts Four Americans For 'Weaponized' Free Speech
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Biden administration's Department of Justice has just charged four members of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) for conspiring to act as agents of Russia by using speech and political action in ways the DOJ says 'weaponized' the First Amendment rights of Americans.
- The Blood of Gaza Is on the West's Hands as Much as Israel's
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Israel is on the rampage again and Gaza's population is facing a quiet, slow path to erasure. The ones funding it and enabling it are the US and its European allies.
- Blowing up pipelines won't save the planet
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A review of the film "How to Blow up a Pipeline" that is critical of the film's message: The review argues that sabotage may be exciting and personally satisfying … but it can’t defeat capital’s colossal power.
- Brief History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
Teach-In on Gaza, Israel, and Hamas Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2023
- British police detain journalist Kit Klarenberg, interrogate him about The Grayzone
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 British 'counter-terror' police detained journalist Kit Klarenberg upon his arrival at London's Luton airport and subjected him to an extended interrogation about his political views and reporting for The Grayzone.
- Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 An exploration of Canada-Palestine relations through a settler colonial perspective. The authors argue that there are direct parallels between Canada's settler colonial project and its support for the Israeli settler colonial dispossession of Palestinians.
- Canada's complicity with crimes against humanity in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Melanie Joly traveled to Israel to support its genocidal policies in Gaza. The trip will go down as one of the more shameful moments in Canada's odious anti-Palestinian history.
- The Case of Steven Donziger: Supreme Court Liberals Help Turn Judges into Prosecutors
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Criticizes the decision from seven of the nine justices of the Supreme Court of the United States to decline to hear Steven Donziger’s appeal of a criminal contempt decision involving his representation of Indigenous Ecuadorians against Chevron.
- The CCF, George Hara Williams, and Saskatchewan's socialist movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Charting a New Path for Canadian Engagement with the Middle East
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Canada is criticized today for not having a coherent Middle East policy that adequately reflects the realities of the region or defines a long-term strategy to protect and advance its interests in this part of the world. This article offers recommendations on how to address such a deficit by first reviewing Canada's historical engagement with the Middle East, particularly its effective role in influencing regional events during the Cold War and in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union.
- The Clock is Ticking
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 With landmark anniversaries of the invasions of Iraq and Ukraine, and the failure to address global heating, Chomsky argues that ninety seconds to midnight (the new set time for the doomsday clock, a universally recognized indicator of world's vulnerability to global catastrophe) may be too generous an appraisal.
- Contested Waters
The Struggle for Rights and Reconciliation in the Atlantic Fishery Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- Corporate Rules
The Real World of Business Regulation in Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 How government regulators are failing the public interest.
- The Cost of Bearing Witness
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 There are scores of Palestinian writers and photographers, many of whom have been killed, who are determined to make us see the horror of this genocide. They will vanquish the lies of the killers.
- The Cultural Looting of Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders.
- A Dangerous Conflation
An open letter from Jewish writers Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A group of Jewish writers drafted this letter after seeing an old argument gain new power: the claim that critiquing Israel is antisemitic. The writers share this letter in solidarity with those who continue to speak out in support of Palestinian freedom.
- Death and Destruction in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 What Israel is doing in Gaza to the Palestinian civilian population – with the support of the Biden administration – is a crime against humanity that serves no meaningful military purpose.
- The Death of Israel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Settler colonial states have a terminal shelf life. Israel is no exception.
- 'A Death Sentence For People And Ecosystems': The Climate Emergency, Governments And The Public Enemy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Media Lens' reporting on the climate crisis, the refusal of governments and corporations to take accountability, and the failure of the established media to address these rising climate issues.
- 'Death to Christians': Violence steps up under new Israeli government
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Christian leaders in Jerusalem say never have Israeli attackers felt more emboldened than under the far-right ruling coalition.
- Dehistoricizing October 7
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Israeli historian explains the history essential to understanding the current attacks on Gaza and the danger of suppressing that history.
- The Democratic Party's Revenge on Matt Taibbi
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Extensive government blacklists, revealed by the Twitter Files, are used to censor left-wing and right-wing critics. This censorship apparatus has been turned on the reporter who exposed them.
- Ending the Cesspool in Pharmaceuticals by Taking Away Patent Monopolies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Explores the prevalent corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, inlcuding monopolies, patents of "dubious legal status," and concealing evidence of drugs' protential harm.
- The Enemy Is Not a Human Being
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 There's a crucial, overlooked aspect of Daniel Ellsberg's legacy that's very much worth saluting, you might say: his transformation from a believer in the Vietnam war to a horrified opponent of it, ready to risk prison time to bring classified truth about its pointlessness into public awareness.
- The Enormous Limitations of U.S. Liberal Democracy and Its Consequences
The Growth Of Fascism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Explores the "baked-in bias" towards the far right in the United States and the threat it poses to the democratic system of governance.
- Fascism in the West to Enable Genocide in Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The UK and the US are both sending military assistance to Israel to commit a calculated and deliberate act of genocide, which is already underway.
- Fascistic Judges
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The jailing of three U.K. climate activists should provide another warning to anyone expecting judges to defend liberties. The current legal establishment will adapt itself to whatever legal framework is ordained by the rulers.
- Files expose Syrian 'Revolution' as Western regime change operation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Throughout August and September, anti-government protests have rocked Syrian cities. While the crowds are typically small, numbering only a few hundred, they show little sign of abating. Demonstrators are motivated by increasingly unlivable economic conditions spurred by crippling U.S.-led international sanctions against Damascus. These have produced hyperinflation, mass food insecurity, and many daily hardships for the population. They also prevent vital humanitarian aid from entering the country.
- Five Decades of Connexions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- For Gaza's children, sleep brings only nightmares
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Repeated Israeli aggressions take a terrible toll on the mental health of Gazan children.
- Forest carbon offsets, supposedly worth billions, have no climate benefit
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 REDD projects combine false emission claims, worthless credits and human rights abuses.
- Forgotten Victims of America's Class War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Once the jobs left and Democrats abandoned working men and women, people became desperate in the author's hometown in Maine - as in tens of thousands of white, rural enclaves across the country.
- Fossil Fuel Divestment Doesn't Work
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 NGOs, activists and especially policymakers need to stop pretending that the climate movement can succeed by pressuring capitalists to be more responsible.
- From Gaza With Rage
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 I have always signed my letters to supporters and friends from around the world with these words, "From Gaza with Love." But today I'm writing with a rage that no mother should know, a rage of desperation and disbelief about what is being allowed to happen. I still feel love for everyone in Palestine, and people who have stood in support and solidarity of our shared struggle. But please, take action. And then do more. We must stop this genocide.
- From the Gazan Laboratory to the World's Borders
A Conversation with Jeff Halper Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The acclaimed Israeli author and anthropologist explains how Israel has become an enforcer for fortress Global North, selling systems of control first developed in the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
- From Yellow Journalism to China Bashing, the Media's Enduring Role in Promoting War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Fünf Jahrzehnte von Connexions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- The Gaza Ghetto Uprising
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 From the Warsaw Ghetto uprising to the Gaza Ghetto uprising, the basic situation is the same: If half-starving people with no clean water or the ability to travel outside of their ghetto launch any kind of uprising, the obvious context is the fact that they were under siege, living in a walled ghetto, prevented from importing the things they need to survive and prevented from traveling. This is the obvious reason for any people living in such conditions to rise up against their occupying power. But instead, we are fed a narrative that begins with the ghetto uprising, without any explanation for the basic nature of the situation, that is, that an occupying army is forcing people to live and starve in a walled ghetto.
- Gaza, Israel & The Hamas Attacks
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- The Genocidal Language Behind Israel's Intent in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Long before October 7, 2023, the Zionist-Israeli discourse was always that of racism, dehumanization, erasure and, at times, outright genocide.
- Genocide - The Gaze From The Abyss
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 We lampooned the claim that although journalists are 'working within profit-maximising, billionaire-owned, advertiser-dependent, government-subsidised media, they are nevertheless exposing "disinformation" without the slightest trace of bias.
- Georgia's RICO Law Is in the News -- but Its Use to Silence Protesters Gets a Pass
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Georgia’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) law, modeled on the federal statute designed to attack mob bosses, has been in the news a lot, ever since Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis used Georgia's law to charge former President Donald Trump and his associates with attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
- Germans Down and Russians Out
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Any sign of sympathy with Russia has been so demonized, repressed, even criminalized since the Russian invasion began on Feb. 24, 2022, that most German protests initially avoided taking any position on the war and focused on the economic hardships caused by sanctions. But on January 25, 2023 of this year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz gave in to U.S. pressure to send German Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, about the same time that German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, of the Green Party, casually told an international meeting that "we are fighting a war against Russia." This jolted people into action.
- Germany's Ban on Public Solidarity With Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 While other European countries are witnessing mass protests in solidarity with Palestine, Germany has been policing such scenes off its streets.
- The Guardian's 'Anti-Semitism' Incident
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 With the row over its cartoon, the newspaper that helped oust Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party has briefly found that what you sow, you can reap.
- Hamas 'mass rape' claim lacks evidence. But it's being used to justify genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Claims of systematic rape on October 7 appeal to a racist trope of the savage, predatory Arab. Which is why western politicians and media are so unconcerned by the dearth of evidence.
- Hassan Diab, trial in absentia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Hassan Diab's supporters are demanding that the government not put him through another unfair extradition hearing based on thin evidence.
- History of the Gaza Strip
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Maha Nassar provides historical context to the current violence in the densely populated and besieged enclave.
- Honored Nazi Exposes Canada's Longstanding Ukraine Policy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 By celebrating a Waffen-SS volunteer as a 'hero,' Canada's Liberal Party highlighted a longstanding policy that has seen Ottawa train fascist militants in Ukraine while welcoming in thousands of post-war Nazi SS veterans.
- How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The New York Times called it a "mystery," but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept a secret - until now.
- How Israel uses an AI genocide program to obliterate Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 It should already have been evident from the scale of death and destruction inflicted on Gaza over the past eight weeks that Israel was implementing a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians in the besieged enclave.
- How NATO states sponsored ICC prosecutor's Putin arrest warrant
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 ICC prosecutor general Karim Khan raised millions from NATO states by crafting an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin while freezing investigations into well-documented US and Israeli war crimes. Along the way, he won powerful friends in Washington, London, Kiev - and Hollywood.
- How Would Canadians Perceive Russian Troops On Their Border?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Canadian government's plan to double its semi-permanent military force on Russia's border ratchets up tensions that should be reduced. It highlights the West's betrayal of promises made to Soviet officials and Canada's addiction to stationing troops in Europe.
- Hyping Ukraine Counteroffensive, US Press Chose Propaganda Over Journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 It has been clear for some time that US corporate news media have explicitly taken a side on the Ukraine War. This role includes suppressing relevant history of the lead-up to the war, attacking people who bring up that history as 'conspiracy theorists', accepting official government pronouncements at face value, and promoting an overly rosy picture of the conflict in order to boost morale. For most of the war, most of the US coverage has been as pro-Ukrainian as Ukraine's own media, now consolidated under the Zelenskyy government.
- Hypocrisy and war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Ukraine war is a graphic case study of the pitfalls of playing the geopolitical game.
- 'I want my legs back': the child amputees of Gaza's war
The child amputees of Gaza's war Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2023 The horrific impact of Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza on the children of Gaza.
- I Was the Only U.S. Official Imprisoned Over the Torture Program - Because I Opposed It
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The only person associated with the CIA's global torture program who was prosecuted and imprisoned was the man who blew the whistle on it - John Kiriakou.
- If Lula can call for peace in Ukraine, why not Canada's left?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Progressive governments are rejecting pleas to send more weapons to Ukraine. Canada should follow suit and push for peace talks.
- I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It!
Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- In the Dead of Night
Israel's military raids into Palestinian homes Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Almost every night, between midnight and 5am, the Israeli army breaks into Palestinian homes across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
- Incredibly, I Face Investigation for Terrorism - Defence Funds Appeal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 My phone is not being returned to me by police as, astonishingly, I am now formally under investigation for terrorism. Whether this relates to support for Palestine or for Wikileaks has currently not been made clear.
- The Inspiring Outrage of Norman Finkelstein
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A few thoughts on the new book, "I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It!"
- Insurgent Notes 25 - January 2023
On the War in Ukraine Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2023 A collection of left perspectives on the war between Russia and Ukraine.
- Israel and its allies are repurposing the goals and lies of 1948 -- in Gaza in 2023
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Israel is caught lying time and again. And yet we never learn
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Disinformation over the blast at Gaza's al-Ahli hospital worked as planned, taking the focus off the victims and lifting pressure on Israel to stop its rampage.
- Israel Lobby's Disastrous Domination
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 AIPAC has involved the U.S. in a revolting crime against humanity that will almost certainly undermine American security at home and abroad. It must be broken.
- Israel's crisis is about who gets to play tyrant: the generals or religious thugs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Over the years, international human rights groups have slowly come to acknowledge this fundamental lack of democracy, too. They now describe Israel as what it always was: an apartheid state.
- Israel's War on Hospitals
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Israel is carrying out a campaign to make Gaza uninhabitable. This campaign includes destroying all of Gaza's hospitals. The message Israel is sending is clear. Nowhere is safe. If you stay you die. Israel is not attacking hospitals in Gaza because they are 'Hamas command centers.' Israel is systematically and deliberately destroying Gaza's medical infrastructure as part of a scorched earth campaign to make Gaza uninhabitable and escalate a humanitarian crisis. It intends to force 2.3 million Palestinians over the border into Egypt where they will never return.
- John Pilger's Guide to Propaganda
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Journalist, author and filmmaker John Pilger, who has spent decades studying governments’ nefariousness, tells Katie Halper how to spot propaganda.
- Journey to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Crimea
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 At the end of April of this year [2023], the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.
- Julian Assange: A Fight We Must Not Lose
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The detention and persecution of Julian Assange eviscerates all pretense of the rule of law and the rights of a free press.
- Labour Militancy in Canada
A History of the Right to Strike Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Bill 28, the Keeping students in Class Act, 2022, had its first reading in the Ontario Legislature on October 31, 2022. The name was a distraction from the Act's actual wording and intention, which were less about keeping students in class and more about removing education workers' right to strike.
- Laughing Back at Empire
The Grassroots Activism of the Asianadian Magazine, 1978-1985 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- Lawless in Gaza: Why the West Backs Israel No Matter What
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 As Western politicians line up to cheer on Israel as it starves and bombs Gaza's civilians, it's important to understand how we reached this point -- and what it means for the future.
- Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Federal Bureau of Investigation has aided a Ukrainian intelligence effort to censor social media users and obtain their personal information, leaked emails reveal.
- "Legitimate target" - Bellingcat defends terror attack at St. Petersburg cafe
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Christo Grozev of the US government-sponsored Bellingcat endorsed the terror attack that killed a Russian war reporter and injured many others during a public event in St. Petersburg. He also defended Ukraine's attempt to assassinate a Russian philosopher because he was a 'propagandist.'
- Letter From the Gazan Prison
Gaza Is a Prison Under Siege. This Is My Letter to the World Outside. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Ahmed Abu Artema, a founder of the Great March of Return, on facing Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza.
- List of war crimes and crimes qualifying as genocide committed by Israel in Gaza since 7th October 2023
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Defenders of Israel's bombing and invasion of Gaza have challenged me to offer a 'chapter-and-verse' list of war crimes that Israel has committed since the Hamas Offensive of 7th October. Here is an indicative, but not exhaustive, list.
- The Maidan Massacre, Censorship & Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Natylie Baldwin interviews Ivan Katchanovski, a Canadian-Ukrainian professor whose research focuses on the Ukraine coup of 2014 and the killing that year of protesters in Kiev.
- The Mantle of Struggle
A Biography of Black Revolutionary Rosie Douglas Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 A biography of a little known figure in Canadian black radical politics: Rosie Douglas.
- The Many Lessons of Ukraine War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Combatting Russia to the last Ukrainian was always an odious strategy.
- 'A mass assassination factory': Inside Israel's calculated bombing of Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza, a +972 and Local Call investigation reveals.
- The Media Accountability Project
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2023
- Mourning a home filled with memories, destroyed by Israel's army
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Nablus, occupied West Bank -- rubble, destroyed window frames, remnants of a couch shrouded in dust and debris -- that is all that was left of the 130sq-metre home of the al-Jouri family. Overnight, Israeli soldiers, backed by armoured vehicles and bulldozers, surrounded the three-bedroom apartment in Nablus, filling it with explosives and blowing it to smithereens.
- Mughals, RSS, evolution: Outrage as India edits school textbooks
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 India's right-wing government removes significant historical and scientific facts from textbooks as it pursues a Hindu supremacist agenda.
- Myths and reality about the Ukraine war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 How one views the war depends very much on the starting point of one's analysis.
- Nat Turner in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Finkelstein draws parallels between the Nat Turner rebellion in the United States and the Gaza rebellion of 2023.
- NATO does not, and never did, 'defend' democracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Its record demonstrates that NATO is not a consensual, popular alliance to defend democracy. NATO is not only a hazard to peace, it is also a threat to democracy.
- NATO isn't defending Ukraine. It's stabbing it in the back
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The US and its allies are sustaining the very war they now cite as grounds for disqualifying Kyiv from Nato membership.
- Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? No, Yes, No-Yes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A New York Times' reporter's job this week is to persuade us that all those Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi insignia and marching through Kiev in Klan-like torch parades are not what you think.
- 19 February 'Rage Against the War Machine' Protest in D.C.: Why socialists should attend
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Bolshevik Tendency plans to attend the February 19 (2023) protest against the war. We do not agree with political views of the organizers, but we plan to attend in order to talk to participants who agree (as we do) with many of its slogans.
- No Politics But Class Politics
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- Norman Finkelstein: A National Treasure?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Among the most dangerous people in the US are those who actually once fervently believed the foundational myths of the country's social and political order.
- Not So Black and White
A History of Race from White Supremacy to Identity Politics Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- Now We Have Your Attention
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 There have been decades of photos of dead Palestinian women and children, and kids being beaten, humilated and imprisoned by Israeli soldiers. The historic killing rate in this 'conflict' has been fairly consistent at about 40:1.
- The Obamas' "Rustin"
Fun Tricks You Can Do on the Past Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 When I learned that the Obamas were producing a biopic on Bayard Rustin, I shuddered a bit in apprehension of what such a project would be.
- On Western media and the erasure of Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Palestinian struggle brings to the forefront the colonial relations that underpin today's world, and that the West, and its media, work tirelessly to hide.
- One foreign government openly interferes in Canadian politics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Amidst widespread anxiety over foreign interference in this country's politics, Israel's embassy recently mobilized its domestic lobby to strategize on shaping Canadian policy. The absence of media outrage, or even a little embarrassment, speaks loudly about which foreign governments are allowed to ‘interfere' in Canadian politics.
- Only women can get pregnant
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The GMC and the NHS are promoting gender pseudo-science. The idea that men can also get pregnant, or have periods and go through the menopause, is the sort of bonkers thing you might expect to hear from a students' union, not from respected medical professionals.
- Opposing War: No Disclaimers Required
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 My own opinion on US meddling in Russian/Ukrainian relations doesn't depend on an assessment of whether the invasion was provoked, unprovoked, justified, or unjustified, so I don't need any such disclaimers.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 4, 2023
Gaza: Dehumanization and humanity Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2023 On Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza, October-November 2023.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 2, 2023
Toward the light Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2023 Most of us no longer celebrate the ancient festivals, but many of us - countless thousands - have been asserting our own desire and determination to create light in the darkness by going out into the streets and making our voices heard. This issue of Other Voices looks at challenges we face, asks questions about what we should do, and looks to the past, as well as what is happening now, for ideas about how to move forward.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 14, 2023
Fading to Silence? Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2023 Fading to silence, as well as the more active and deliberate silencing of dissenting views, is the theme of this issue of Other Voices.
- Our job is to oppose the U.S.-NATO Empire
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The U.S.-NATO empire is the main enemy for those of us who live in that empire. That empire is far and away the main enemy of peace, and of working people, in the world today.
- Palestinian photographer brings towns lost in Nakba to life on walls of refugee camps
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 As soon as you enter Madaris street in Balata refugee camp, to the east of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, your gaze is drawn to the right-hand wall of the street - now adorned with 30 depictions of villages and towns that were purged of Palestinian residents during the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. In 17 refugee camps across the West Bank, Palestinian photographer Ahmed al-Bazz has brought to life images of historic Palestine to the descendants of those who were expelled during the Nakba.
- Palestinians Speak Israel's Language
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Israel follows the colonial playbook. Death for death. Atrocity for atrocity. But it is always the occupier who initiates this macabre dance and trades piles of corpses for higher piles of corpses.
- Printer's Devils
How a Feisty Pioneer Newspaper Shaped the History of British Columbia, 1895-1925 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- Progressive virtue, performed in public
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Wokeness, however it is defined, has more in common with a religious mindset than a political project, says Ian Buruma.
- A Reading List for the Delhi Police
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 When they raided the Tricontinental Research Services' office in early October, investigators took, among other things, 12 dossiers featured here. Vijay Prashad recommends they study them all.
- Resistance to Ukraine occupation good, Palestine bad: politicians
Jewish suffering matters to Canadian politicians. Palestinian suffering doesn't. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Soon after the resistance broke through their cage in Gaza, the leaders of Canada's four main federal parties condemned the Palestinians. The same politicians who cheer on resistance to Russia's invasion of Ukraine denounce Palestinian fighters who captured Israeli tanks, soldiers and bases, all instruments of an illegal ongoing occupation of United Nations recognized Palestinian territory and the colonial blockade of Gaza.
- The Right to Read
Social Justice, Literacy, and the Creation of Frontier College: The Alfred Fitzpatrick Story Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 The story of Frontier College, founded to bringing literacy education to adult workers in remote locations.
- 'Rigorous' Maidan massacre exposé suppressed by top academic journal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A peer-reviewed paper initially approved and praised by a prestigious academic journal was suddenly rescinded without explanation. Its author, one of the world's top scholars on Ukraine-related issues, had marshaled overwhelming evidence to conclude Maidan protesters were killed by pro-coup snipers.
- Russia-Ukraine war: How the US paved the way to Moscow's invasion
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Nearly a year after Russia's invasion, the western narrative of an 'unprovoked' attack has become impossible to sustain.
- Scapegoating Politics: How Fascism Deploys Race, and How Antiracism Takes the Bait
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Race-reductionist explanations and simplistic historical analogies are counterproductive as a politics because they fail to provide a basis for challenging the looming authoritarian threat.
- The Scottish Gestapo
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 If you are on the 'wrong' side in the culture wars, you will get prosecuted for an innocuous tweet or a remark in the street. If you are on the 'right' side, you can punch women in the face or parade a sign calling for the decapitation of those who disagree with you, and face no legal jeopardy.
- Second Nakba; Same Israeli Lies; Same Western Narrative
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Israel is openly carrying out ethnic cleansing inside Gaza and yet, just as during the first 'Nakba,' Israel's lies and deceptions dominate the West's media and political narrative.
- The Slow Motion Execution of Julian Assange
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2023
- Snowden and Texeira: Ten Years of Disaster
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The idea that the legacy media in any way serves the truth or the public interest is now completely buried. The legacy media serves the state, and the state serves the billionaires. It is a shame the Washington Post, New York Times, Guardian and Bellingcat each had no interest whatsoever in the journalistic pursuit of the truth behind this extraordinary episode. We live entirely in security states: there is no doubt about it.
- Surrogacy: Human right, or just wrong?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Whether it is altruistic or for-profit, surrogacy is exploitation -- it turns the female body into a commodity for hire. Those gushing about the joy surrogacy brings to the lives of commissioning parents, and claiming it is a 'human right' to have a biological child, should take some time to consider the many wrongs being done to the women used as surrogates.
- Sy Hersh & The Way We Live Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Coverage of the sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines helped Murray realize something important about how the Big Lie works.
- They Lied About Afghanistan & Iraq; Now They're Lying About Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The U.S. public has been conned, once again, into pouring billions into another endless war.
- Toxic spills threaten marine ecosystem
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The X-Press Pearl sank off Sri Lanka two years ago, releasing a toxic cocktail of chemicals and plastics into the sea, the biggest disaster. Only tough regulations can prevent a repeat.
- The tragedy of the war in Ukraine: a reply to Kagarlitsky
Mandel, David; Gindin, Sam Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Even if Ukraine were in some sense to win the war, what sort of sovereignty would the Ukrainian people possess?
- The true Left is not woke
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Progressive activists have forgotten their roots.
- Turning innocence into resistance
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 With every murderous crime, new fuel is poured on the fire of resistance, which every traumatized child like Salma carries in their young heart. Resistance may be all she has in the end. When the suffering is endless, it binds one generation’s suffering to the next. This is why many Palestinians may die, but our children will never forget.
- The Twilight of Freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Three British journalists I know personally - Johanna Ross, Vanessa Beeley and Kit Klarenberg - have each in the last two years been detained at immigration for hours on re-entering their own country, and questioned by police under anti-terrorist legislation. This is plainly an abuse of the power to detain at port of entry, because in each case they could have been questioned at any time in the UK were there legitimate cause, and the questioning was not focused on their travels. They were in fact detained and interrogated simply for holding and publishing dissident opinion on foreign policy, and in particular for supporting a more collaborative approach to Russia.
- Tyre Nichols: The bigotry of the 'anti-racists'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Those blaming his death on white supremacy seem to think black cops are just mindless thugs.
- UK and Israel: Has the fightback against weaponised antisemitism begun?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Jews in the Labour party and academics are finally exposing the UK establishment’s smear campaign to silence criticism of Israel and destroy the left.
- Ukraine Timeline Tells the Story
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Without historical context, which has been buried by corporate media, it's impossible to understand Ukraine.
- Ukraine's worst enemies are those who demand Russia's strategic defeat
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Ukrainian trial demonstrates 2014 Maidan massacre was false flag
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 A massacre of protesters during the 2014 Maidan coup set the stage for the ouster of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Now, an explosive trial in Kiev has produced evidence the killings were a false flag designed to trigger regime change.
- Underexposure Exposed
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 If you want people to think that a country resistant to US leadership is a festering doomscape, just underexpose the hell out of your photographs.
- Unprovoked narratives
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2023 A series of films celebrating the beauty of Gaza, its people, its struggle and its survival. The program aims to resist the demonisation of this beautiful place.
- US Can't Deal with Defeat
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 In the U.S., the strongest collective memory of America’s wars of choice is the desirability -- and ease -- of forgetting them. So it will be when we look at a ruined Ukraine in the rear-view mirror.
- Using diversity to eviscerate diversity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 On a controversy over an image depicting Muhammad.
- The War in Ukraine Was Provoked
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The Biden administration's insistence on NATO enlargement has made Ukraine a victim of misconceived and unachievable U.S. military aspirations.
- The War Machine Wants You to Condemn Hamas
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The act of condemnation has been cynically weaponised, writes Jonathan Cook. The aim is not to show solidarity with Israelis. It's to fan the flames of hatred to rationalise crimes against Palestinians.
- War Made Invisible
How America Hides the Human Toll of its Military Machine Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- War, Peace and the Media: Propping up the U.S. Empire and Risking the Planet
 Fourth Edition, Expanded and Updated Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 This fourth and greatly expanded edition of a work first published in 1983 questions the dominant narratives about militarism and war, and their relationship to global heating, as well as the role of the media in distorting and suppressing truths about their relationship. Contributors to this new edition of War, Peace and the Media challenge the U.S./NATO version of the Russia-Ukraine war and its historical causes, and highlight the role of mainstream and social media in sidelining or silencing dissenting information and opinions.
- Water is more than a common good
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 As the ready availability of fresh water is threatened around the world, attention has focused on minimising water use. But that obscures how deeply political the issue of universal access to water is.
- We're facing unprecedented horror. Why is Biden adding fuel to the fire?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 With the climate in Israel-Palestine reviving the fears of May 2021, the U.S. should be preventing further massacres, not allowing Israel to take revenge.
- We Shall Persist
Women and the Vote in the Atlantic Provinces Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- West lets Israel get away with genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 As the world stands aside, preparing to applaud genocide, the entire structure of the so-called post-World War II rules-based order is being reduced to rubble.
- Western media's parroting of official lies is paving way to genocide in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Disinformation campaigns are one of the chief battlefields in any war - something any serious journalist is only too aware of. And western powers and their allies have an appalling track record of lying to their own medias.
- What the BBC fails to tell you about October 7 [2023]
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 It is journalistic malpractice for the media to still be repeating so credulously the Israeli military's account of that day.
- What sort of 'caring' do Zionist medical faculty at U of T teach?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 An exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement, hubris, chutzpah, racism while claiming victimhood and massively flawed thinking are the descriptors that come to mind when considering the 555 doctors at the U of T who signed an Open Statement to the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.
- What the media forgets to tell you about Israel and Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Ignore the fake news. Israel isn't defending itself. It's enforcing its right to continue ethnically cleansing Palestinians.
- What will Gaza's children remember?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Gaza children grow up thinking bombing is normal, creating shelter space is normal, having plans disrupted by war is normal.
- When claims of 'antisemitism' are racist and antisemitic
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Claims that calling out someone who uses their vast wealth to support a military slaughtering thousands of Palestinian children is antisemitism are nonsense. Worse, they destroy the original meaning of the term antisemitism. Judge people by what they do, not who they are, has always been good advice and a longstanding principle of civil rights movements everywhere.
- Why isn't cheering Israel's bombing of civilians a hate crime?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 During its decade and a half siege, Israel's military has killed more than 5,000 Palestinians in Gaza. Over the past four days the nuclear armed state has killed over 2,500 Palestinians, including 260 children. Alongside its onslaught on Gaza, Israel has also bombed Lebanon, Syria and Egypt over the past 48 hours. Yet it's those who have been rallying against Canada's contribution to the racist, colonial enterprise who are being declared criminals by crazed politicians and supporters of the apartheid state.
- Why Mass Movements Fail
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The wave of global popular protests that erupted in 2010 and lasted a decade were extinguished, meaning new tactics and strategies are required, as Vincent Bevins explains in his book If We Burn.
- Why socialist Susan Neiman says 'woke-ism' is not leftist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 All marginalized peoples or people who have been oppressed in the past need deep solidarity with other people.
- Why Zelensky Will NOT Take Back Crimea
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 The 2014 coup was the last straw. The Maidan violence, coup government decisions on language, and attacks on civilians made it imperative to quickly secede. Russia already had soldiers in Crimea at the leased naval base at Sebastapol. The referendum proceeded quickly and peacefully. Western hypocrisy and double standards are breathtaking. The West actively promoted the breakup of Yugoslavia, the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and South Sudan from Sudan. The right and popular will of Crimeans to secede from Ukraine and reunify with Russia is clear. Yet the West continues to falsely claim that Russia "occupies" Crimea.
- Will Ukraine's Western Apologists Finally Admit the Truth?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Western political leaders and their media sycophants ignore mounting evidence about the corrupt, brutal, and authoritarian nature of Ukraine's government. Ukraine is now a 'democracy' in which the press is strictly censored, opposition media banned entirely, opposition political parties are outlawed, a longstanding major church is being harassed and silenced, and torture and assassinations have become routine.
- Witnesses Say IDF Troops 'Executed' Women and Children in Gaza School
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Eyewitness testimony reported Wednesday by Al Jazeera accused Israeli troops of massacring forcibly displaced women and children sheltering at a school in northern Gaza. The reported massacre took place at the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in the al-Faluja area west of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. Video footage aired by the Qatar-based news network showed numerous covered bodies piled in one of the school’s classrooms.
- Woke Imperialism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Diversity is important. But when it is devoid of a political agenda it recruits a tiny segment of those marginalized by society into unjust structures to help perpetuate them.
- Writing while expecting to die
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 "Can you kindly publish the attached stories if I die?" This is what we have been hearing from the young writers we work with from Gaza in the We Are Not Numbers project.
- "You'll Be Hearing From Me as Long as I'm Here," Daniel Ellsberg Vows After Terminal Cancer Diagnosis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Zelensky's terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine's secret murder squad kills journalists and activists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Threats and tactics that would be instantly labeled unacceptable against any other country get a pass when applied to Russians.
- Advocating for Palestine in Canada
Histories, Movements, Action Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- All Things in Common
A Canadian Family and Its Island Utopia Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- Amazon wants surveillance robots in every home
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Amazon's new home robot is charged with privacy violations in line with the Roomba and the Ring.
- America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The recent prodding of Russia by expanding Ukrainian anti-Russian ethnic violence by Ukraine's neo-Nazi post-2014 Maiden regime was aimed at (and has succeeded in) forcing a showdown in response to America's fear that it is losing its economic and political hold on its NATO allies and other Dollar Area satellites. These countries have seen major opportunities for gain to lie in increasing trade and investment with China and Russia.
- American Diplomacy as a Tragic Drama
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 As in a Greek tragedy whose protagonist brings about precisely the fate that he has sought to avoid, the US/NATO confrontation with Russia in Ukraine is achieving just the opposite of America's aim of preventing China, Russia and their allies from acting independently of U.S. control over their trade and investment policy.
- Anarchist antimilitarism and myths about the war in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 A polemic by Czech anarchists against war and all warmongers, who, they say, are also abundant in the anarchist movement.
- Anatomy of a Propaganda Campaign: Jeremy Corbyn's Political Assassination
Zollmann, Florian; Coles, T.J. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the British Labour Party, was subjected to a concerted propaganda campaign by the British right-wing military-industrial establishment, which regarded him as a threat to its interests. This article fleshes out the individual components of this campaign and dissects how it was amplified by the British mainstream media. As Corbyn pointed out, he was not the threat. The real 'threat' was the general public who would have used Corbyn as a political representative to bring services back into common ownership, moderately raise taxes on the wealthy, properly fund social security, and to some degree curtail British militarism abroad.
- As Trudeau cracks down, the left drives protesters into the right's arms again
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Divide and rule, the cultivation of tribalism, is an insurance policy against successful dissent and the threat of revolution.
- Asian socialists condemn Russia's war on Ukraine, NATO expansionism
Statements against the war Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Australian Government Sanctions People For Sharing Unauthorized Thoughts
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Stomping on speech which doesn't align with the authorized opinions of the government and the globe-spanning empire of which it is a member state.
- Barely Legal: the Global Uber Enterprise
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In terms of the gig economy, there are few more ruthless buccaneers than this San Franciscan ride-share company that has persistently specialised in cutting corners and remaking them.
- The BBC to NATO Pipeline
How the British state broadcaster serves the powerful Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The death of Queen Elizabeth II, where the BBC dropped programming to run endless, wall-to-wall coverage, has underlined the fact to many Britons that the network is far from impartial, but the voice of the state.
- Ben Norton aka Multipolarista interviews Michael Hudson: Destiny of Civilization
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2022 The decline of the US dollar, the three 'systems', the sanctions war on Russia, on the eve of the publication of Prof. Hudson's new book: The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism.
- Big Tech's 'Cancel Culture' Love Affair
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else. Journalism that does not conform must be taken down. This month, several of us - Scott Ritter, myself, ASB Military News, among others - were canceled from Twitter. The - unstated - reason: we were debunking the officially approved narrative of the Russia/NATO/Ukraine war.
- Book of the Living
House museums of New Orleans Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- British 'Watchdog' Journalists Unmasked as Lap Dogs for the Security State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The cases of Carol Cadwalladr and Paul Mason reveal how readily celebrated media figures are recruited to the intelligence services’ covert information war against other journalists.
- Building That Bright Future
Soviet Karelia in the Life Writing of Finnish North Americans Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- Butler to the World
How Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kelptocrats and criminals Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 Butler to the World reveals how Britain came to assume its role as the center of the offshore economy. Written polemically, but studded with witty references to the butlers of popular fiction, it demonstrates how so many elements of modern Britain have been put at the service of the world's oligarchs.
- Calls By Western Socialists For A Russian Retreat From Ukraine Amount To De Facto Support For NATO Aggression
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 NATO socialists dismiss or ignore altogether the concerns of Russia over the expansionism, militarism and sanctions of the NATO alliance. In reality, Russian diplomatic efforts to push back against NATO's aggression - and NATO's use of Ukraine for its aggression - have gone on for several decades.
- Can the Left Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Addresses the lack of nuance amongst the Left and calls for more meaningful dialogue.
- Cancel Culture
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 I think it goes without saying that the United States is undergoing a crisis of democracy. As a nation, we are deeply divided along partisan political lines, so much so that what once passed for legitimate political debate and discourse has been diminished to the point that any dissent is characterized as a threat against democracy. Once, fact-based debates took place to ascertain the truth of a matter. Now, opposing parties embrace their own unique 'fact sets' which are derived more from political belief than reality, and anyone holding a different opinion is derided and condemned as a practitioner of 'disinformation.'
- The Capitalist Solution to 'Save' the Planet: Make It an Asset Class & Sell it
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Lynn Fries speaks to John Bellamy Foster on a critically important and underreported topic: how investors are trying to use rapidly moving climate crisis as an opportunity to loot even more of the commons.
- The Casualties of Empire
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Diabolic methods of propaganda and perception management are at work now that have no precedent. This is war waged in a new way — against domestic populations as well as those declared as enemies.
- Censoring Palestine: Swarms of Israeli Bots Are Crippling Pro-Palestinian Twitter Account
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The Israeli government's targeting of Palestinian digital content is well-documented. According to 7amleh, The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, the Israeli Ministry of Justice Cyber Unit sends content-removal requests aimed at Palestinian content to social media companies such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube. The Justice Ministry has boasted these corporations comply with 95% of their requests. And Israeli governmental organizations and NGOs also encourage their citizens to flag Palestinian content for removal.
- Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship
 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2022 By mid-2017 independent media outlets were already reporting across ideological lines that algorithm changes from important sources of viewership like Google had suddenly begun hiding their content from people who were searching for the subjects they reported on.
- H. Chandler Davis Was a Lifelong Radical and a Moral Touchstone for the Left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Chan Davis, who died last month at the age of 96, faced down McCarthyite blacklists and imprisonment to pursue a brilliant academic career. Davis knew how to change and learn from political experience, but he always remained loyal to his socialist principles.
- Chronicle of a War Foretold
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Clayton Ruby was a shining example of ‘how much one person can do
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Clayton Ruby was one of Canada’s leading lawyers and an outspoken proponent of social justice, the environment, and press freedom.
- Cobalt: Cradle of the Demon Metals, Birth of a Mining Superpower
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- Cognitive Warfare: Israel Targets Journalists Who Threaten Its Reality-Creation Tactics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The evidence shows Israeli military/intel forces see journalists as 'lawful targets,' as part of the 'Cognitive War' they wage against the Palestinians, but more particularly against the global population in an attempt to legitimize their military oppression of the Palestinians in their ongoing effort of 'population expulsion' of the Palestinians from Palestinian territory.
- Conditioned for War with Russia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Discusses the American role in the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the Establishment media's part in keeping the truth from Americans.
- Conflict In Ukraine Used To Silence Voices Of Dissent In The United States
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Clearing the FOG speaks with political comedian Lee Camp about the sudden de-platforming that happened to him when RT America abruptly shut down after the Russian military intervention in Ukraine last month. Camp lost his program Redacted Tonight that aired weekly for the past eight years, and he was kicked off of other platforms such as Spotify. Camp talks about the big picture of growing censorship, the state of the media and freedom of the press, and the assault on the public's access to information that counters the narrative in the corporate media.
- Contemporary Race Theory and the Problem of History: A Critique
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The inability of contemporary race theory to fully account for and explain (rather than just label) the social dynamics that produce and reproduce inequality stems from two core assumptions that form the bedrock for this taxonomic project. The first is that anti-Black racism is an unalterable feature of American life - hence the impetus towards labeling and naming the different and ostensibly novel forms that racism takes. The second is that class analysis in inadequate theoretically, and class struggle is politically outmoded.
- COP27
Corporate Courts Versus Developing World Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 As rich countries move away from dispute-settlement mechanisms that give corporations power to block environmental protections, Manuel Pérez-Rocha says they keep imposing them on developing countries through trade pacts.
- Craig Murray: Your Man in Saughton Jail Part 2
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Think of every sensible thing you think you know about prison. Think of education, training, rehabilitation. It is all completely ignored by the Scottish Prison Service.
- The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War
Boyd-Barrett, Oliver Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In the United States and its allies, Russia confronts an adversary which is the only country ever to have used nuclear weapons on another. This is also an adversary which has many times since considered using nuclear weapons again.
- The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Cruelty against Gaza patients enabled by US and EU
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The cruelty of the siege of Gaza and the depravity of those who prolong it cannot be overstated.
- The Dawn of the Apocalypse
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 We were warned for decades about the death march we are on because of global warming. And yet, the global ruling class continues to frog-march us towards extinction.
- Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Censorship
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Perhaps we have foolishly consented to a reality where the most powerful people in the world get to control the information people consume in order to shut down dissent against a murderous and oppressive globe-spanning oligarchic empire.
- The Destiny of Civilization
Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 The Destiny of Civilization presents an overview of Michael Hudson's geo-political perspective: analysis which integrates economics, history, politics, archaeology and psychology.
- Donziger: a Tale for Our Times
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 This case shows how we are all, in a sense, the prisoners of corporations which dictate the terms on which we live, work and share knowledge.
- The End of Western Civilization
Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Today's New Cold War diplomacy involves extracting economic tribute by pushing foreign economies further into dollarized debt, to be paid by imposing depression and austerity on themselves. This subjugation is depicted by mainstream economists as a law of nature and hence as an inevitable form of equilibrium, in which each nation’s economy receives "what it is worth." Today's mainstream economic models are based on the unrealistic assumption that all debts can be paid, without polarizing income and wealth. All economic problems are assumed to be self-curing by "the magic of the marketplace," without any need for civic authority to intervene. Government regulation is deemed inefficient and ineffective, and hence unnecessary. That leaves creditors, land-grabbers and privatizers with a free hand to deprive others of their freedom. This is depicted as the ultimate destiny of today's globalization, and of history itself.
- Evidence of US-Backed Coup in Kiev
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 NewsGuard gave Consortium News a red mark for "publishing false content" on Ukraine, including that there was a U.S.-backed coup in Kiev in 2014. Here is CN's detailed proof.
- Expelled from a Progressive Think Tank - for the Crime of Denouncing Antifa Violence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Experts Warned For Years That NATO Expansion Would Lead To This
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Analysts and diplomats have been saying since the 1990s that NATO expansion would eventually spark a conflict in Eastern Europe.
- "If you want peace, prepare for war" (Russia, Ukraine, NATO, EU)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 An explanatory article on the background and geo-political rivalries leading to the 2022 escalation of conflict in Ukraine. The text is a translation of "Si vis pacem para bellum – Wer Frieden will rüste sich zum Krieg (Platon, Cicero, Russland, Ukraine, NATO, EU)" by Gruppen Gegen Kapital Und Nation (Groups against Capital and Nation) which was published on February 21st, two days before the Russian invasion began.
- Failing to Count the Arabs
The Myth of the "Democratic" Jewish State Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Israel wants the world to believe that it is a majority Jewish state with a 20% Arab minority and that the Arab population enjoys a good standard of living and full equal rights. And while this is easy to disprove, it is still part of the mainstream discourse on Israel.
- FBI Cointelpro is Back and Worse Than Ever
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Elon Musk has opened the floodgates to expose the FBI's latest war on Americans' freedom of speech. The FBI massively intervened to pressure Twitter to suppress accounts and tweets from individuals the FBI disapproved, including parody accounts. The FBI and other federal agencies also browbeat Facebook, Instagram, and many other tech companies.
- The Federal Bureau of Tweets: Twitter Is Hiring an Alarming Number of FBI Agents
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Twitter has been on a recruitment drive of late, hiring a host of former feds and spies. Studying a number of employment and recruitment websites, MintPress has ascertained that the social media giant has, in recent years, recruited dozens of individuals from the national security state to work in the fields of security, trust, safety and content.
- Finance Capitalism's Self-Destructive Nature
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Transcript of Interview on The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong May 25th, 2022
- For a Better World
The Winnipeg General Strike: The Workers' Revolt Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- For a Better World
The Winnipeg General Strike and the Workers' Revolt Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 Looks at the history and legacies of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
- For Washington, War Never Ends
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the rearmament of Germany confirmed that for the United States, the war in Europe was not entirely over. It still isn't. It goes on and on.
- Foreign Agents Designation Causes Media Cold War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Media based in countries the United States regards as enemies, such as Russia and China, even if they are privately owned, are required to register as "foreign agents." So are media which run reports critical of U.S. foreign policy, like Al Jazeera. Other state owned-media, like the BBC, CBC, Deutsche Welle, let alone Voice of America, are not required to register.
- Forget liberating Ukraine - We first need to liberate our minds
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Because we in the West are the strongest tribe on the planet, we are also the most deluded, the most propagandized, and the most dangerous.
- France Stuck in the Extreme Center
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 After years of neoliberalism, French politics that venture outside the conformist centre's unshakable loyalty to the Atlantic Alliance are now dangerously 'extreme.'
- Frieden für die Ukraine - Wie der Krieg beendet werden kann
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Frieden für die Ukraine - Wie der Krieg beendet werden kann
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2022
- Für eine populäire Linke
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Wir wollen eine LINKE, die für die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung, die Arbeitenden, die Familien, die Rentnerinnen und Rentner und die sozial Benachteiligten aktiv ist.
- Gerald Hannon, a key figure in the gay liberation movement, has died at age 77
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Recalling Gerald Hannon.
- Germany criminalizes journalist for exposing Ukrainian war crimes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Independent Donetsk-based journalist Alina Lipp of Germany details her prosecution by the German state for violating new speech codes through her reporting in the Donetsk People’s Republic. As the only German reporter on the ground in Donetsk, Lipp has exposed Ukrainian forces shelling civilians, attacking a maternity ward, mining harbors, and bombing a granary filled with corn for export. She faces three years in prison if she returns to her home country.
- Germany's position in America's New World Order
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Discusses the American New Cold War and the creation of two camps: the U.S.-centered NATO, and the emerging Eurasian coalition. Germany finds itself in the midst of this fracture, and is being convinced by the US that it requires American protection.
- Getting Closer
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The Greens -- recently called "the most hypocritical, aloof, mendacious, incompetent and, measured by the damage they cause, the most dangerous party we currently have in the Bundestag" by the indestructible Sahra Wagenknecht -- are rather more afraid of nuclear power than nuclear arms.
- The Great Clutching at Pearls
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Tt turns out Marx was right. The crisis of capitalism is now upon us. Neoliberalism (another word for designing state systems deliberately to lead to incredible concentrations of wealth amid general poverty) is coming to the end of its course.
- The Hijab as a Billboard for Islamist Propaganda
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Let's not fool ourselves about what is actually happening in Iran now and for the last five weeks. These women are not just merely "celebrating" or marching for their freedom of expression in general political terms, no! They are fighting a piece of cloth that has come to symbolise an all-encompassing religious intolerance and zealotry as the core of a disintegrating Islamist ideology.
- How Israel erases Palestinian cultural memory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 On Israel's looting of Palestinian cultural and historical archives.
- How Much Longer Can the U.S. Continue to Wage Economic War on Europe, and Much of the World, Without a Major Blowback Effect?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has awakened many people to the gangster methods that have been deployed for years by the U.S. government doing the bidding of multinational corporations.
- How the Elites Use Identity Politics to Wage Class War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 I fail to perceive how this ideology menaces an established order that its identity-activists have unctuously and sedulously wooed. Worse, identity politics weakens worker solidarity, because it never mentions class.
- How the Left betrayed the Truckers
The convoy is despised by those who should support it Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Ottawa's truckers are a symptom of the massive class divide that is opening up across the West. Marxists are sticking their heads in the sand about this generational moment, or papering it over with absurd topsy-turvy leaps.
- How the organized Left got Covid wrong, learned to love lockdowns and lost its mind
An autopsy Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 For two years the left has championed policies of surveillance and exclusion in the form of: punitive vaccine mandates, invasive vaccine passports, socially destructive lockdowns, and radically unaccountable censorship by large media and technology corporations. For the entire pandemic, leftists and liberals - call them the Lockdown Left - cheered on unprecedented levels of repression aimed primarily at the working class: those who could not afford private schools and could not comfortably telecommute from second homes.
- How 'Virtual Crime Scenes' Became a Propaganda Tool in Nicaragua, Ukraine, and Syria
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Creating "virtual crime scenes" is a tool which enables establishment media such as the New York Times, the BBC or (in Spain) El Pais, to convey interpretations of the events which conveniently coincide with the way they are seen by the US government and its allies.
- How Zelensky Made Peace With Neo-Nazis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 While Western media deploy Zelensky's heritage to refute accusations of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, the president now depends on them as front line fighters in the war with Russia.
- I know Israel practices apartheid because I helped enforce it
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Rafael Silver left Israel because he could no longer be a part of a system that practices apartheid against the Palestinian people. "I have seen it in action with my own eyes," he writes. "I have enforced it during my military service in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip and supported it as an Israeli taxpayer."
- If Canada were a Christian state
What would Canada be like if it were a Christian state in the same sense that Israel is a Jewish state? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 What apartheid looks like in Israel, and what it would like in Canada.
- In memoriam: John W. Warnock
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 John Warnock leaves behind an incomparably rich political legacy.
- In These Days of Great Tension
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Rather than allow this war to escalate and for positions to harden, it is important for the guns to go silent and the discussions to recommence. writes Vijay Prashad.
- In Ukraine, 'No One Hears That There Is a Diplomatic Solution'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- India: Birds Drop Out of the Sky, People Die
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 "The streets, she says, are lined with dead things. Dogs. Cats. Cows. Animals of all kinds are just there, dead. They've perished in the killing heat. They can't survive." People spend all day in canals and rivers and lakes. Some people line the streets passed out at the edge of life or death.
- An Intellectual No-Fly Zone: Online Censorship of Ukraine Dissent Is Becoming the New Norm
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Google has sent a warning shot across the world, ominously informing media outlets, bloggers, and content creators that it will no longer tolerate certain opinions when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
- Iran: "This is a woman's revolution in the making"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 If you look at the Handmaid's Tale, people talk about it as fiction. But it is real life in Iran. We're talking about a government that legally discriminates against women and legally imposes and encourages violence against us.
- Is it already too late to say goodbye?
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 My blog posts once attracted tens of thousands of shares. Then, as the algorithms tightened, it became thousands. Now, as they throttle me further, shares can often be counted in the hundreds. "Going viral" is a distant memory.
- Is this how it all ends?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Israel experiments on Palestinians with AI-powered guns at checkpoints
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Discusses the ways Israeli weapons development efforts uses Palestinians as guinea pigs to be able to market their military technology as field-tested to foreign governments.
- Israeli army shuts down prominent Palestinian rights groups
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Israeli occupation forces have raided, sealed and imposed closure orders on the offices of several prominent Palestinian human rights, feminist and social services organizations in the West Bank.
- The Israeli Execution of Shireen Abu Akleh
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Israel, which shoots hundreds of Palestinians a year, routinely includes reporters and photographers on its target lists. The execution of Abu Akleh was not an accident. She was singled out for elimination.
- Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Amnesty International has analysed Israel's intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this system amounts to apartheid. Israel must dismantle this cruel system and the international community must pressure it to do so. All those with jurisdiction over the crimes committed to maintain the system should investigate them.
- Israel's Rightward Turn
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The backlash against the increasingly vocal demands for recognition and equality on the part of Israel’s Arab citizens has decisively shaped twenty-first-century Israeli politics.
- It's Not OK for Grown Adults to Think This Way About Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Joe Biden's Saber-Rattling Threatens World War III - with China and Russia
Fits long pattern of war-mongering and provocations that are a feature of the American Century Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Kingdom of Night
Witnesses to the Holocaust Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- The Last Heroes
Foot Soldiers of Indian Freedom Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 So who really spearheaded India’s Freedom Struggle? Millions of ordinary people -- farmers, labourers, homemakers, forest produce gatherers, artisans and others -- stood up to the British. People who never went on to be ministers, governors, presidents, or hold other high public office. They had this in common: their opposition to Empire was uncompromising. In The Last Heroes, these footsoldiers of Indian freedom tell us their stories.
- Leaked emails expose Paul Mason's collusion with senior British intelligence agent
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In leaked emails, celebrity journalist Paul Mason plots extensively with Andy Pryce of the UK Foreign Office Counter Disinformation and Media Development unit.
- The left-wing case against identity politics
It is time progressives stood up to the racism, classism and misogyny of wokeness. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Book review of The Identity Myth by David Swift.
- A Lemming Leading the Lemmings
Slavoj Zizek and the Terminal Collapse of the Anti-War Left Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Have you noticed how every major foreign policy crisis since the U.S. and U.K.'s invasion of Iraq in 2003 has peeled off another layer of the left into joining the pro-NATO, pro-war camp?
- "Let Me Go Get My Big White Man"
The Clientelist Foundation of Contemporary Antiracist Politics Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 No matter what those who propound it may believe about themselves or, more meaningfully, want the rest of us to believe about them, contemporary race-reductionist politics - i.e., what is commonly recognized as antiracist politics - is not in any way left, egalitarian, or democratic. It is not linked to any popular, insurgent, or 'bottom-up' black or other political expressions. It is not oriented practically toward a vision of broadly egalitarian social transformation, nor is it at all aligned with or congenial to any project of generating a political movement toward such ends.
- Let's Back Up A Sec And Ask Why Free Speech Actually Matters
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 To really answer the question of whether the increasingly widespread practice of Silicon Valley censorship via algorithm and deplatforming is a major problem and whether an increase in speech restriction is desirable, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves why free speech even matters in the first place.
- The Lie of American Innocence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The branding of Vladimir Putin as a war criminal by Joe Biden, who lobbied for the Iraq war and staunchly supported the 20 years of carnage in the Middle East, is one more example of the hypocritical moral posturing sweeping across the United States. It is unclear how anyone would try Putin for war crimes since Russia, like the United States, does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. But justice is not the point. Politicians like Biden, who do not accept responsibility for our well-documented war crimes, bolster their moral credentials by demonizing their adversaries. They know the chance of Putin facing justice is zero. And they know their chance of facing justice is the same.
- Luring Doctors from Poorer Countries is the UK's Quiet Scandal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The United Kingdom brings in medical professionals from poor and middle-income countries to make up for their shortage while disintergrating these countries' health systems.
- The main enemy is at home
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The outbreak of war is always a human disaster with unforeseeable consequences. The 'fog of war,' incessant propaganda, rapidly changing events, our own confused thoughts and emotions, all make it exceedingly difficult to know how to react.
- Mass Media Omertà
Burying Al Jazeera's 'The Labour Files' Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The damaging revelations about the Labour Party in the recent four-part Al Jazeera series, ‘The Labour Files’, and the almost totalitarian silence in response by British news media, should ram home the illusory nature of ‘democracy’ in the UK.
- Media Support 'Self-Determination' for US Allies, Not Enemies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Non-Western media outlets have identified a precedent for Russia citing Donetsk and Luhansk's right to self-determination as a rationale for attacking Ukraine: the Kosovo War. In 1999, NATO conducted a 78-day war that helped to dismember Yugoslavia and create a new state, Kosovo, a Serbian province whose population was 90% ethnic Albanians.
- Most of All, I am Offended as a Muslim
On Hamline University's shocking imposition of narrow religious orthodoxy in the classroom Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Barring a professor of art history from showing a painting, lest it harm observant Muslims in class, is just as absurd as asking a biology professor not to teach evolution because it may offend evangelical Protestants in the course.
- My Nelson Mandela is dead
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The way to liberate the Palestinians from Israel requires replacing the apartheid regime known as "Israel" with a free, democratic Palestine – and not expecting that Israel itself will allow Palestinians to be free. Israel isn't just the perpetrator of the crime, it is, in and of itself, the crime. The existence of Apartheid Israel is the crime.
- The narcissism of America's race politics
The realities of black British lives were eclipsed by BLM Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 in the aftermath of Floyd’s death, the catch-all framework of "Black Lives Matter" was imported to every corner of the planet, even though race relations are not the same throughout the world. They are instead mediated by a country's unique history and culture.
It was bizarre, watching the majority of liberal democracies use the example of America to make sense of race in their own countries.
- National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding Projects in Ukraine
Deletion needed to preserve big lie of an unprovoked Russian invasion Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) -- a CIA offshoot founded in the early 1980s to advance "democracy promotion" initiatives around the world—has deleted all records of funding projects in Ukraine from their searchable "Awarded Grants Search" database.
- NATO/US vs Russia in Ukraine: A Trotskyist Analysis
A litmus test for Trotskyists Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The current conflict in Ukraine seems in all likelihood to eventually be viewed as a major historical turning point. It has three interrelated threads: the decline of the American imperium; Russia’s role in an emerging multipolar geopolitical world order; and sharpening of national/ethnic antagonisms within Ukraine itself.
- 'Nearly Every War Has Been The Result Of Media Lies'
Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media and Ukraine Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Julian Assange once observed that, 'Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.' For daring to publish evidence of US war crimes, Assange now sits in the high-security Belmarsh prison in London, at risk of being extradited to the US within the next few weeks. The prospects for a fair trial range from miniscule to zero.
- A new generation of US-trained extremists is fighting Russia. Are we prepared for the blowback?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 US agencies have directly and indirectly trained and empowered Nazis and ultra-nationalists at home and abroad to fight Russians in Ukraine. This program follows the blueprint established by Western intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Syria.
- The New Iron Curtain
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The Ukraine crisis proves to be Europe's crucible and Europe proves a profound disappointment. And here's the thing about this profoundly misguided project. The populations of the Western post-democracies will pay a far higher price for letting their leaders build the thick stone wall of Cold War II than those it is supposed to consign to the wilderness. Westerners will pay this price in blindness, in ignorance, and in isolation from the global majority.
- No Actually The US Empire Is Still The Power To Criticize
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- No To Preventive Detention: From Palestine, to Guantanamo, to U.S. Jails!
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 On administrative detention of 500 Palestinians when they announced a boycott of Israeli military courts.
- The Nord Stream Sabotage
A New Low For Western Mainstream Media Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Condemning the Guardian's coverage of the recent Nord Stream sabotage, Lascaris discusses the increasing lenghts which Western media will go to promote the U.S. government's hegemonic agenda. He highlights several examples of the Guardian's exercises in propoganda-masquerading-as-journalism.
- Nuclear expert speaks on the dangers of war between the US and Russia
Interview with Greg Mello Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Nuclear war is not one or two Hiroshima-sized bombs. The imagination cannot encompass nuclear war. Nuclear war means nuclear winter. It means the collapse of very fragile electronic, financial, governmental, administrative systems that keep everyone alive. We’d be lucky to reboot in the early 19th century. And if enough weapons are detonated, the collapse of the Earth’s ozone layer would mean that every form of life that has eyes could be blinded. The combined effects of a US-Russian nuclear war would mean that pretty much every terrestrial mammal, and many plants, would become extinct.
- Omerta in the Gangster War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has virtually announced that the war in Ukraine can only intensify with no end in sight.
- On Being Disappeared
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 YouTube has removed the entire six-year archive of the author's show 'On Contact.' This censorship, he says, is about supporting what I.F Stone reminded us is what governments always do - lie.
- On Justice for Kashmir
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Among the self-determination struggles of our time, Kashmir is at risk of being forgotten by most of the world (except for Pakistan), while its people continue to endure the harsh crimes of India’s intensifying military occupation that has already lasted 75 years.
- On the First Workday of the New Year, the Average CEO Will Make More Than an Average Workers Earns in an Entire Year
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 If the typical CEO of a large U.S. corporation clocks in at 9 am on January 2, by 3:37 pm that afternoon he'll have earned $58,260 - the average annual salary for all U.S. occupations.In other words, in less than seven hours on the first workday of the New Year, that CEO will have made as much as the average U.S. worker will make all year.
- On the Influence of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 A short history of neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
- On Ukraine, 'progressive' proxy warriors spell disaster
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 'Progressives" who urge leftists to support the Ukraine proxy war whitewash the US role, attack dissenting voices, and advocate the dangerous militarism that they claims to oppose.
- "One less traitor": Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky has outlawed his opposition, ordered his rivals' arrest, and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents across the country.
- 'Our Auschwitz, our Dachau'
Reckoning with Germany's genocide in Namibia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Palestine is a loud echo of Britain's colonial past - and a warning of the future
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In moving from Nazareth back to the UK, I have stepped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
- The Paradoxical Seeds of The Holocaust
Oppression and Death Live On in the Apartheid State Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 It is becoming increasingly difficult for Israel and the agencies that promote Zionism around the world to portray Zionism in rosy colors. This is primarily because there is a history of close to 100 years of Zionism; and the actions of the Zionist State, Israel, have a history of seven and a half decades of violence and racism. To add to that, in February, Amnesty International came out with a damning report demonstrating in no uncertain terms that Israel is engaged in the crime of apartheid and has been since the day it was established.
- Partnering With Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: An Inconvenient History
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Under pressure from neo-Nazi parties that have large power that is disproportionate to their small support, Zelensky abandoned his campaign peace promise and refused to talk to the leaders of the Donbas and implement the Minsk Agreements.
- Paul Mason's covert intelligence-linked plot to destroy The Grayzone exposed
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Leaked emails reveal British journalist Paul Mason plotting with an intel contractor to destroy The Grayzone through "relentless deplatforming" and a "full nuclear legal" attack. The scheme is part of a wider planned assault on the UK left.
- Pity the Nation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Fact-based arguments Scott Ritter made challenging the case for war against Iraq were effectively silenced. Today he sees the same template in play towards anyone challenging the dogma of 'Putinism.
- Podcast with Michael Hudson, Steve Keen, Steve Grumbine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Practice involuntary recognition
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 An old pamplet holds some contemporary wisdom, argues Marianne Garneau. She advocates for "involuntary recognition," in which workers force employers to recognize the union outside the boundaries drawn by labour law.
- Pre-Emptive Murder
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The lives of the latest fifteen Palestinian children to be murdered by Israel in Gaza, lives ripped from their small, terrified bodies with devastating violence, do not seem of much concern to the powerful in the West, or indeed anywhere.
- Prison Food
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 "Not for Human Consumption." The author, who saw that label himself when he was incarcerated, calls out a widespread human rights violation being committed in U.S. prisons.
- A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 An end to the invasion and war in Ukraine can only be guaranteed if Russia’s security is itself guaranteed. Security is largely indivisible. Security for one state requires security for others, says the Los Alamos Study Group.
- Radical chic' and the left's problem with race
White, middle-class left-wingers are still in thrall to age-old prejudices. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 "If you believe that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards", Thomas Sowell has said, "that would have gotten you labelled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today".
- Reflecting New U.S. Control of TikTok's Censorship, Our Report Criticizing Zelensky Was Deleted
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 For years, U.S. officials and their media allies accused Russia, China and Iran of tyranny for demanding censorship as a condition for Big Tech access. Now, the U.S. is doing the same to TikTok.
- Remembering Murray Dobbin: activist, intellectual, mentor, friend
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Resource Limits to American Capitalism & the Predator State Today
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 James K. Galbraith discusses the shift of US capitalism from an industrial state to what he calls a predator state: a finance-led, military-centered corporate republic that continues to prevail. To overcome it, he lays out what is needed to focus on employment, stability and adjustments to rising resource costs.
- Robbed by Law Enforcement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 People who have never even been charged with a crime can have their life savings taken away. That’s civil asset forfeiture.
- Russia and the West: between sanctions and war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 On sanctions as economic war.
- Russia has the historical right to invade Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The simple question is: What was Russia to do?
- Russia, Ukraine & the Law of War: Crime of Aggression
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Russia, Ukraine and the Law of War: War Crimes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Scott Ritter lays out what the law says about war crimes and how it applies to the conflict in Ukraine.
- Russia-Ukraine Resources: History, context and analysis of the crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Articles and interviews examining the context and background of the 2022 crisis.
- Russia-Ukraine: Western media are acting as cheerleaders for war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Journalists are cheering on the arming of militias and civilians making improvised explosives - acts they usually treat as terrorism
- Sanctions Kill
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2022 Published:
- Servant of the Corrupt
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Pedro Gonzalez details the connections among Zelensky, oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky and Washington, D.C.
- Shedding Light on Who, Exactly, is Responsible for the War in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 It is necessary to understand not only what Russia is doing with its intervention in Ukraine but also what alternative existed to stop Ukrainian aggression against Donbas and to assure Russia's national security.
- Shock and Awe: Then and Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In the two U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the world has seen two decades of wholesale death and destruction at the hands of the U.S. military, at a cost of trillions and countless deaths estimated between one and two million.
- The Situation in Russia and Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- The 16 Biggest Lies the U.S. Government Tells America About the Ukraine War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In any war, the first casualty is truth. Here, according to Richard Ochs, are the biggest lies.
- Smearing an Entire Protest Movement as Fascistic Will Come Back to Haunt My Fellow Leftists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Canadians as a whole, and especially centre-left voters, have come to believe that the legitimacy of a movement inheres not in its size or the diversity of people and views it represents, but rather in its ability to discipline and control its supporters.
- Smelter Wars
A Rebellious Red Trade Union Fights for its Life in Wartime Western Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- Snowden says 'I told you so'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Former CIA and National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed vindication after a media report exposed how surveillance tools deployed to fight Covid-19 are now being abused by law enforcement and other authorities – as he predicted over two years ago.
- Social media giants repress Palestinian content
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Silicon Valley is solidly entrenching itself as a devoted enemy of political dissent. As the West implements draconian sanctions against Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, including the banning of the Russian news outlets RT and Sputnik from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok as well as search engine results, social media censorship of political messaging about the Palestinian liberation struggle continues.
- The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 A memoir and historical account of growing up in the Jim Crow South.
- Spotify Purges Dissident Voices In Latest Censorship Escalation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Multiple American podcasters who speak critically of the political status quo in their country are reporting that their channels have been shut down as the censorship campaign against Russia-backed media continues to escalate.
- Striving to make sense of the Ukraine war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- 'Tantura' Exposes the Lie at the Heart of Israel's Founding Myth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 A new documentary challenges Israel's narrative about 1948 and the forced displacement of Palestinians.
- Those angry at Rushdie's stabbing have been missing in action over a far bigger threat to our freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The Satanic Verses novelist is championed by western liberals not because he has bravely articulated difficult truths but because of who his enemies are.
- Those Angry at Rushdie's stabbing have been missing in action over a far greater threat to our freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Both Julian Assange and Salman Rushdie have been victims of violence, but sympathy was only given to Rushdie. Cook argues that although both men are prominent proponents for the freedom of speech, Rushie questions the authority of clerics and governments in far-off lands, and Assange speaks out against the crimes committed by Western governments.
- Those who violated the Geneva Conventions at Guantánamo are free, while the man who helped expose their crimes languishes in prison
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Time to acknowledge hateful leader of 'anti-hate' group
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 What do you call an 'antiracist' group led by an open ethnic/religious supremacist?
- To Defeat Fascism, We Must Win Over a Substantial Segment of the Social Strata that Make Up its Mass Base
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 It is not enough to counter fascism militarily, as Antifa does, though that is important. To truly defeat fascism, we must win over a substantial segment of the social strata that make up its mass base. That is a project that has not been undertaken since the 1960s and 1970s, when the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) challenged white radicals to organize in white communities against racism and for economic and social justice.
- Twelve Thoughts On Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Twitter Wars: My Personal Experience in Twitter's Ongoing Assault on Free Speech
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- 231 Palestinians were killed in 2022. These are their stories.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 2022 was the deadliest year for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in decades. We kept a record of all those who were killed by Israeli state and settler violence. These are their names, faces, and stories.
- Ukraine: Cost of War in Africa & Global South
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 As the West is busy dealing with its own economic woes while cutting off Russian exports, little heed is being paid to those suffering the most.
- Ukraine: The Economic Fallout
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Economists Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff discuss the economic war against Russia and its boomerang effect on the West. Does it mean that globalization is over?
- Ukraine War, Divided Left
'Social Patriots' and the 'Anti-Imperialism of Fools' Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Since Russia's military operation commenced on February 24, 2022, the socialist left has been divided in its response to the armed conflict in Ukraine.
- Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Ukraine's parliamentarians have given themselves a 70% salary increase while soldiers fighting against Russia receive none of the humanitarian aid pouring in from the US and Europe.
- Uncloaked: Canada's "Jekyll-and-Hyde" Masquerade as Nation that Supposedly Supports Pacifism and Progressive Principles
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 How Canada's military-industrial complex sucks up to and serves the American one.
- Uncloaked: Canada's Jekyll-and-Hyde Masquerade as Nation that Supposedly Supports Pacifism and Progressive Principles
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 How Canada's military-industrial complex sucks up to and serves the American one.
- Unveiling the Chilly Climate
The Suppression of Speech on Palestine in Canada Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Independant Jewish Voices (Canada) conducted a study on the Canadian "chilling effect" in which academics, students and Palestine solidarity activists face repression in discussing Israel's crimes against Palestinians.
- US Approach to Ukraine and Russia Has Left the Domain of Rational Discourse
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- The US Bubble of Pretend
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The lack of objective, principled coverage of the war in Ukraine is a degenerate state of affairs. The one thing worse is the extent to which it’s perfectly fine with most Americans.
- US, EU sacrificing Ukraine to 'weaken Russia': former NATO adviser
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 As the Russia-Ukraine war enters a new phase, former Swiss intelligence officer, senior United Nations official, and NATO advisor Jacques Baud analyzes the conflict and argues that the US and its allies are exploiting Ukraine in a longstanding campaign to bleed its Russian neighbour.
- US Foreign Policy Is a Cruel Sport
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- US Media's Intellectual No-Fly-Zone on US Culpability in Nord Stream Attack
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Discusses the media's suspicion of Russia over the destruction of the Nord 2 pipeline, although Washington has an established history of opposition to the pipeline.
- Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The doctrine of permanent war dominated our lives during the Cold War and dominates our lives now.
- War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- War, Conflict & Enemies of Truth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The frenzy engendered by the Ukraine conflict reinforces a herd mentality that cries out for critical thinking.
- Washington's Sanctions War
A Futile Attempt To Control the World Economy Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In essence, economic sanctions assume that the state is entitled to expropriate and destroy economic value owned by any business which had been doing good faith trading or financial transactions with sanctioned Russian entities.
- The West Can't Stop Pillaging Other Countries' Bank Accounts
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Leave your nation's money in a western bank, and it might not be yours for very long, especially if you in any way displease the U.S. and its client states.
- Western Media Fall in Lockstep for Neo-Nazi Publicity Stunt in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- The West's Hands in Ukraine as Bloody as Putin's
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 There is a discursive nervous tic all over social media at the moment, including from prominent journalists such as Guardian columnist George Monbiot. The demand is that everyone not only "condemn" Russian President Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine, but do so without qualification.
- What Is the Difference Between Kosovo & Donbass?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 When the corporate media push for war, one of their main weapons is propaganda by omission. In the case of the recent crisis in Ukraine, Western journalists have omitted key context about the expansion of NATO since the end of the Cold War, as well as US support for the Maidan coup in 2014. A third and crucial case of propaganda by omission relates to the integration of neo-Nazis into the Ukrainian armed forces If the corporate media reported more critically about Western support for the neo-Nazi-infested Ukrainian security services, and how these forces function as a front-line proxy of US foreign policy, public support for war might be reduced and military budgets called into greater question.
As recent coverage demonstrates, one way of resolving this issue is by not mentioning the inconvenient matter of Ukrainian neo-Nazis altogether.
- What the U.S. Government and The New York Times Have Quietly Agreed Not to Tell You About Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The narrative that portrays Ukraine as a democratic state - no matter how beloved by U.S. corporate media or endlessly repeated by the State Department - is a fantasy. History has shown us that the Ukrainian government's commitment to democracy is dubious or non-existent. Ukraine currently has more banned political parties than legal ones; political repression and imprisonment of dissidents has been commonplace ever since its independence; and both the government and its affiliated party militias routinely resort to violence to quell peaceful protests while turning a blind eye to violence inflicted on Jews and other racial and ethnic minorities.
- Why do Palestinian children throw stones?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Children of my Gaza refugee camp were rarely afraid of monsters but of Israeli soldiers. This is all that we talked about before going to bed. Unlike imaginary monsters in the closet or under the bed, Israeli soldiers are real, and they could show up any minute – at the door, on the roof or, as was often the case, right in the middle of the house.
- Why German state racism is now directed at the Palestinians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The Holocaust serves, paradoxically, as an alibi for Europeans to assume they are morally superior to others, as the cancellation of an arts prize to Caryl Churchill shows.
- Wicked Leakidence On Nord Stream Sabotages
Part 1: How The Media Quarantined Evidence On Nord Stream Sabotage Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 On the British media's biased reporting of the Nord Stream sabotage.
- Will Shireen Abu Akleh's Murder Mark a Turning Point in the Liberation of Palestine?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 As I write these words, the world is trying to make sense of the brutal assassination of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was targeted by Israeli forces while covering yet another Israeli assault on Jenin. Furthermore, Israeli forces have now attacked the funeral procession leading Shireen to her final resting place. One wonders why is anyone surprised.
- Work Work Work
Labor, Alienation, and Class Struggle Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 Yates looks at the reality of labour markets, the nature of work in capitalist societies, and the nature and necessity of class struggle, which alone can bring exploitation -- and the system of control that makes it possible -- to a final end.
- Worthy & Unworthy Victims
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The life of a Palestinian or an Iraqi child is as precious as the life of a Ukrainian child. No one should live in fear and terror. No one should be sacrificed on the altar of Mars.
- You can't police offence
Politicians shouldn't try to outlaw psychological distress Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Delivering people from psychological distress is the business of therapists or priests, not lawmakers.
- Your Man in Saughton Jail Part 1
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Zeitenwende - Der Linksliberalismus und der Abschied von der liberalen Gesellschaft
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Agriculture's Greatest Myth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 For policymakers, the big obstacle to global promotion and restoration of small-scale farming (leaving aside the lobbying power of agribusiness) is allegedly that, "it can't feed the world". If that claim were true, local food systems would be bound to leave people hungry and so promoting them becomes selfish, short-termist, and unethical. Nevertheless, this purported flaw in sustainable and local agriculture represents a curious charge because, no matter where one looks in global agriculture, food prices are low because products are in surplus.
- The Amazon Chernobyl is a Warning for Us All
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 From the Athabasca to the Niger Delta to the Ecuadorian Amazon, the fossil fuel industry, along with other extractive industries, are drenched in the blood of countless innocent people and responsible for ecological annihilation on a scale that is unimaginable.
- America's Neoliberal Financialization Policy vs. China’s Industrial Socialism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- Anarchist Bookfair bans anarchist publisher
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The organizers of Montreal's Anarchist Book Fair have banned Black Rose Books, who have been publishing anarchist books since the 1960s, from participating. The reason given is that Black Rose publishes
- Antidote For Rural Sprawl: Land Use Zoning
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 There will always be people who will argue that zoning is an infringement upon their freedom to build a home where they choose. Speed limits and traffic lights are an infringement of our freedom to drive at any speed we want, but society recognizes that we would have chaos without such limits. The same principles apply to land use. Most of us recognize that zoning has value. Who doesn’t believe keeping structures out of a river's flood plain or keeping a pig farm out of a residential neighborhood isn’t reasonable? We need to extend that idea to the entire landscape, or we will lose much of what we consider valuable.
- Auschwitz survivor and fighter against fascism Esther Bejarano has died
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- Banning the Proud Boys
Be careful what you ask for Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Clarke argues that state efforts to eradicate the threat of fascism are often a double-edged sword that can be easily turned against the political left and used to threaten workers' rights.
- 'Beita is undefeatable': Inside the struggle to save this Palestinian village from Israeli settlers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In early May, a group of Israeli settlers arrived with caravans and set up an illegal outpost on the top of Jabal Sabih on the outskirts of Beita, in the northern occupied West Bank. Every single day since then, protests in the village have been nonstop.
- Big Tech's Playing Monopoly. It's Going to Lose.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Knapp critiques Big Tech, including Facebook and Twitter, as limiting freedom of speech in return for substantial revenue from government contracts.
- Bill Gates' Global Agenda and How We Can Resist His War on Life
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The health emergency of the coronavirus is inseparable from the health emergency of extinction, the health emergency of biodiversity loss, and the health emergency of the climate crisis. All of these emergencies are rooted in a mechanistic, militaristic, anthropocentric worldview that considers humans separate from—and superior to—other beings. Beings we can own, manipulate, and control. All of these emergencies are rooted in an economic model based on the illusion of limitless growth and limitless greed, which violate planetary boundaries, and destroy the integrity of ecosystems and individual species.
- Boycott is a right and a duty
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Israel's efforts to demonize the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) threaten a venerable form of nonviolent resistance. These efforts push for the censoring of Palestinian voices and those of our allies, undermining free speech rights and academic freedom while falsely conflating criticism of the State of Israel with anti-Jewish bigotry.
- Britain is a Parasite on Other Countries
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Britain deliberately trains far fewer doctors and nurses than it needs. It makes up the difference by recruiting great numbers of trained medical staff from impoverished countries where they are already in critically short supply.
- But What About Hamas's Rockets?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 We must be clear: What started this immediate horror was the intensification of Israel’s ethnic-cleansing campaign against Palestinians in East Jerusalem.
- Capitol Riots Were a Dark Day for American Journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 An article critical of the news coverage surrounding the January 6, 2021 invasion of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Cockburn argues that exaggerating the violence of the event threatens the credibility of the media and could justify repression by the government.
- The Cautionary Tale Of "Doctor America"
How Dr. Tom Dooley -- Once A Universally Revered Secular Saint to Millions -- Found the CIA and Lost His Halo Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 How the Dulles brothers, the CIA and the U.S. Navy conspired to turn a decent man into a deceitful spreader of disinformation in support of the Vietnam War.
- The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In totalitarian dictatorships, the government spy agency tells the news media what stories to run, and the news media unquestioningly publish it. In free democracies, the government spy agency says “Hoo buddy, have I got a scoop for you!” and the news media unquestioningly publish it.
- Circle in the Darkness Book Review
Review of Diana Johnstone's memoir Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Johnstone says: "If I must claim a label, it owuld be that of an independent truth-seeker."
- Climate Change: Why we can't trust mainstream media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 A Q&A on capitalism, media, and climate. Explains How and why mainstream media minimizes climate change.
- Climate Scientists: 'Net Zero' is a dangerous trap
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The only way to keep humanity safe is by immediately and radically cutting emissions in a socially just way.
- Collecting the evidence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Publisher and activist Lokman Slim, assassinated last month in Lebanon, spent 30 years trying to make sure that the memories of civil conflict were not forgotten.
- Craig Murray's jailing is the latest move in a battle to snuff out independent journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no prior convictions, will have to hand himself over to the Scottish police on Sunday morning. He becomes the first person ever to be imprisoned on the obscure and vaguely defined charge of "jigsaw identification".
- A database for the displaced
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The Kushan Baladi initiative (literally: land title initiative) was founded to create an official register of Palestinian land ownership inside the 1948 boundaries of historic Palestine, now Israel.
- The Day The World Ended
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The day the world ended began like any other day. People woke up, had their coffee, checked their social media, kissed their loved ones, went to work. Nobody knew it was coming.
- Decolonising Israel, Liberating Palestine
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 This book explores how the concept of settler colonialism provides a clearer understanding of the Zionist movement's project to establish a Jewish state in Palestine by displacing the Palestinian Arab population.
- The Devil Goes to Preschool
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In 1983, journalists helped conjure a nationwide sex panic.
- Die Selbstgerechten
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 Published: 2022 Wagenknecht grenzt die traditionellen Linken, zu denen sie heute zum Beispiel Jeremy Corbyn und Jean-Luc Mélenchon zählt und die vor allem von der Arbeiterschicht unterstützt worden sei, von den Lifestyle-Linken ab, die das öffentliche Bild der gesellschaftlichen Linken heute dominieren und die vor allem bei der akademischen Mittelschicht Anklang finden würden. Die Lifestyle-Linken würden zwar für Diversität, Antirassismus, eine lockere Einwanderungspolitik und gegen den Klimawandel eintreten, sich aber im Gegenzug kaum mehr für Klassenpolitik interessieren. Ihre Ziele würden sie auch nicht mehr durch Umverteilung von Vermögen erreichen wollen, sondern durch "Fragen des Lebensstils, der Konsumgewohnheiten und der moralischen Haltungsnoten."
- Dissenting POWs: From Vietnam's Hao Lo Prison to America Today
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 A fresh look at the how US troops played a part in the resistance of US troops to the American war in Vietnam.
- Dying for environmental democracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 This article is about Peruvian indigenous environmental defenders in Latin America, a region described as one of the world's deadliest areas for enviromental human rights defenders. Tran focuses on the indigenous Ashanika defenders and their plight in fighting for environmental justice.
- Ecosocialism Not Extinction!
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Ecosocialist Alliance statement on the opening of 2021 UN climate talks in Glasgow.
- Everything on (the) Line
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 On a chilly April day in 2001, some 75,000 protesters flooded the streets of Quebec City to denounce corporate globalization and a neoliberal trade deal. From that wellspring of activist anger, energy, and hope came the founding of rabble.ca: an alternative news source and community space that reported on Canadian politics from the ground, catching the attention of journalists and activists across the country. Stories of activist struggle lie at the heart of Everything on (the) Line, a collection of rabble's most incisive articles from the past twenty years.
- The eviction moratorium is a useful lesson in how reforms actually happen
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Ray Valentine describes how collective disruption "outside the political process" won tenants significant concessions.
- Ex-Israeli pilot: 'Our army is a terrorist organisation run by war criminals'
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 A former Israeli Air Force pilot, Yonatan Shapira, has described the Israeli government and army as "terrorist organisations" run by "war criminals."
- Exposing How Pro-Israel Groups Manufacture Antisemitism Narratives
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 These narratives attempt to have the public, media and politicians focus on bogus allegations of antisemitism instead of Israel’s actions.
- The fallacy of the colonial 'right to self-defence
Colonial powers have long demanded the 'right to self-defence' against the people they have colonised. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- The Far Left and the Far Right Actually Have a Lot in Common
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 It is the strangest thing to know that most of the regular people attracted to both the far left and the far right very clearly appear to be motivated by a desire to stand up to an elite that is actively destroying the lives of so many people around the world, but they have such radically differing ideas of each other’s motivations, and of the nature of the elite they oppose.
- Fifteen Thoughts On Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 You don't get to drop an entire colony on top of an inhabited country, grind those inhabitants into the dirt for generations, and then claim self defense every time they retaliate. That's not a thing.
- 5 Errors Made by Public Heath/ Science During The Pandemic
A Doctor Reflects Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2021
- Focusing Purely on Injustices in China and Russia with a Cold War Mindset Damages Human Rights Everywhere
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The essence of human rights propaganda is not lies or even exaggeration, but selectivity.
- Following the Science?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 "Following the science" has been the mantra of public officials from the very beginning of the pandemic. But what does "following the science" actually mean? When we as a society are faced with difficult policy choices, can science tell us what choices we should make?
- The fortunate Marxist
Ernie Tate (1934-2021) Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Ernie Tate (1934-2021) was a long-standing supporter and leading member of Trotskyist groups in Canada and the United Kingdom and a founder of the International Marxist Group and Vietnam Solidarity Campaign in Britain.
- Four Wars Old: Fourteen Years of Childhood in Gaza
Fourteen Years of Childhood in Gaza Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Sixty-seven Palestinian children were killed during Israel’s 11-day assault on Gaza in May 2021. Our latest visual looks at what life is like for the hundreds of thousands of children who survived, for whom a ceasefire offers little relief. This is childhood in Gaza.
- From fear to solidarity: Canada’s Jewish community and Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 For Jewish people who are already on edge, social media has created an echo chamber where their worst fears are affirmed and amplified by like-minded people. Suddenly, they’re seeing anti-Semitism everywhere. But it isn’t fear of rockets from Hamas that has got some people spooked. It’s the fact that Israel’s supporters were on the defensive against an unprecedented show of public support for the Palestinians, as well as a changing media landscape where critical opinions about Israel are now leaking through the cracks. Indeed, the traditional pro-Israel consensus that has long dominated the corporate media is now overwhelmingly being circumvented by new social media, where solidarity with Palestine is growing.
- Gaslighting The Public: Serial Deceptions By The State-Corporate Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Other than the ever-present risk of nuclear war, there is no greater threat to humanity than the climate crisis. And there is no more damning example of gaslighting by state-corporate media when they tell us we can trust governments and corporations to do what is required to avert catastrophe.
- The Goal of These Ads Is to Distract From Their Actual Business Model
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 CounterSpin interview with Duncan Meisel on oil industry greenwashing.
- Grand Army of Labor
Workers, Veterans, and the Meaning of the Civil War Resource Type: Unclassified First Published: 2021
- Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party
Is the U.S. Ambassador One of Its Proud Godfathers? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 This article explores Greek far-right organizations such as Golden Dawn and the "Greeks for the Fatherland" party, as well as former far-right MP Ilias Kasidiaris. He further explores American involvement in fostering the Far Right in the "cradle of democracy."
- Groups That Aid Israel's War Crimes Can't Deny All Responsibility for Those Crimes
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 But here is something that can be said with equal certainty. Israel’s apologists – whether Jews or non-Jews – cannot deny all responsibility for Israel's war crimes when they actively aid and abet Israel in committing those crimes, or when they seek to demonise and silence Israel's critics so that those war crimes can be pursued in a more favourable political climate.
- How Democracy Ends
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The pandemic events of 2020-2021 outline a potential pathway for a future democratically elected President of the United States to systematically end democracy.
- How the Israeli flag became a symbol for white nationalists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The U.S. white nationalist movement's admiration for the Jewish state's supremacist values fits comfortably with its deep antisemitism. Lorber argues that for right-wing groups in the United States, Israel has become a symbol for a set of values and a worldview that transcends any geopolitical reality and takes on a life of its own.
- How the left is being manipulated into colluding in its own character assassination
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 This is the left's dilemma. We struggle to win the argument in a corporate media environment that not only denies us a hearing but also promotes the voices of those like Freedland trying to destroy us from the centre and those supposedly on the left like George Monbiot and Owen Jones who are too often destroying us from within. We need to find ways to turn the tables on the war criminals who have been gaslighting us in demanding that Assange, who exposed their crimes, is the one who needs to be locked up. We need to make clear that it is those who are so ready to smear anti-racists as antisemites – as Corbyn’s successor, Sir Keir Starmer, has done to swaths of Labour party members – who are the real racists. And we need to unmask as war hawks those who accuse the anti-war left of serving as apologists for dictators when we try to stop western states conducting more illegal, resource-grab wars with such devastating results for local populations.
We must get much more sophisticated in our thinking and our strategies. There is no time to lose.
- How the Saami Indigenous People Fended Off Gates-funded Geoengineering Experiment
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The first ever stratospheric test of geoengineering technology, funded by Bill Gates, has been suspended under pressure from the indigenous people over whose heads it would take place, the Saami of northern Scandinavia.
- How to Blow Up a Pipeline
Learning to fight in a world on fire Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021
- Human Rights Watch Confirms Israel is an Apartheid State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The forthright branding of Israel as an apartheid state by Human Rights Watch could be a watershed moment in mainstream acceptance of what Israel has become. Human Rights Watch is not an outlier or left wing organisation. It is very much a part of the establishment in the United States and is not generally associated with hard hitting criticism that conflicts with the promoted interests of the American state. Kenneth Roth, the Human Rights Watch CEO who has been in power longer than Putin, is a darling of the New York liberal and Democratic Party Establishment. That is an important financial source for HRW and includes many members of New York’s highly altruistic liberal Jewish community.
- Humans Nature and the Illusion of Separateness
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 One of the biggest lies that people in the global north were sold and have largely internalized is that we are separate from the biosphere from which we evolved and on which we depend upon for our very survival. Even as we stand on the precipice of ecological collapse, human supremacy over nature has been the unchallenged narrative.
- In Memory of Ernie Tate (1934-2021)
A Life of Revolutionary Activism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The socialist movement lost an outstanding educator and organizer with the passing of Ernest (Ernie) Tate in Toronto on 5 February, 2021. An outstanding partisan of global anti-imperialist solidarity, Ernie also contributed, with his partner Jess MacKenzie, to building revolutionary Marxist groups and to promoting socialist unity in Canada and Britain.
- In the Radical Camp
A Political Autobiograpy 1890-1921 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021
- The intelligence of ravens and the foolishness of (some) humans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The problem with studies that continue to propagate the idea that intelligence is a single quantity, a thing that can be measured and quantified.
- The Israel Narrative Is Crumbling Because Of Phone Cameras And The Internet
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Social media is teeming with viral video footage of police assaulting peaceful worshippers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, of Israelis cheering and chanting “Yimach shemam (may their names be erased)” at the sight of a fire near the mosque, of Israeli soldiers arresting Palestinian protesters using the signature knee-on-neck maneuver made famous by the murder of George Floyd, many of which have millions of views.
- The Judicial Persecution of Steven Donziger
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 in the U.S., a judge acts as prosecutor and jury on behalf of a giant oil company, Chevron, as it destroys the life and career of human rights lawyer Steven Donziger. His crime? Daring to win a judgment against Chevron in an Ecuadorian court. For those less enchanted with the U.S. justice system, this is no surprise.
- Justice for Julian Assange is Justice for All
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Following the final High Court hearing to decide whether or not Julian Assange is to be extradited to the United States - for the 'crime' of revealing a landscape of government crimes and lies -- John Pilger looks back on the decade Assange has been fighting for his freedom, and the implications for independent journalists and the very notion of justice.
- Key Assange Witness Recants - With Zero Corporate Media Coverage
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2021 Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson confessed to Icelandic outlet Stundin that he used his position to steal money from Wikileaks and received immunity from the FBI in a quid pro quo. This article critiques the lack of coverage about this in corporate media, and argues thatthe global corporate press long ago decided to side with the US national security state.
- The "Kill a Leftist" Law
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 So now it’ll be legal in some Neolithic U.S. states to run over leftists with your car.
- The Ku Klux Klan in Canada
A Century of Promoting Racism and Hate in the Peaceable Kingdom Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021
- The Leadership Institute: PR School for Right-wingers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- The Left Continues to Destroy Itself and Others With Evidence-Free Destruction of Reputations
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Equating accusations with proven fact is reckless and repressive. It is also standard behaviour in liberal politics, whereby they ruin lives without a second thought.
- The Left Will Never Achieve Its Goals Until It Prioritizes Countering Establishment Propaganda
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The idea that China or Russia pose a threat to you is so self-evidently ridiculous, so transparently absurd, that the only way to make you believe it would be to propagandize you. And if you do believe it, that’s exactly what has happened. You can expand this principle to include the entirety of US foreign policy on the global stage today. No ordinary American benefits from the US having troops in Syria, sanctioning Venezuelans to death, supporting Saudi Arabia while it rapes Yemen, circling the planet with military bases and working to destroy any nation which refuses to bow to its dictates. The only way to get Americans to consent to any of these agendas is to propagandize them into doing so.
- The left's contempt for bodily autonomy during the pandemic is a gift to the right
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 When did parts of the left get so contemptuous of the principle of "bodily autonomy"? Answer: Just about the time they started fetishising vaccines as the only route out of the current pandemic.
- The Light of Days
Women Fighters of the Jewish Resistance Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 Judy Batalion draws on overlooked, untranslated Yiddish memoirs, supplemented by recorded testimonies, to reconstruct the wartime lives and ground level exploits of a remarkable cadre of Jewish women ghetto fighters.
- Making Sense of Sex and Gender
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Feminist politics is not a denial of trans people’s experiences but an alternative way to understand those experiences that does not involve drugs, cross-sex hormones, and surgery. Feminist politics is an embrace of our differences and a way to live with those differences collectively, as we struggle to eliminate the hierarchies that impede our ability to thrive.
- The Mass Media Will Never Regain The Public’s Trust
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 It doesn’t ultimately matter what mainstream pundits and reporters believe is the cause of the public’s growing disgust with them, because there's nothing they can do to fix it anyway. The mass media will never regain the public's trust.
- Michael Ratner's inspiring activist life culminated with dramatic change on Israel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Michael Ratner personally changed human rights law, and in doing so he let go childhood views of Israel. "I thought of [Israel] as the home of my people. I had my bedroom ceiling painted with the seven wonders of the world and a huge map of Israel. I had no idea how my view of Israel would change later in life."
- Money Is Made Up And We Can Change The Rules Whenever We Want
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Have you ever noticed how online capitalism cultists who condescendingly tell socialists they “just don’t understand economics” are always unable to lucidly defend their own understanding of economics? If you've never pressed such a character to clearly and concisely explain what it is you "don't understand" using their own words, I highly recommend that you try it, because it’s one of the funniest things in the world.
- A Museum Dedicated to Stalin: An Example of How to Deal With Historical Memory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 I think that the Stalin Museum is an example of how to deal with historical memory.
- The Myth of Corbyn's Labour Failure and Neoliberalisms Western Electoral Success
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The spin on recent history presupposes two false premises. Firstly, that the era of Corbyn’s grassroots mobilisation was some sort of oxymoron democratic failure, this the available evidence belies. Secondly, that rather than being a process of direct democratic representation on behalf of the mass of society, electoral politics should be treated as some sort of advertising/marketing game designed to facilitate the careers of a small handful of individuals, operating on behalf of highly financed corporate lobbyists.
- The Names You'll Never Know
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Americans have been killing civilians since before there was a United States. At home and abroad, civilians -- Pequots, African Americans, Cheyenne and Arapaho, Filipinos, Haitians, Japanese, Germans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Yemenis, and Somalis, among others -- have been shot, burned, and bombed to death. So many civilians have been obliterated, incinerated, or "shredded" in America’s forever wars. Who in the United States remembers them? Who here ever knew of them in the first place?
- 'Net zero' emissions is a dangerous hoax
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- New research shows 50 year binge on chemical fertilisers must end to address the climate crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 New research shows that synthetic nitrogen fertilisers are a major driver of the climate crisis, responsible for 1 out every 40 tonnes of GHGs currently pumped into the atmosphere. Now is the time for the world to kick its addiction to synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and urgently transition to farming without fossil fuels and chemicals.
- No more plastics in Southeast Asia paradise
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Plastic waste has accumulated in Southeast Asia since China stopped importing it for recycling. The region's governments want western exporters to stop using it as a dumping ground.
- The obliteration of memories
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Over 16,000 housing units were damaged during the recent [2021] Israeli attacks on Gaza. What that number doesn't capture however is what else was lost in those places -- the irreplaceable photos, keepsakes, and possessions and that made each a home.
- An Open Letter to Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys (cc: Antifa)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 What the elite from both ruling parties want is division. What they want is for us to shout at each other and shoot each other.
- Orientalism and ahistoricism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The ahistoricism of Orientalism leads Said to mimic the very discursive structures against which he polemicises. Said creates a “Western tradition” which runs in an unbroken line from the Ancient Greeks, through the Renaissance and the Enlightenment to modernism. It is a tradition which defines a coherent Western identity through a specific set of beliefs and values which remain in their essence unchanged through two millennia of European and Western history. This, of course, is the myth of “Western civilization” propagated by many an advocate of Western superiority.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 14, 2021
Beyond the Walls Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2021 From Gaza to Kashmir, people continue to meet life's challenges, and to love, laugh, and live.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 13, 2021
Light and darkness Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2021 The more we learn, the more we realize how little we know. Each question we answer opens the door to more questions, because there are always more questions than answers. We are called upon to attempt to answer at least a few of the questions that seem important to us, but we do well to keep in mind that our answers are tentative and incomplete, always subject to revision in the light of further investigation. It can be difficult to remain critical, and self-critical, but self-righteousness and absolute certainty, no matter how emotionally satisfying they may be, only do harm, to ourselves, and to those we interact with. This issue of Other Voices offers some fragments of knowledge and insight, and it also raises questions.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 13, 2021
Following the science Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 When we as a society are faced with difficult policy choices, can science tell us what choices we should make? We should be sceptical of anyone who says that it can, because that isn’t actually what science does. It can certainly provide information we need to take into account when making choices and trade-offs, but choices don’t automatically follow from science.
- Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021
- The Palestinians: "We Shall Not Be Moved"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The resolve of the Palestinians to live on the land that is rightly theirs, despite all the Israeli efforts to dislodge them and drive them out, has never wavered. Just as the long struggle of African Americans has persisted in the face of white resistance.For both peoples their simple determination to win their rights remains their greatest strength.
- Papers Instead of Human Lives: The Sentencing of Daniel Hale
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 Daniel Hale sentenced to 45 months in jail for telling the truth about the U.S. program of drone assassinations.
- The Path to a Livable Future
A New Politics to Fight Climate Change, Racism, and the Next Pandemic Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 Stan Cox makes plain the connections between the multiple crises facing us today, and provides an inspired vision for how to resolve them. With a deeply informed, clear to-do list, Cox shows us how we can work together to address the climate emergency, white supremacy, and our vulnerability to future pandemics all at once.
- Paul McKenna interview
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2021 An conversation with Connexions veteran Paul McKenna on August 6, 2021. An audio recording of the interview, and a transcript, are held in the Connexions Archive.
- The People Haven't Risen Up For The Same Reason Abuse Victims Don't Leave Their Abusers
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Abusive relationships aren't just one partner doing cruel things to another. If they were, there would be no relationship: there'd just be a woman getting assaulted one time by her boyfriend and then immediately leaving. Abusive relationships necessarily include the construction of psychological barriers to leaving, or else they would not exist. Victims of abuse are kept constantly confused, off-balance, insecure and unsure of themselves, because their abuse always necessarily includes the element of psychological manipulation.
- The Plague of Historical Amnesia in the Age of Fascist Politics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In the age of neoliberal tyranny, historical amnesia is the foundation for manufactured ignorance, the subversion of consciousness, the depoliticization of the public, and the death of democracy. It is part of a disimagination machine that is perpetuated in schools, higher education, and the corporate controlled media.
- The Planetary Rift
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In "Imperialism in the Anthropocene," we developed an argument that departs from most traditions on the left, in that it takes physical geography seriously as the climate catastrophe demands. Thus, we explained how low-latitude countries, essentially the Global South, are affected most, as a result of Earth System dynamics, by climate change, independently of the fact that they are already economically exploited by the nations of the Global North.
- The politics of rebranding
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 How politics and social activism have too often become exercises in rebranding not material change.
- Public health or private wealth?
How digital vaccine passports pave way for unprecedented surveillance capitalism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- Pure: Ten Points I Just Can't Believe About the Official Skripal Narrative
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 A lie repeated often enough enters the public consciousness, so I am republishing this in the hope of stimulating the honest and the intellectually awake.
- Racial Justice, Class Justice
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Unity in greater numbers has been the principal strength of working classes since the dawn of capitalism. Reducing economic inequality will routinely reduce racial inequalities unless specific actions are taken to interrupt that connection. Our lopsided levels of economic inequality are now so huge, with so much income and wealth concentrated in the hands of the super-wealthy, that even a relatively modest redistribution of economic resources – say, $2 trillion a year – could improve almost everybody’s lives. Progressive taxation of our infamous top 1% can provide more than enough to finance dramatic economic transformations for the working class of all colors.
- A Radical Life: A memoir by Jim McIlroy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021
- Recentering the Lumpen Question Today
Understanding Lumpenization and Bonapartism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 To name a class "lumpenproletariat" is to reveal something that would otherwise prefer to stay hidden. The lumpenproletariat is not merely defined by its non-relation to production, which is the most common definition of the term in Marxist thought, nor is lumpenization reserved only to a process that occurs within the proletariat. Lumpenization is a process of active decomposition, a verb, not merely an analytic or descriptive category.
- Reflections on Genocide as the Ultimate Crime
de Zayas, Alfred; Falk, Richard Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The misuse of the word genocide is disdainful toward relatives of the victims of the Armenian massacres, the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide -- and as well a disservice to both history, law, and the prudent conduct of international relations. We already knew that we were adrift in an ocean of fake news. It is far more dangerous to discover that we are also at risk of being immersed in the turbulent waters of "fake law". We must push back with a sense of urgency. Such a development is not tolerable.
- A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 A major witness in the US case against Julian Assange has admitted fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder. But all of this is seemingly of no interest to the ‘mainstream’ media.
- Remembering Don Weitz, 1930-2021
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- Remembering the Committee of Concerned Canadian Jews and their fight for Palestinian rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Sometime in the summer of 1982, Jews in their 20s and 30s in Toronto, including myself, came out in droves to meetings of the new Committee of Concerned Canadian Jews (CCCJ). (Yes, our name was a bit awkward and wordy.)
- The Retrograde Quest for Symbolic Prophets of Black Liberation
Moving beyond the Moses Complex Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 One little-examined legacy of the broader intellectual embrace of race-reductive thinking is something we might call the Quest for Moses(es)—the shorthand branding exercise of privileging the content of individual characters in our debates on racial injustice. We see this tendency in much of today’s wokeness-inflected discourse, which leans heavily on appealing to the authority individuals considered to be exemplary, from differing times or historical contexts, in lieu of empirical arguments to support assertions concerning how we should understand racial injustice.
- Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to "weaken Russia," leaked docs reveal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 New leaked documents show Reuters' and the BBC's involvement in covert UK FCO programs to effect "attitudinal change" and “weaken the Russian state's influence," alongside intel contractors and Bellingcat.
- Seaspiracy
Closing the net on industrial fishing Resource Type: Website First Published: 2021 A review of Seaspiracy; the film lifts the lid on the fishing industry, described as secretive and corrupt. Seaspiracy scrutinizes ocean conservation groups like Marine Stewardship Council and the Earth Island Institute are complicit in the fishing industry, and educates viewers on the complex relationships found in ocean food chains.
- Shamelessness, Thy Name is Blinken
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 It was only eight years ago that it was the US that was forcing down a plane, only in that case it was not just any plane but rather one carrying a head of state, Bolivian President Evo Morales. But as with this latest incident the goal was harassing an "independent media' and nabbing a critic. In that 2013 incident the real target was Edward Snowden, source for one of the biggest stories of the century: the disclosure thousands of documents from a global spying program by the top secret US National Security Agency where he had been employed as a private contractor.
- Solidarity: Canada's Unknown Revolution of 1983
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021 The year 1983 began like any other year in Canada's West Coast province. Then everything suddenly changed. The newly elected provincial government announced an avalanche of far-right legislation that shocked the country. A resistance movement called Solidarity quickly formed across British Columbia, uniting social activists and trade unionists and people who had never protested before.
- Some Standard Cynical CIA-Style Cuba Covid Reporting at The Washington Post
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Imperial cynics and propagandists can only see the world through the lens of cynicism and propaganda, which they project on to others.
- Stop Deep-Sea Mining
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Advocates for the end of exploitation of mineral resources through deep-sea mining until sufficent scientific information has been obtained on if deep-sea mining can be done without damage to the marine environment.
- Super Imperialism: The economic strategy of American empire with economist Michael Hudson
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Economist Michael Hudson discusses the update of his book "Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire" and the financial motivations behind the US new cold war on China and Russia.
- 'This is apartheid': Rights group slams Israeli rule
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 On report from human rights group condemning Israeli government's policies towards Palestinans as apartheid.
- This isn't a civil war, it is settler-colonial brutality
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 We are not seeing a "civil war" inside Israel, but rather the Israeli settler state declaring a war on its colonized "citizens," and Palestinians fighting for their liberation.
- This Must End
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Our current living conditions under the siege are an affront to human dignity. Concrete political action is needed NOW to end not only the current deathly bombing raids, but also this illegal occupation and siege of Gaza by Israel, immediately.
- Threat to Africa's parks
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Powerful oil companies have set their sights on the huge potential reserves under Sub-Saharan Africa's wildlife sanctuaries, which will be far cheaper to exploit than deep ofshore desposits.
- Through Pluripolarity to Socialism
A Manifesto Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2021 Our Manifesto appears in this moment of danger from deep and wide discussions
among activists of all continents representing many socialist traditions. Its historical
and theoretical assessment of the present conjuncture seeks to advance class and
national struggles for socialism.
- To Live in a Plural Society
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 No one has a right not to be offended. All of us have a duty to challenge bigotry. These two claims are not just compatible, they are often interconnected. Today, though, many view these as conflicting perspectives. To give offence to other cultures or faiths, they argue, is to foment racism; to challenge racism, one should refrain from giving offence.
- Toronto Community Union Project (T-CUP) in Trefann Court
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The Toronto Community Union Project (T-CUP) was a small group of community organizers who came together in 1966 to help working-class residents facing "urban redevelopment" in a neighbourhood called Trefann Court.
- Trauma is constant for Gaza's children
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 This article discusses the constant violence that children in Gaza are exposed to at the hands of Israel, and the long-term psychological effects that sustained trauma can have.
- The tribal left's a mirror image of the tribal right
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- 20 Years of Media Lens: Selection of Remarkable Replies from Journalists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- U.S. Imperialists Deprive Cuba of Syringes That Are Needed Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Cuba, the first Latin America country to develop its own COVID-19 vaccines, presently is short of syringes for immunizing its population against the virus. It’s not feasible for Cuba to make its own syringes. The U.S. blockade prevents Cuba from importing them from abroad.
- United States Withdraws From Afghanistan? Not Really
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 No lessons have been learned from this history. The U.S. will “withdraw,” but will also leave behind its assets to checkmate China and Russia. These geopolitical considerations eclipse any concern for the Afghan people.
- US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 So we are being told that the United States launched an airstrike on Syria, a nation it invaded and is illegally occupying, because of attacks on "US locations" in Iraq, another nation the US invaded and is illegally occupying. This attack is justified on the basis that the Iraqi fighters were "Iranian-linked", a claim that is both entirely without evidence and irrelevant to the justification of deadly military force. And this is somehow being framed in mainstream news publications as a defensive operation. This is Defense Department stenography. The US military is an invading force in both Syria and Iraq; it is impossible for its actions in either of those countries to be defensive. It is always necessarily the aggressor.
- U.S. State Department accusation of China 'genocide' relied on data abuse and baseless claims by far-right ideologue
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Both President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have endorsed former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s last-minute accusation of "genocide" against the Muslim Uyghur population in China's Xinjiang province. But an investigation of published work by the researcher Pompeo relied on to level his genocide allegation reveals a pattern of data abuse and fraudulent assertions that substantially undermines the incendiary charge.
- The Use and Misuse of Antisemitism Statistics in Canada
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2021 Sheryl Nestel of IJV-Toronto has published a detailed analysis B’nai Brith’s audit, and found that their interpretation of the state of antisemitism in Canada is misleading at best, perhaps deliberately so.
- Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Empires 'Must Be Dismantled'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Vandana Shiva says, "… if In the next decade, if we don’t protect what has to be protected … and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved."
- WANTED: A different attitude to science
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In our materialist, neoliberal society in which money is the measure of all things science is construed, and taught, almost entirely as a materialist pursuit - as the source of high technologies that can “compete” in the world market and make us all rich. (Or at least make some of us rich - those who are deemed to matter. Who, broadly speaking, are the ones who are rich already).
- Watching The News
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Watching "The National" on CBC, as well as some local news programs, is proving to be an interesting experience. I haven't lived in a house with TV for more than 15 years, and hadn't watched TV news for many more years before that, so I come to this experience as a more-or-less naive outsider.
- We can defeat the corporate media’s war to snuff out independent journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 as journalists seek to liberate themselves from the strictures of the old corporate media, that same corporate media is working very hard to characterise the new technology as a threat to media freedoms. This self-serving argument should be treated with a great deal of scepticism. I want to use my own experiences to argue that quite the reverse is true. And that the real danger is allowing the corporate media to reassert its monopoly over narrating the world to us.
- We demand real zero, not net zero!
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Net zero emissions and other false solutions allow polluters to continue polluting, says this statement adopted by the Oilwatch International Global Gathering in Nigeria in October 2021.
- We The Power - The Future of Energy is Community Owned
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2021 A journey into the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe. An exploration of divesting power from large energy companies and placing that power of electricity in the hands of local communities. How can local activists create more financially empowering, environmentally beneficial, and healthier communities?
- We Want a Society Without Landlords
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The popularity of Berlin’s campaign to expropriate corporate landlords shows just how few people trust capitalism to provide them with affordable, good-quality homes.
- What 'Democracy' Is Under Attack? Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Johnstone argues that threats to US "democracy" is "entirely fictional".
- Where Are They? The Disappeared: When Remembering is a Political Act of Resistance
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Every day, people disappear in many parts of the world. Some of these disappearances are investigated by police and the family of the disappeared. But too often the perpetrator is not a criminal or a gang, but rather the police or other agents of a nation state or a government.
- Why Black Lives Matter Can't be Co-opted
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Black Lives Matter BLM never was and never had the potential to be what people like this fantasized that it was.
- World Development under Monopoly Capitalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The recent period of globalization - following the collapse of the Eastern bloc and the reintegration of China into the world economy - is one where global value chains have become the dominant organizational form of capitalism. The big question is whether this global value chain world is contributing to, or detracting from, real human development. Is it establishing a more equal, less exploitative, less poverty-ridden world?
- World's Most Tyrannical Regime Can't Stop Babbling About "Human Rights"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Like all US secretaries of state, Blinken's public statements overwhelmingly focus on the claim that other nations abuse human rights, and that it is America’s duty to defend those rights. Which is very silly, considering the fact that the US government is the single worst human rights abuser on planet Earth.
- X Troop
The Secret Jewish Commandoes Who Helped Defeat the Nazis Resource Type: Book First Published: 2021
- You can't win without a fight: Why worker cooperatives are a bad strategy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021
- Zionism's endgame has begun
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 All around us today we hear these blows falling on the central creed of Israel: the supposed right of a Jewish collective to national self-determination in a land populated by others.
- The Abortion Caravan: When Women Shut Down Government in the Battle for the Right to Choose
Wells, Karin Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 In the spring of 1970, seventeen women set out from Vancouver in a big yellow convertible, a Volkswagen bus, and a pickup truck. They called it the Abortion Caravan. Three thousand miles later, they "occupied" the prime minister's front lawn in Ottawa, led a rally of 500 women on Parliament Hill, chained themselves to their chairs in the visitors' galleries, and shut down the House of Commons, the first and only time this had ever happened.
- Adding up to Zero
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 I just learned that Canada's biggest meat company is now proclaiming itself both "carbon neutral" and "carbon zero."
- Afro-American Progressive Association
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Afro-American Progressive Association (AAPA) was one of the first Black Power organizations in Canada, and one of the liveliest.
- After Barr Ordered FBI to "Identify Criminal Organizers," Activists Were Intimidated at Home and at Work
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Four people in Cookeville, Tennessee were questioned about antifa after posting about Black Lives Matter rallies on social media.
- After Losing Hope for Change, Top Left-wing Activists and Scholars Leave Israel Behind
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 They founded anti-occupation movements and fought for the soul of Israeli society, but ultimately decided to emigrate. The new exiles tell Haaretz how they were harassed and silenced, until they had almost no choice but to leave.
- After the QAnon Ban, Who's Next?
QAnon is crazy, but so is our increasingly arbitrary system of speech controls Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 This current system is the worst of all worlds. It's invisible to the public, clearly invites government recommendations on speech, allows a gameable system of anonymous complaints to influence content, and gives awesome power to an unelected, unaccountable body of private media regulators. Whatever the right method is for dealing with dangerous content in the Internet era -- and it’s clear we need a better one -- this isn't it.
- Afterword to Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Marx writes of producers or labor power. He writes about serfs, slaves; he includes employed and unemployed (the active army, the reserve army); he refers to peasants, to artisans, to small manufacturers. All people who have lost their organic connections to nature, that is, to land, its creatures, its grains; to the waters and pastures; as well as to the geological resources lying beneath the land. All people who have been expropriated from the means of life, the means of production, the means of subsistence, this is what he means.
- All Shook Up: The Politics of Cultural Appropriation
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In the era of global capitalism, imagining the lives of others is a crucial form of solidarity.
- Alternative Schools in Toronto in the 1960s & early 1970s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In the 1960s, there was increasing criticism of the education system in Ontario, as in many other parts of the world, and a corresponding search for changes or alternatives.
- America Escalates Its "Democratic" Oil War in the Near East
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The mainstream media are carefully sidestepping the method behind America’s seeming madness in assassinating Islamic Revolutionary Guard general Qassim Suleimani to start the New Year. The logic behind the assassination was a long-standing application of U.S. global policy, not just a personality quirk of Donald Trump's impulsive action.
- The American Press Is Destroying Itself
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation. They are counting on the guilt-ridden, self-flagellating nature of traditional American progressives, who will not stand up for themselves, and will walk to the Razor voluntarily. They've conned organization after organization into empowering panels to search out thoughtcrime, and it’s established now that anything can be an offense
- America's Long History of Meddling in Russia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Setting aside the question of whether it's smart to take the U.S. government at its word — it isn't — if Russia were to meddle in our domestic politics, we would have it coming. To say the least.
- America's Intifada Must Dig Deeper
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Palestinians’ sustained struggle for freedom and independence offers many lessons
- Amid Plague, Sanctions are Genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Sanctions have long been indefensible; now in the time of Covid-19, more so than ever. Nor are they some minor phenomena.
- Another Hiroshima is Coming - Unless We Stop It Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of premeditated mass murder unleashing a weapon of intrinsic criminality. It was justified by lies that form the bedrock of 21st century U.S. war propaganda, casting a new enemy, and target - China.
- Antisemitism claims mask a reign of political and cultural terror across Europe
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Cook explores the "cultural, political and intellectual reign of terror" in European countries, primarily Germany, after the German parliament equated non-violent boycotts of Israel with antisemitism. He documents the hypocrisies of European countries who fight for free speech but outlaw criticism towards Israel, and the ways antisemitism has been weaponised.
- As Coronavirus Grips The US, Americans Get A Taste Of Life Under Sanctions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Across fifty states, Americans are collectively bracing for the incoming COVID-19 pandemic to hit. In the face of the virus, people are resorting to panic buying, stocking up on vital foods and goods, leading to pressing shortages of key products like hand sanitizer and toilet paper.
- As Jews, We'll Never Address Racism While Clinging To Zionism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 If you can't make the connections, it’s best to keep quiet. If you can’t see how your own views on related matters may defeat your credibility, then say nothing. If you think someone else is being racist but you’re only concerned about security, you need to do some serious study and a bit of self-reflection. Otherwise, you end up looking disingenuous, or foolish, or both.
- As Pandemic Rages, US Economic Sanctions Against Cuba are Deadly
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 We know that for almost 60 years the U.S. government has blockaded Cuba and, in the process, has damaged Cuba's economy and threatened the health and safety of the Cuban people.
- Assange's Extradition Case: Critical Moment for the Anti-war Movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 While media have become stenographers to power and have long betrayed ordinary people, WikiLeaks has defended the public’s right to know by publishing more than 10 million documents, with a pristine record of accuracy exposing human rights abuses, government spying and war crimes on an unprecedented scale. By bringing truth to the public, the whistleblowing site transformed the Fourth Estate into becoming a powerful vehicle for peace-making.
- The Attack On Civil Liberties In The Age Of COVID-19
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 You can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured. This coronavirus pandemic is no exception.
- Austerity Has Weakened Our Ability To Fight The COVID-19 Pandemic
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 "I have delivered food parcels to four families this morning," says Paula Spencer, who runs the community centre in Thanington, a deprived district on the outskirts of Canterbury. Two of the families had called for help because they had symptoms of the coronavirus, and two simply needed food to eat.
- Authoritarianism & Lockdown Time in Occupied Kashmir and India
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Under the guise of crises, authoritarian governments can compress time, manipulating it in ways to render decisions that are long in the making seem like spur-of-the-moment measures taken to protect the public interest.
- Bain Co-op
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Built as a low-income housing project in 1913, Bain became a co-operative in 1977.
- Banks Pressure Health Care Firms To Raise Prices On Critical Drugs, Medical Supplies For Coronavirus
Investment bankers have been candid about the opportunity to raise drug prices on critical drugs and medical supplies Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In recent weeks, investment bankers have pressed health care companies on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus, including drug firms developing experimental treatments and medical supply firms, to consider ways that they can profit from the crisis.
- Bashing Probe of US War Crimes, Pompeo Threatens Family of ICC Staff With Consequences
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Amnesty International on Wednesday rebuked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo over new comments bashing the International Criminal Court and threatening court staff--and their family members--investigating alleged war crimes committed by United States forces in Afghanistan. "Threats against family members of ICC staff who are seeking justice is a new low, even for this administration," said Daniel Balson, Amnesty International USA's advocacy director.
- Beyond the Great Awokening
Reassessing the legacies of past black organizing Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Discourse about race and politics in the United States has been driven in recent years more by moralizing than by careful analysis or strategic considerations. It also depends on naïve and unproductive ways of interpreting the past and its relation to the present.
- Big Strikes and the sabotage of the labor movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Big Tech Firms Are Using Automation To Censor News About Coronvirus
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Big tech is again attempting to define the range of acceptable political discussion on its platforms; this week YouTube announced a number of changes in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, chief among those being that automated systems, rather than humans, will predominantly be authorizing or removing content in the foreseeable future.
- Big Tech Firms are Using Automation to Censor News About the Coronavirus
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Big tech is again attempting to define the range of acceptable political discussion on its platforms; this week YouTube announced a number of changes in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, chief among those being that automated systems, rather than humans, will predominantly be authorizing or removing content in the foreseeable future.
- Big Tech Is Using Pandemic To Push Dangerous New Forms Of Surveillance
Data from new smartphone apps being used to track COVID infections can easily be weaponized against groups of people Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 For more than two decades, the ankle shackle has remained the standard electronic monitoring (EM) device. While cellphones, tablets, smartwatches and laptop computers evolved, the black plastic band remained — bulging out under socks and scraping the skin off criminalized legs. Even at this stage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, many of these devices require a landline phone to function. They retain ancestral ties to the analog age.
- Biggest threat Covid-19 epidemic poses is not our regression to survivalist violence, but Barbarism with human face
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The impossible has happened and the world we knew has stopped turning around. But what world order will emerge after the coronavirus pandemic is over – socialism for the rich, disaster capitalism or something completely new?
- The Bio-Economic Pandemic and the Western Working Classes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As of March 2020, the world is back to the future. The global financial crisis of 2007-08, which escalated into a global financial meltdown in September 2008, was supposed to be the big bang crisis, a once in a lifetime event. And yet, here we are again.
- The biosecurity myth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Favouring industrialised poultry rearing and stock raising, including pigs, through internationally prescribed rules doesn't prevent epidemics. It just puts small, local organic producers out of business, and it helps big agribiz.
- Black or White, It's the Same Old Anti-Semitic Pathology
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 2019 closed with a number of anti-Semitic attacks in the New York City area—including the killing of three people at a Jersey City kosher market by two shooters who had expressed interest in the fringe Black Hebrew Israelite movement, and a machete attack at a rabbi's home in Monsey, NY by a suspect who appears to have referenced the same anti-Semitic hate group in his rambling manifesto.
- Black Power in Toronto
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 History of the Black Power Movement in Toronto, in the context of the Black Power movement in North America.
- Brickworks
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Beginning in the 1840s brick works operations began to locate near the Don River to take advantage of the large clay deposits and water power, as well as easy access to the growing city.
- Bringing the Israeli model to Kashmir
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Bt Cotton: Cultivating Farmer Distress in India
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 To date, cotton is the only officially sanctioned GM crop in India. Those pushing for GM food crops (including the government) are forwarding the narrative that GM pest resistant Bt cotton has been a tremendous success which should now be emulated with the introduction of GM mustard. Ever since its commercialisation in 2002, however, the issue of Bt cotton in India has been a hotly contested issue. Bt cotton hybrids now cover over 95% of the area under cotton and the seeds are produced by the private sector. But critics argue that Bt cotton has negatively impacted livelihoods and fuelled agrarian distress and farmer suicides.
- Cajamarca - curing gold fever
The people of Cajamarca stopped a gold mine in their water and food rich territory. But the real story is what happened next... Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Farmers, youth and other environmental defenders from Cajamarca, deep in the embrace of the Colombian Andes Mountains, have stopped a vast gold mine, re-valued the ‘true treasures’ in their territory and begun to develop regenerative alternatives to mining 'development'.
- A Call for Radical Humanism: the Left Needs to Return to Class Analyses of Power
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In tackling police violence and other social inequities rampant throughout the world today, we must address the underlying problems and not give overdue focus to the symptoms of the problems. For instance, we already know that class and not race is what determines who is affected most by institutional injustices, from the police murders of George Floyd to Tony Timpa to the the mass incarceration rates of the poor.
- Can Coronavirus Force Policy Types to Think Clearly About Intellectual Property?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 While there are researchers all over the world working on developing a COVID-19 vaccine, they are to a large extent working in competition. Each team wants to be the first to develop a vaccine so that they can secure a patent and get immensely rich.
- Can We Build a Progressive Future If We Dismiss a Large Part of the Working Class?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 It is hard to imagine a stable progressive future for our country with many millions of working-class Americans mobilized in angry opposition. At best this will create a political deadlock that frustrates possibilities for the lasting and radical reforms we so desperately need.
- Canadian Embassy: Militarily Supporting Israeli Apartheid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A top diplomat organizing an event to celebrate Canadians fighting for another country's military ought to generate criticism. Doing so while that force humiliates Palestinians at checkpoints in the West Bank, fires on protesters in Gaza and bombs Syria in violation of international law is an outrage that must be condemned.
- Canadian Liberation Movement
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Canadian Liberation Movement (CLM) was an organization founded in 1969 dedicated to liberating Canada from U.S. control and domination. It fought for the independence of Canadian unions from U.S.-controlled “international” unions and stood for Canadian unions for Canadian workers. CLM adopted a nationalist perspective rooted in a variety of ‘Marxist-Leninist’ thinking, and drew inspiration especially from Maoist China.
- The cancellation of professor Adolph Reed, Jr.'s speech and the DSA's promotion of race politics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The New York Times published a lengthy news article last week highlighting an instructive incident that took place earlier this year within the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). A speech by professor emeritus of political science Adolph Reed, Jr. was cancelled due to objections by the AFROSOCialist and Socialists of Color Caucus over his "reactionary and class reductionist form of politics."
- Capitalism is an Incubator for Pandemics: Socialism is the Solution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Coronavirus is wreaking havoc across the world. Capitalism cannot adequately respond to a global health crisis. That's why we need socialism.
- Capitalist agriculture and Covid-19: A deadly combination
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The real danger of each new outbreak is the failure -- or better put -- the expedient refusal to grasp that each new Covid-19 is no isolated incident. The increased occurrence of viruses is closely linked to food production and the profitability of multinational corporations. Anyone who aims to understand why viruses are becoming more dangerous must investigate the industrial model of agriculture and, more specifically, livestock production. At present, few governments, and few scientists, are prepared to do so. Quite the contrary.
- Capitalist roots of the environment crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Here we are, heading into the middle decades of the 21st century, with all the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of millennia of human endeavour literally at our fingertips, staring down the barrel of a catastrophic, and possibly terminal, breakdown of the relationship between human society and the natural world on which we depend.
- Casas Compartidas en Toronto - 1960s & 1970s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Published: 2024 Las casas compartidas en Toronto se convirtieron en un gran problema a finales de los años 60 y principios de los años 70, ya que las prioridades de vivienda estaban cambiando rápidamente.
- Chemical weapons and cover-ups: the Western media's Syrian shame
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 How Western media shapes public perception with regards to chemical weapons in Syria.
- Cherry Beach
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Cherry Beach, originally called Clarke Beach Park, was established as a recreational beach in the 1930s. Established close to the mouth of the Don River, Cherry Beach was very close to what was then a heavily industrial area.
- Chicken: A History from Farmyard to Factory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Why has the chicken become the meat par excellence, the most plentifully eaten and popular animal protein in the world, consumed from Beijing to Barcelona? Historian Paul Josephson explains that the story of the chicken's rise involves a whole host of factors; from art, to nineteenth-century migration patterns to cold-war geopolitics.
- China's outlaw fishermen
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 China subsidises a huge fishing fleet, umatched in size and reach. its vessels help feed the nation, but also serve as pawns on the geopolitical chessboard, intimidating other nation's fishermen and coastguards.
- Circle in the Darkness
Memoir of a World Watcher Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Veteran journalist Diana Johnstone's memoir covers half a century of contemporary history. Johnstone recounts in detail how the Western Left betrayed its historical principles of social justice and peace and let itself be lured into approval of aggressive U.S.-NATO wars on the fallacious grounds of "human rights". Subjects range from caustic analysis of the pretentious confusion of French philosophers to the stories of many courageous individuals whose struggle for peace and justice ended in deep personal tragedy, with a great deal in between.
- Claims that the 'NAFTA 2' Agreement is Better are a Macabre Joke
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Although Democrats and public pressure forced through some improvements, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), or NAFTA 2, isn't substantially different and remains a document of corporate domination. It would appear that appearances, not substance, drove Democrats in the House of Representatives to approve the deal.
- Class war in the making? Coronavirus quarantines pit well-off hermits against serfs who supply them
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Coronavirus has exposed stark divides in US society as the wealthy hole up in their homes and the poor are reduced to delivering their supplies in often-unsafe conditions. With mass layoffs underway, is class war imminent?
- The Climate Movement Doesn’t Know How to Talk With Union Members About Green Jobs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Throughout the Democratic primary, the potential loss of good construction and fossil fuel industry jobs has helped prevent moderate Democratic candidates, including frontrunner Joe Biden, from taking policy positions that would aggressively confront the fossil fuel industry and the climate crisis. Whoever opposes Donald Trump in the general election will face a politics of climate denial built on an empty but alluring promise of job security in the oil, gas, and coal industries.
- Collecting the evidence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Publisher and activist Lokman Slim, assassinated last month in Lebanon, spent 30 years trying to make sure that the memories of civil conflict were not forgotten.
- Colonial conservation - a 'cycle of impunity'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A UN investigation has suggested that rangers funded by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have beaten up, abused and murdered people in the forests of Congo. These atrocities were committed in the name of conservation.
- Common Organizing Mistakes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Organizing is difficult and every organizer makes mistakes. Here are some of the most common ones, and how to avoid them.
- Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 History of the Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT).
- Company of Young Canadians
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Company of Young Canadians (CYC) was a federal program established in 1966 to encourage social, economic and community development in Canada.
- Compelled to Act
Histories of Women’s Activism in Western Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Historical perspectives on the diversity of women's contributions to social and political change in prairie Canada in the twentieth century, including but looking beyond the era of suffrage activism.
- 'Confirmed' Has Become A Meaningless Word In Mainstream News Reporting
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The word "confirmed" has been misused and abused to such a spectacular extent in mainstream news reporting of late that it doesn’t actually mean anything anymore when they say it.
- 'Confirmed' Has Become A Meaningless Word In Mainstream News Reporting
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Last week Politico published a major exclusive report that the “Iranian government is weighing an assassination attempt against the American ambassador to South Africa” in retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani earlier this year, citing (you guessed it) anonymous government officials.
- Cookie Monster: the Nuts and Bolts of Online Tracking
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Big Tech has become notorious for its hoarding of its users' personal data, collected with great breadth and down to minute details. Billions have been paid by online platforms to settle legal charges over their invasive and reckless privacy follies.
- Corona and the Rise of the German Police State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A few weeks ago, a German women did something illegal. She bought a book called 1984 in a local bookstore. The bookseller was crying because he had not seen a customer for ages.
- The Coronavirus Conundrum and Human Rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 These are strange times. From left to right, no one quite knows what to do or who to believe. While the rapid spread of the coronavirus has rendered many of us bewildered and confused, the edict to physically distance ourselves from others has managed to highlight both just how vulnerable and interdependent we all are.
- Coronavirus gives Israelis a tiny taste of what life is like for Palestinians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Will Israelis emerge from the virus with a newfound sympathy for Palestinian suffering? Not likely.
- Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Emboldened by the citizenry's inattention and willingness to tolerate its abuses, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expands its powers. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state's hands.
- Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About "Continuity of Government"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Last week, Newsweek published a report entitled “Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government,” which offers vague descriptions of different military plans that could be put into effect if the civilian government were to be largely incapacitated, with a focus on the potential of the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to result in such a scenario.
- Corporations and Military Powers Are Selling Phony "Wokeness" on International Women's Day
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 It was a familiar sight March 8, 2020 on International Women’s Day, as military contractors and other giant corporations used the holiday to attempt to associate themselves with progressive causes and agendas.
- Could COVID-19 bring down the US empire?
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies compare the responses to COVID-19 across the world and how the pandemic impacts US hegemony
- Counter-Culture
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 An article on the history of the 1960s Counter-Culture in Toronto.
- COVID-19: Coronavirus and Civilization
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Lockdowns reveal helplessness rather than power. While in a crisis some will take advantage of disaster, it makes no sense that dominant economic powers sought this crisis for some mysterious benefit to themselves, says Diana Johnstone.
- COVID-19 Exposes the Weakness of a Major Theory Used to Justify Capitalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Wolff argues that COVID-19 exposed orthodox economics -- the idea that capitalists' decisions about investing and producing are inherenty "efficent" -- as a sham.
- COVID-19: Vietnam Winning New War Against Invisible Enemy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The World Economic Forum, the Financial Times and others laud Vietnam as a low cost Covid-19 success story to be emulated by poor countries with limited resources, say Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram.
- Criminal blockade: Cuba outraged as delivery of Covid-19 aid from Alibaba chief aborted ‘at the last minute’ due to US sanctions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Cuba has slammed the US' "criminal blockade" of the country after the embargo stood in the way of the delivery of Covid-19 test kits and ventilators donated by Chinese e-commerce tycoon Jack Ma.
- Crippling New Sanctions Punish Syrian Civilians For U.S. Defeat In Proxy War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As Syria tries to recover from a nearly decade-long war, the US has imposed crippling new sanctions under the Caesar Act that target reconstruction.
- Criticising Monbiot isn't 'demonisation'. It’s a first step on the path to reclaiming our minds
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- The Cruise Missile Conversion Project
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Cruise Missile Conversion Project was a dedicated group of women and men committed in 1980-1981 to resisting Canadian militarism. They chose as their focus the Rexdale, Ontario manufacturing plant operated by Litton Systems Canada.
- Cultural and Political Diversity in the White Working-Class
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Explores American politics and voter trends and challenges the idea that highly educated people are the norm and the ideal, whereas poorly educated whites are ignorant and deplorable, standing in the way of positive change the educated are trying to bring.
- Dammed
The Politics of Loss and Survival in Anishinaabe Territory Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Dammed explores Canada’s hydroelectric boom in the Lake of the Woods area. It complicates narratives of increasing affluence in postwar Canada, revealing that the inverse was true for Indigenous communities along the Winnipeg River.
- The Dangers of Privatized Intelligence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Ray McGovern once again effectively demolishes (as he has several times over the past three years) the flimsy props holding up Russiagate, especially the "Intelligence Community Assessment" (ICA) prepared in January 2017 by "handpicked analysts" from the FBI, CIA and NSA (not 17 intelligence agencies, as first claimed by National Intelligence Director James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan).
- The Dead And Those About To Die - Climate Protests And The Corporate Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On the climate protest demonstration on Remembrance Day, 2020.
- Democrats impeach Trump for Withholding Arms to Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 That the Democrats are not impeaching Trump for an actual unconstitutional offense like the diverting of military funds to his border wall without congressional approval is revealing of its true motivations. Trump only crossed a line when he went after another member of the political establishment and fleetingly halted the U.S. war machine in its aggression toward Moscow.
- Diarrhea, Dehydration, Hunger, Exhaustion: India's Rural Poor Suffer Most Under Lockdown
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 India just saw its biggest spike in coronavirus cases in 24 hours with 6,000 new reported infections, as an estimated 3 million seek shelter from a powerful cyclone and tens of thousands have no work or food.
- The Diary of Dukesang Wong
A voice from Gold Mountain Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 A window into the lives of Chinese workers who built the transcontinental railways across North America, a glimpse into the racism, starvation, and disease they faced every day while working the most difficult and dangerous jobs. The diary of Dukesang Wong, speaks vividly about his experiences and emotions during six years working on the Canadian Pacific Railway. It is the only first person account known to exist.
- Diet for a Large Planet
Industrial Britain, Food Systems, and World Ecology Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 A history of the unsustainable modern diet -- heavy in meat, wheat, and sugar -- that requires more land and resources than the planet is able to support.
- The Disappeared
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On the fifth floor of the tall glass federal building in Portland, Oregon, the immigration court hums in hushed tones, an air of reverence coming from a dozen or so fidgety children and teenagers. They sit in two long pews that line the back of the room, facing the elevated bench of the immigration judge.
- Don Mount (Napier Place)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Located just east of the Don River in Riverdale, the area bordered by Queen, Broadview and Dundas Street as well as the Don Valley Parkway.
- Don Vale ("Old Cabbagetown")
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Don Vale, or "Old Cabbagetown" as it now usually called, is a small neighbourhood on the west bank of the Don Valley. Roughly bordered by Parliament and Gerrard Streets as well as St. James Cemetery, the Toronto Necropolis Cemetery, and Riverdale Park.
- Don Valley Parkway & Gardiner Expressway
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The first chair of the Metropolitan Toronto council, established in 1953, was Frederick Gardiner, who quickly drew up plans for a system of expressway and parkway arterials that expanded outward from the city centre. Gardiner's plan, which was considered progressive and reasonable at the time, included five total arterials including the Gardiner Expressway, the Don Valley Parkway and the Spadina Expressway.
- Don't Let Blackwashing Save the Investor Class
 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2020 I could care less about these memorials to slavery and empire. Good riddance. The demonstrators have reinvigorated a process of recognition and historical consciousness that is long overdue, but their chosen targets also reflect a relative powerlessness in the face of contemporary forces. The gestural politics of the moment, reflected in terms like "white skin privilege" and "post-traumatic slavery disorder" have been heartily embraced by the investor class precisely because they deflect from the actual corporate decisions that justify exploitation, rationalize obsolescence and waste, and reproduce inequality all in pursuit of profit.
- Dying of Thirst in Gaza
In Gaza, Even the Water is Occupied Territory Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In 2012, the United Nations issued a report entitled Gaza 2020: A livable place?, with a question mark. If the report took off the question mark, it would’ve answered its own question in the title. No, it's not.
- Establishment journalists are piling on to smear Robert Fisk now he cannot answer back
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Leading journalist in the corporate media have suddenly felt the urgent need not only to criticise the late, much-respected foreign correspondent Robert Fisk, but to pile in against him, using the most outrageous smears imaginable.
- Even the Machines Are Racist. Facial Recognition Systems Threaten Black Lives.
The use of surveillance technology for "security" comes at the expense of civil liberties for Black and Brown people. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Politicians and companies pushing facial recognition technology say that, like the near-certainty of DNA and the exactness of fingerprint matches, the software is a precise, unbiased alternative to human bigotry in policing. Yet in reality, facial recognition technology is prone to false positives that target Black and Brown people, and then tracks them when they're on parole.
- 'Every journalist should feel a cold, icy hand running down their spine
Assange's extradition case examined Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 "Every journalist in the United States should feel a cold, icy hand running down their spine" at the charges that had been leveled against this publisher. Because they could be next,' writer Suelette Dreyfus says about Assange whose project published leaked documents exposing possible US War crimes in Iraq and letters exposing shenanigans against Bernie Sanders in 2016 by bosses within the Democratic Party.
- Every state is a battleground
Howie Hawkins' Response to "An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy" Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 It is condescending and disrespectful to say that Greens are political dilettantes who cast votes just to feel good. We vote to advance a program of system change. We don't waste our votes affirming Democrats like Clinton who personified the elite consensus for the neoliberal economics and neoconservative imperialism that has given us unabated global warming, growing economic insecurity, and endless wars.
- Extensive Chemical Safety Fraud Uncovered at German Testing Laboratory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The case of an animal rights activist who infiltrated an independent German chemical testing laboratory has triggered the discovery of an apparently extensive chemical testing fraud.
- Eyewitness to the Trial and Agony of Julian Assange
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 John Pilger has watched Julian Assange's extradition trial from the public gallery at London's Old Bailey. He spoke with Timothy Erik Ström of Arena magazine, Australia.
- A Feminism for the Working Class
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In 1999, Barbara Ehrenreich charged the feminist movement with advancing only "educated, middle-class women." Her critique is more pertinent than ever.
- The Free University: A people's history
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A history of a Free University in Australia.
- From the Grassroots: The Company of Young Canadians, Local Activism, and Sustainable Development in Canada, 1965-1975
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 This study draws upon and extends recent work that examines grassroots environmental activism as well as government support for such ventures in the Canadian context. In doing so it examines how the CYC became midwife to initiatives that began to grapple with the meaning of sustainable development, from projects concerned directly with the environmental effects of air and water pollution, to urban countercultural communes and cooperatives experimenting with recycling programs and organic food. Though most of these CYC-sponsored projects and their affiliated community organizations were concerned primarily with economic and social development, it is argued here that members of the Company, like others in the nascent environmental movement of the period, were inevitably being drawn towards assessing issues and using strategies that linked people, land, and community in more broadly sustainable ways.
- Gangsterism as Foreign Policy: Assassinations are Becoming the New Norm
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 State-sponsored assassinations employ the methods of gangsterism and discredit and delegitimise those who use them.
- German TV Exposes the Lies That Entrapped Julian Assange
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Greater Riverdale Organization (GRO)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Greater Riverdale Organization expanded on, and replaced, the Riverdale Community Organization (RCO) – a lively and effective organization fighting for issues relevant to Toronto east-side neighbourhoods.
- Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party - Is the U.S. Ambassador One of Its Proud Godfathers?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A new neo-Nazi party, "Greeks for the Fatherland," has formed in Greece under the leadership of former Golden Dawn (GD) leader Ilias Kasidiaris as the infamous GD Party begins to fade.
- Heartbreaking Genius of Staggering Over-Simplification
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Planet of the Humans is a deeply frustrating work: for it is both seminal and deeply problematic. Its foes have missed or tried to drown out the seminal importance it potentially has or had. Its fans have missed or tried to paper over its profound flaws. In this review we explore the fundamental insights it offers as well as illuminate — as the film sadly does not — a path for the constructive use of renewable energy going forward. A path that is rather more limited and specific than most of those who are excoriating the film would like to believe.
- Heat Wave
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Like COVID-19 and much else, extreme heat disproportionately affects the poor and the elderly. They are the ones who often don’t have air conditioning, and often they live alone with no support networks.
- The history and politics of the Communist Party of Canada: an overview
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- The Holocaust, the BBC and antisemitism smears
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Senior BBC news reporter Orla Guerin has found herself in hot water of an increasingly familiar kind. During a report on preparations for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, she made a brief reference to Israel and an even briefer reference to the Palestinians.
- Homestead Steel Mill - the Final Ten Years
USWA Local 1397 and the Fight for Union Democracy Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020
- Hong Kong's "pro-democracy" movement allies with far-right US politicians that seek to crush Black Lives Matter
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As a Hong Kong protest leader promotes far-right condemnations of US anti-racism demonstrations and activists shut down a Black Lives Matter rally in the city, Hong Kong organizers forge close ties with hardline Republicans in Washington.
- How 'dark fishing' sails below the radar to plunder the oceans
Billions of dollars in illegal and unregulated fish supplies are mixed with legal catches and smuggled into the market. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In September 2019, the Greenpeace campaign ship Arctic Sunrise was scanning the mid-Atlantic ocean, thousands of kilometres from anywhere. On board, investigators were looking for vessels that were doing their best not to be found.
- How Gulf states became business partners in Israel's occupation
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2020 Since signing the Abraham Accords, the UAE and Bahrain have been actively colluding with Israel's settler movement and military authorities. The professed rationale for the recent Abraham Accords, so-called "peace deals" signed with Israel by the UAE and Bahrain, was to stymie Israeli efforts to annex swaths of the West Bank.
- How Israel wages its war on Palestinian history
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Israel’s archives are being hurriedly sealed up precisely to prevent any danger that records might confirm long-sidelined and discounted Palestinian history. Last month Israel’s state comptroller, a watchdog body, revealed that more than one million archived documents were still inaccessible, even though they had passed their declassification date. Nonetheless, some have slipped through the net.
- How many dead Yemenis does it take to equal one Washington Post contributor?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The War Nerd dissects reporting on Saudi Arabia to show how the corporate media cares more about a dead Washington Post columnist than a quarter of a million Yemenis killed in a Western-backed war.
- How Racism is an Essential Tool for Maintaining the Capitalist Order
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2020 U.S. capitalism survived because it found a solution to the basic problem of its instability, its business cycles. Since capitalism never could end cyclical downturns and their awful effects, its survival required making those effects somehow socially tolerable. Systemic racism survived in the post-Civil War United States partly because it helped to achieve that tolerability. Capitalism provided conditions for the reproduction of systemic racism, and vice versa.
- How the Environmental Lawyer Who Won a Massive Judgment Against Chevron Lost Everything
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Chevron has hired private investigators to track Donziger, created a publication to smear him, and put together a legal team of hundreds of lawyers from 60 firms, who have successfully pursued an extraordinary campaign against him. As a result, Donziger has been disbarred and his bank accounts have been frozen.
- How the US and Israel exchange tactics in violence and control
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Two decades of Israeli-US police cooperation includes training in racial profiling and violent suppression of protests.
- How the US helped push Lebanon to the brink of collapse, and now threatens more sanctions
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2020 While the media blames the crisis in Lebanon solely on corruption, the US government unleashed a “maximum pressure” campaign to push regime change and crush Lebanese resistance with sanctions and aggressive hybrid warfare.
- How to Help Someone With a Disability: Listen to Them
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 If you know someone with a disability, the best thing you can do is listen to them. Let them tell you about their strengths, and weaknesses, and needs.
- How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 If one thing drives me to write, especially these blog posts, it is the urgent need for us to start understanding power. Power is the force that shapes almost everything about our lives and our deaths. There is no more important issue. Understanding power and overcoming it through that understanding is the only path to liberation we can take as individuals, as societies, and as a species.
- Huawei Sting Operation Exposed
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 December 1, 2020 is the second anniversary of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s arrest — or kidnapping, depending on your point of view — in Vancouver, Canada. If you work for the U.S.’s Departments of Justice, Treasury and State, with the CIA/NSA cheering from the galleries, it is just a simple extradition request to "carry out the law." If, however, you are company executive Frédéric Pierucci, Meng was kidnapped by the U.S., just as he was in 2013, whereupon he was imprisoned for two years on similar — he would say trumped-up — charges. His seizure was used to extort France’s flagship Alstom Corporation to pay $772 million in fines (ransom according to Pierucci) and sell off its most valuable portfolios to General Electric (GE), its U.S. competitor — all to gain his release.
- Humans are not the problem: Reflections on a "useless" documentary
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 With nearly everyone trapped at home for the fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day, Michael Moore released a film that picks apart the US environmental movement as it may have looked ten years ago, and then misleadingly presents it as breaking news.
- I see Gaza in Beirut
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- 'I wish I was a boy': The Kenyan girls fighting period poverty
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In Kenya, one million girls miss school each month because they cannot afford sanitary pads, while some share used ones.
- In northeastern BC, over 10% of oil and gas wells are leaking methane
There is no monitoring program for abandoned wells, so they can leak for a long time before emissions are detected and repaired. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Northeastern British Columbia has been a major centre of conventional oil and gas production since the 1960s. More recently, the shale gas sector has also targeted the region.
- The Inauthentic Opposition is "Stunned" by a Crime it Encouraged
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Top Democrats are "stunned" that Trump impulsively ordered the killing of "the commanding general of a sovereign government" (New York Times) – Iran’s Maj. Gen. Qassim Soliemani - on the sovereign territory of Iraq without the permission of Iraq's government. The imperial assassination of Soliemani is a criminal act of war guaranteed to provoke a reaction that could produce a regional war involving U.S. forces in the Middle East.
- Infiltrating Antifa: the Feds and Their Long History of Subversion
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On May 31st, 2020, President Trump (or his people) tweeted: “The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization.” Attorney General, William Barr, said: “The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly.”
- The Injured Workers Movement
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 History and formation of The Injured Workers Movement.
- Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime change network seeking the 'fall of China'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In recent years, few stories have generated as much outrage in the West as the condition of Uyghur Muslims in China. Reporting on the issue is typically represented through seemingly spontaneous leaks of information and expressions of resistance by Uyghur human rights activists struggling to be heard against a tyrannical Chinese government.
- Intimidating or coercing a civilian population is terrorism. Right?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 So, Donald Trump's "peace plan" threatening to wipe out the Palestinians' legitimate rights and reduce them to a fragmented vassal mini-state with restricted freedom and limited self-rule, to be forever at the mercy of their cruel and lawless neighbour, is a terror document. Right?
- Israeli Justice... a Futile Chase
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Seventeen years ago, 23 year old Rachel Corrie (a Washington State volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement) was crushed to death by an armoured military bulldozer as she stood on top of a mound of dirt trying to prevent the dozer from destroying a civilian home in the Southern Gaza Strip village of Rafa.
- Israelizing the American police, Palestinianizing the American people
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Israel has not influenced U.S. law enforcement by training it to be more violent, but rather has served as a model in creating the American Security State.
- The Issue Dividing Democratic Candidates Is Hidden in Plain Sight
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Takes came in hot and heavy last weekend after the New York Times editorial board endorsed both Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar for the Democratic presidential nomination, mercifully ending the paper's self-aggrandizing pseudo-event widely compared to … that's right … "The Apprentice."
- Johl Whiteduck Ringuette interviewed by Ulli Diemer
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2020 An interview with Johl Whiteduck Ringuette, March 18, 2023. An audio recording of this interview is in the Connexions Library & Archive.
- Johnstone Brings her Moral Compass to our Dantesque World
Review of Diana Johnstone, Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Diana Johnstone's memoir is a classic, and will be read and quoted as long as we keep struggling for peace and justice. It is one of the great personal accounts of the anguished decline of our uncivilization, both a riveting eye-witness account of many of the horrors and perfidies, and a primer for students of history and all those struggling to not only dismantle the beast, but to prepare us for what follows it.
- Journeying to freedom in a closed-off world
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Palestinians know only too well what it’s like to be under lockdown or prevented from traveling, hemmed in by walls, checkpoints and bureaucracy, themes Qumsiyeh tackles in Walled Citizen.
- Julian Assange Show Trial Resumes: Why the U.S. Government Wants Him Silenced
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Julian Assange has been held in isolation (23 hours per day) at Belmarsh high-security prison since he was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London on April 11, 2019.
- Kashmiris outraged as authorities fell thousands of apple trees
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 India engages inethnic cleansing in Kashmir.
- Keep it Real
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A review of Diana Johnstone's book Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher
- The Killing and Raping Game in Kenya and the Despots Who Run It
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Politics in Kenya is dominated by rapacious elites consumed with the looting of state resources, using violence to avoid any possible accountability. Elections serve as key points of entry and consolidation in this system for both ruling and competing elites, and are manifestations of corruption, fraud, and repression.
- Kiss the Ground
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2020 Delving into the impact of regenerating the Earth's soil quality and its impact on climate, ecosystems, and food sustainability. Featuring environmental activists, scientists, and celebrities.
- La Moralidad en un Mundo Inmoral
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- League for Student Democracy (LSD)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 An article about the history of the League for Student Democracy (LSD) in Toronto.
- Leninism without the working class? The missing subject in Malm's ecological revolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Although scientists have been publishing on the viral consequences of deforestation for decades, Andreas Malm’s Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency is the first publicly accessible book that connects pandemics, climate change, and capitalism.
- Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Maher reflects on Leo Panitch's contributions to democratic socialism.
- The 'Lesser-Evil' Syndrome: Noam Chomsky's Fall Into Self-Contradiction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 No matter whether or how we cast our ballots, policy is insulated from voter preferences and keeps moving to the right. Nevertheless, Chomsky takes leftists who abstain or vote third party (in swing states) to task for failing to carry out what he considers to be a straightforward exercise in damage mitigation.
- The "Liberal" Media’s Propaganda War on Bernie Sanders
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Life on Our Planet
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2020 David Attenborough shares his predictions for the planet's future, and methods to prevent the worst outcomes.
- Living principles: In memory of Ed Finn
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Born in Spaniard’s Bay, Newfoundland, in 1926, Ed Finn grew up in Corner Brook, where he later became first a printer’s apprentice, then a reporter, columnist, and editor of that city’s daily newspaper, the Western Star. His long career as a journalist later included two years at the Montreal Gazette and 14 years at the Toronto Star. During his four-year fling in politics in Newfoundland (1959-1962), he served as the first provincial leader of the NDP. He worked closely with Tommy Douglas and helped defend and promote his pioneering Medicare legislation in Saskatchewan. And throughout the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s, he did communications work for several labour unions, and served on the board of directors of the Bank of Canada. From 1994 to 2014 he was Senior Editor at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and Editor of the CCPA Monitor. On November 27, 2020, Ed was appointed to the Order of Canada.
- Local Initiatives Program (LIP)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Local Initiatives Program or LIP was a federal program established by the Liberal government in 1971 to provide grants to a variety of community and cultural projects. The program was billed as part of the Pierre Trudeau's effort to create a "Just Society." LIP grants were intended to create jobs, especially in areas where de-industrialization had left many people unemployed.
- Looking Beyond the Abolition of Restaurants
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 What does a revolutionary society do to produce food for people who aren’t necessarily in the mood to cook for themselves that day?
- M is for Miriam
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 An illustrated children's book about the Canadian physician and activist Miriam Garfinkle. Each page is devoted to some page of her life: C is for Community, D is for Doctor, G is for Garden, L is for Laughter, N is for Nature, P is for Piano, Q is for Questions, S is for Solidarity, W is for Waffles....
Identifiers: Canadiana 20190236663 - ISBN: 9781927470077
Subjects: LCSH: English language - Alphabet - Juvenile literature - LCSH Alphabet books. - LCSH: Garfinkle, Miriam, 1954-2018.
Classification: LCC PE1155.D54 2020 - DDC j421--dc23
- Massacres as a weapon of ethnic cleansing during the Nakba
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Sitta explores the ways massacres were an integral element of the Israeli settler colonial state, and aims to challenge the Zionist narrative that has dominated the Western mind. He provides a chronology of the violence and massacres commited by the Israeli state towards various Palestinian settlements.
- Maubere Timor: Keeping East Timor's songs of resistance alive
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Presumed dead for years, musician and independence fighter Berliku returns to pay tribute to his nation through music.
- May 4th Movement (M4M)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The May 4th Movement (M4M) was a Toronto-based radical group formed after the Kent State shootings of unarmed university students on May 4, 1970.
- Meet Wikipedia's Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Foundation's regime-change operative CEO
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Wikipedia has become a bulletin board for corporate and imperial interests under the watch of its Randian founder, Jimmy Wales, and the veteran US regime-change operative who heads the Wikimedia Foundation, Katherine Maher.
- The Meltdown of the Careerist Greens
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The wildly, uniquely popular, documentary “Planet of the Humans” has been viewed over 2 million times in less that four days – likely 100s of thousands more by the time you read this.
- The military's carbon bootprint
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As the biggest single user of fossil fuels, why is the military exempt from the climate discussion?
- Moralidade em um Mundo Amoral
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Morality in an Amoral World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A crisis is a mirror. It shows us - if we have the courage to see - who we are as individuals and as a society. The self-congratulatory poses of governments, politicians, and state institutions are confronted with the harsh test of reality. Each of us - as individuals, friends, families, neighbours, communities - face new and sometimes difficult challenges. The novel coronavirus COVID-19 is such a crisis.
- Morality in an Amoral World - Bulgarian text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Morality in an Amoral World - Vietnamese text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Movement for Municipal Reform (ReforMetro)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Movement for Municipal Reform (often called ReforMetro) was created in Toronto in 1975. Its purpose was to establish and institutionalize close linkages among community organizers, left-wing city aldermen (as they were still called at that time), and their constituents (primarily in working-class wards).
- Naomi Binder Wall Interview
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2020 Three interviews with left political organizer Naomi Binder Wall conducted by Ulli Diemer in May 2020. An audio recording of this interview is in the Connexions Library & Archive.
- Narrative Control Operations Escalate As America Burns
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On reports regarding social and mainsteam media attempting to censor and control narrative surrounding current protests in the US.
- Natural Pathogens and Social Affliction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On how focus on COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lack of attention and resources to other diseases, particularly in developing nations.
- New Deal for Nature: Paying the Emperor to Fence the Wind
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The latest idea to be heavily promoted by big conservation NGOs is doubling the world's so-called "Protected Areas" (PAs) so that they cover thirty percent of the globe's lands and oceans. This is now their main rallying cry and response to two of the world's biggest problems -- climate chaos and loss of biodiversity. It sounds good: It's easy to grasp and has numbers that are supposed to be measurable, and advertisers do love numbers. What better answer to climate change and biodiversity loss than to ban human "interference" over huge areas? If, that is, you think "everybody" is guilty of causing both crises and that everything's solved by keeping them away. The idea's been around for years, but now governments and industries are promoting it to the tune of billions of dollars, so it'll be difficult to oppose. But it's actually dangerous nonsense which would have exactly the reverse effect to what we're told, and if we want to save our world, it must be stopped.
- New Left Caucus
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The New Left Caucus (NLC) was a radical student group active on the University of Toronto campus in 1969-1970.
- The New Puritans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The attack on congressional candidate Alex Morse for consensual sexual relationships is disturbing for many reasons, but mostly because it reveals a new American phobia toward adulthood.
- The New Puritans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The attack on congressional candidate Alex Morse for consensual sexual relationships is disturbing for many reasons, but mostly because it reveals a new American phobia toward adulthood.
- The New York Times Admits Key Falsehoods That Drove Last Year’s Coup in Bolivia: Falsehoods Peddled by the U.S., Its Media, and the Times
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The U.S. government and its media once again help destroy a thriving Latin American democracy.
- New York Times Job Listing Shows How Western Propaganda Operates
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In order to get a job at the New York Times, you need to demonstrate that you subscribe to the mainstream oligarchic imperialist worldview which forms the entirety of western mass media output. You need to demonstrate that you have been properly indoctrinated, and that you can be guided into toeing the imperial line with simple attaboys and tisk-tisks from your superiors rather than being explicitly told to knowingly lie.
- 1960s CounterCulture in Toronto
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Amidst the overt political developments of the late 1950s and early 1960s, a small but significant portion of youth became attracted to Beat or bohemian culture.
- No Limits. The Disabled People's Movement: A Radical History - book review
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In No Limits, Judy Hunt recovers the history of the disabled people’s movement, showing how disabled people organised themselves against ‘the challenge of an inaccessible society’ and achieved significant gains.
- 'None Of It Reported': How Corporate Media Buried The Assange Trial
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 When it comes to arguably the most important political trial in our lifetimes, there is a not-so-curious media reluctance to dwell on it or even mention it, never mind grant it the kind of blanket coverage that celebrity trials regularly generate. Thus, media attention given to the extradition hearing of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder and editor, was minimal and dwarfed by the coverage devoted to the actor Johnny Depp over the summer.
- Nuclear War: A Thought Experiment
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- On Disposability and Rebellion: Insights From a Rank-and-File Insurgency
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- On 'White Fragility'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A few thoughts on America’s smash-hit #1 guide to egghead racialism.
- One of the Best Ways to Protect Biodiversity is to Preserve Indigenous Languages
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Is there a connection between loss of biodiversity and loss of Indigenous languages? Or, to put another way, what significance protecting Indigenous languages might have for protecting biodiversity?
- Online classes, offline class divisions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Students living in the Ambujwadi slum in north Mumbai are struggling with online classes for months, while also working to support their families after their parents' income was hit by the lockdown and its aftermath
- The Only Treatment for Coronavirus Is Solidarity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 We live in an interwoven, interconnected world where an injury to one is truly an injury to all. We must confront the coronavirus with solidarity and fight for a society where the health of all is more important than profits for a few.
- An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As the 2020 presidential election approaches the Green Party faces the challenge of settling on a platform, choosing a candidate for president, and deciding its campaign strategy.
- Opportunities for Youth
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Opportunities For Youth was a federal Liberal program of the early 1970s that provided funding for a variety of community projects.
- Organizing to ampliyfy ecosocialist voices around the world
African journal interviews John Molyneux, a founder of the new Global Ecosocialist Network, on the challenges before ecosocialists today. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 John Molyneux, a socialist activist and writer based in Ireland, has played a central role in organizing the Global Ecosocialist Network. He was interviewed by Leo Zeilig of the Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE).
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 19, 2020
Taking a Stand Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2020 Psychologists call it cognitive dissonance. George Orwell called it double-think. Some of us might call it organized hypocrisy. Call it what you will, it surrounds us. The government proclaims its commitment to 'reconciliation' with indigenous people, and says that its relationship with them is its most important relationship. At the same time the RCMP, following an order by a colonial court, invades unceded indigenous land and arrests people for occupying their own land. Governments mouth platitudes about the importance they place on dealing with the climate emergency while at the same time they build new pipelines and approve massive new tarsands projects. The biggest polluter on the planet - the U.S. military - meanwhile receives constant increases in its budget, even while it pursues demented schemes to take us to the edge of war, mostly recently by deploying a new generation of "low-yield" thermonuclear weapons on submarines. All this is business as usual. Fortunately many people across the country, and around the world, are saying no to business as usual. They are taking a stand and disrupting business as usual.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 19, 2020
 Morality in an Amoral World Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2020 A crisis is a mirror. It shows us - if we have the courage to see - who we are as individuals and as a society. The self-congratulatory poses of governments, politicians, and state institutions are confronted with the harsh test of reality. Each of us - as individuals, friends, families, neighbours, communities - face new and sometimes difficult challenges. The novel coronavirus COVID-19 is such a crisis.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 14, 2020
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our world. Many of us feel some degree of disorientation and uncertainty about when and how we will return to some kind of ‘normal’ and what that new normal will look like. Important choices lie ahead, so it is vital that we think clearly, ask questions, discuss with others, and make our voices heard.
- Our Backs Warmed by the Sun
Memories of a Doukhobor Life Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 When author Vera Maloff set out to find the truth about her family's history, she knew something of the struggles of living a pacifist, agrarian life in a world with opposing values. To find the bones of that history she turned to her mother Elizabeth, who, in her nineties, had forgotten nothing. In Our Backs Warmed by the Sun, the author, through the stories of her mother, describes a wholly activist life. The Doukhobors -- both the Sons of Freedom and moderate sects -- led anti-military protests throughout the early 1900s, harboured draft dodgers in the 60s, and stood up for their beliefs.
- Our leaders are terrified. Not of the virus - of us
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Pakistan's Women's March: Shaking patriarchy 'to its core'
Young activists and their older counterparts explain why they are uniting to fight for women's rights in Pakistan. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Thousands of women have marched across Pakistan's main urban centres to mark International Women's Day. 2020 is the third successive year that the Aurat March, women's march, has been held in the country.
- Palestinian olive farmers defy Israeli attacks for prized crop
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Israeli restrictions, attacks and intimidation continue to hinder the vital olive harvest but Palestinians persevere.
- Palestinians and Israelis call for a single democratic state
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Palestinian-led One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC), comprised of Palestinians from every major community ('48, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the refugee camps and the Diaspora/Exile), together with their critical Israeli Jewish partners, has issued a call for the establishment of a single democratic state including everyone living between the River and the Sea, including Palestinian refugees who choose to return to their homeland.
- Leo Panitch (1945-2020) - "An irreparable loss"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Parallels between Minneapolis and Jerusalem are More than Skin Deep
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Cook argues that there are significant parallels between the United States and Israel, particularly the use of police brutality and the lack of prosecution against police officers and soldiers. He notes that the US police forces have learned from Israel's decades of experience in crushing Palestinian resistance and applied their techniques to the Black American underclasses.
- Parkdale Tenants' Association (PTA)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 History of the Parkdale Tenants’ Association (PTA) in Toronto.
- Party Organization in Lenin's Comintern
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Many socialist groups today seek to shape their organizational principles in the spirit of "democratic centralism" identified with V.I. Lenin. Yet as historian Lars Lih has demonstrated ("Fortunes of a Formula" and "Further Fortunes of a Formula"), Lenin himself used the term only occasionally, and then with widely varying emphasis. The formula's meaning for socialists today is in fact derived mainly from its application by the Communist International (Comintern) in Lenin's lifetime and under his guidance (1919–23).
- Patterns of Occupied Palestine and Kashmir: Part 4 of Uncountable
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- The people who are preparing for war, and the lies they tell
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The double standards, hypocrisy, and dishonesty of the media are absolutely breathtaking.
- A People's History of the German Revolution 1918-19 - book review
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 William Pelz’s People’s History of the German Revolution is a vivid and accessible introduction to socialism's greatest lost revolution.
- The People's Point of View: The Toronto Workers' History Project
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- People's Skepticism About Covid-19 Is The Fault Of The Lying Mass Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- The planet cannot begin to heal until we rip the mask off the West's war machine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Planet of the Censoring Humans
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The campaign to remove Michael Moore’s new documentary from the Internet -- led by Moore's erstwhile progressive "allies" -- is a significant advance in the censorship revolution.
- Police are the Enemy Within
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Yates argues that the police are the enemy of the working class, and that "law enforcement" has a long history of violence against Black and Indigenous individuals and communities. Moreover, in the capitalist system where the law is biased in favour of property over persons, the role of the police continues to be the protection of business from damage, and that harm to persons is simply collateral damage.
- Postcard from a liberated Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A piece of fiction published as part of +972’s New Futures project. In this series, writers, thinkers, and activists share how they visualize Israel-Palestine the day after the pandemic, as a way of transforming this dystopian moment into an exercise in radical imagination of rethinking through the past, present, and future of this region, and envisioning a different reality for all those living between the river and the sea.
- The privatization of rivers in Chile
Auctioning-off rivers for private gain has severe social and environmental impacts. But there is a better way. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Chilean government has continued with the mercantile treatment of common goods, putting several rivers in the Bio Bio Region up for auction, despite ongoing social unrest.
- The problem with 1199's 'Advice to Rookie Organizers'
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 One of the most widely-circulated statements on organizing is SEIU 1199’s “Advice to rookie organizers,” popularized most recently by Jane McAlevey but originally drafted in 1985 at an SEIU organizing conference. It’s good advice — it’s actually excellent advice for the most part — and I think anyone who takes a hard look at almost any organizing can spot where things went right by how closely it followed this advice and where things went wrong by where it deviated from it.
- The Problem With Conservation Easements
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Washington Post recently published an article that repeated the old and flawed idea that ranching will "protect" the land and suggesting conservation easements are the solution to sprawl.
- Profiting from Loss: How Business in Illegal Israeli Settlements Continues Unchecked
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 UN efforts to protect Palestinian land from economic exploitation are failing, and exposing the hypocrisy of western states.
- Project Venezuela: Right-Wing Activists Push Wikipedia to Blacklist MintPress, other Alternative Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A group of right-wing Venezuelans has managed to ban the use of a range of alternative media outlets covering Venezuela, including MintPress News.
- The Public Charge Rule for Immigrants Evokes the Antebellum Slave Codes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Immigration historians have written extensively about how the archaic provision Trump is relying on had antecedents in state laws regulating Atlantic immigration in the 1800s. But little, if anything, has been said in the media about how Trump's rule is also rooted in a different set of state laws, specifically, state slave codes and other antebellum-era laws designed to preserve slavery and limit the movement of freed slaves.
- Le quartier de Yorkville dans les années 60
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Yorkville était un quartier dans la ville de Toronto qui était le centre de la contreculture des années 60s. Son nom vient de l’avenue Yorkville, mais en tant que district, ses limites était aux alentours de la rue Bloor vers le sud, la rue Davenport vers le nord, la rue Yonge vers l’est et la rue avenue vers l’ouest. L’avenue Hazelton et les rues Cumberland, Scollard, et Bellair faisaient partie du quartier de Yorkville.
- Race, Class, and White Privilege: A response
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Underlying the "white privilege" thesis are two basic claims. First, that being "white" is a useful category in which to put everyone from the CEOs of multinational corporations to the cleaners in an Amazon warehouse. And, second, that being in such a category imbues people with privileges denied to those not in that category. Are either of these claims true?
- Racial categories are reactionary
One of the most banal and vulgar ways to think about humanity is to classify by 'race' Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Racial thinking, no matter how 'progressively' arrived at, can only be reactionary. It is irrational, anti-scientific and anti-humanist. It is a fetter on the social development of human beings and their flourishing. Racialism and racism are twin brothers. Solidifying racial categories in mainstream discourse is a grave mistake. Real progress should mean challenging racial thinking at its root and ultimately transcending it.
- The Racial Wealth Gap Is About the Upper Classes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On the racial wealth gap in the US and how it is driven by the upper classes.
- The Real Conspiracy: Notes From The Edge of the Narrative Matrix
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Some conspiracy-type people say the world is messed up because we're ruled by illuminati or reptilians, but I'm way more out there than that: I say our entire society is made of imaginary thought stories with little relation to objective reality, and some clever manipulators have figured out how to exploit this.
- The Real Giants Whose Shoulders We Stand On
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 We stand upon the shoulders of giants. Yes, we do. But the giants are not the "great men" like Rich Fancyboi who have received all the acclaim and attention throughout recorded history, they’re the ones doing the actual moving, making, mothering and maintaining in our world upon whose heads the famous figures stand.
- The Real Modi: Do the Killings of Muslims Represent India's Kristallnacht?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On 23 February 2020 in Delhi, Hindu nationalist mobs roamed the streets burning and looting mosques together with Muslim homes, shops and businesses. They killed or burned alive Muslims who could not escape and the victims were largely unprotected by the police.
- The "Red Light" of Yugoslav Partisan Photography
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The 75th anniversary of the liberation from fascism is a time to remember one of the largest anti-fascist movements in Europe.
- Red Morning
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Red Morning was a revolutionary group founded in Toronto in the early 1970s. Quasi-Marxist in orientation Red Morning sought to organize working-class youth into a revolutionary force to contest capitalism.
- 'Refusing to serve in the army is my small act of making change'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Hillel Rabin spent 56 days in military prison for refusing to serve in the IDF. Now she opens up about her time behind bars, conversations with her fellow inmates, and talking to young Israelis about the occupation.
- Regent Park
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 One of the oldest public housing projects in Canada. Approved in the mid-1940s and finally completed by 1960, Regent Park consisted of high- and low-rise, subsidized apartment buildings in the area of Toronto bordered by Gerrard, River, Shuter and Parliament Streets. The area is now being rebuilt with mixed-income housing.
- Regent Park Community Improvement Association
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Regent Park Community Improvement Association (RPCIA) was founded in 1969 at a meeting organized by a previous organization, BLAST, which consisted of Regent Park South Residents.
- Remaking the Politics of Palestine Solidarity in Canada
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Farah explores the awkward position the Canadian-Arab finds themselves, where they attempt to engage in cultural and professional event programming which have to be resolutely non-political. Many times, this means avoiding those engaged in political organizing out of fear of the repercussions.
- Researchers Are Substantially Undercounting Gene-Editing Errors
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The standard gene-editing tool, CRISPR-Cas9, frequently produces a type of DNA mutation that ordinary genetic analysis misses, claims new research published in the journal Science Advances. In describing these findings the researchers called such oversights "serious pitfalls" of gene editing.
- Revealed: The British government's covert propaganda campaign in Syria
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The British government covertly established a network of citizen journalists across Syria during the early years of the country's civil war in an attempt to shape perceptions of the conflict, frequently recruiting people who were unaware that they were being directed from London.
- RIP Betty Dodson, Sex Revolutionary
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The great sex revolutionary and Godmother of Masturbation, Dr. Betty Dodson (1929-2020), one of my most beloved mentors, died on the Blue Moon of Halloween night.
- Riverdale
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Consisting of a the area east of the Don Valley and bordered by the Danforth, Greenwood Avenue and Lake Ontario, Riverdale was annexed into Toronto in 1884.
- Riverdale Community Organization
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The RCO emerged out of discontent at the city,’s handling of the housing expropriation in the Don Mount renewal zone. In 1969, several religious figures from the area formed the East Don Urban Coalition to represent local interests and hired organizer Don Keating. After six months several smaller organizations that had formed around specific local issues united to form the Riverdale Community Organization.
- Riverdale Zoo/Riverdale Farm
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A zoo which existed on the west bank of the Don River, at the east end of Winchester Street, from 1899 to 1975. the site subsequently became the location of Riverdale Farm.
- The Robbery of Nature
Capitalism and the Ecological Rift Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Various critical issues are examined in this collection of previously published essays, revised for this book. It won the 2020 Deutscher Memorial Prize.
- Robert Fisk - Death Of A 'Controversial' Journalist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 why do ‘mainstream’ commentators feel obliged to red-flag Fisk’s journalism with ‘controversial’ in this way, and why is it a 'weasel word'? Consider that the likes of the BBC's Andrew Marr, the Guardian's Martin Chulov and The Times' David Aaronovitch, and numerous others, will never be described as 'controversial', despite their highly controversial, in fact outrageous, warmongering bias.
- Robert Fisk had True Independence of Mind, Which is Why He Angered Governments and Parts of the Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 At the heart of Fisk's journalism was relentless and meticulous eyewitness reporting of events, a refusal to see complex conflicts in terms of black and white, while not surrendering to moral indifference and keeping a sense of outrage when confronted with real evil. Above all, perhaps, he showed an unbending refusal to back down when what he said was being denied, denounced or ignored by politicians and the media.
- Rooming Houses in Toronto -- 1960s & 1970s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Rooming houses in Toronto became a big issue in the late 1960s and early 1970s as housing priorities were changing rapidly. These dwellings were usually old houses that had been converted for single-room-occupancy tenants, who typically paid weekly rent and shared the bathroom and kitchen facilities with four or more (unrelated) tenants.
- J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 I refuse to bow down to a movement that I believe is doing demonstrable harm in seeking to erode 'woman' as a political and biological class. I stand alongside the brave women and men, gay, straight and trans, who're standing up for freedom of speech and thought, and for the rights and safety of some of the most vulnerable in our society.
- St. James Town
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Bounded by Wellesley, Howard, Sherbourne and Parliament Streets. Originally comprised of houses, the area was demolished in the 1960s and filled with highrise apartment buildings.
- St. Michael's Residential School: Lament and Legacy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 St. Michael’s Residential School: Lament and Legacy is a moving narrative -- told by two caregivers who experienced on a daily basis the degradation of Indigenous children.
- Saugeen Ojibway Nation Has Saved Lake Huron From a Nuclear Waste Dump
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A major victory for Canada's First Nations has just been won in Ontario. On January 31, 2020, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) overwhelmingly voted down the proposed deep geological repository (DGR) for storage of low- and intermediate-level radioactive nuclear waste next to Lake Huron.
- Saving the Nile
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 For the 280 million people from 11 countries who live along the banks of the Nile, it symbolises life. For Ethiopia, a new dam holds the promise of much-needed electricity; for Egypt, the fear of a devastating water crisis.
- The Scourge of Authoritarianism in the Age of Pseudoscience
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Questionable science is being used to pursue policies that are essentially 'unscientific' - governments, the policy and the corporate media have become the arbiters of 'truth'.
- Secret, Invisible Evidence Of Russian Hacking Is Not Actually Evidence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Shocker: US state propaganda outlets censor Black Lives Matter protests
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty of promoting the interests of the American Empire, and downplaying issues related to police brutality and racism.
- Silencing the past: reflections on remembering and forgetting
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History by Haitian writer Michel-Rolph Trouillot was first published in 1995. Twenty-five years on, its weaving of personal narrative with stories of slave rebellion, black Jacobins in the Haitian Revolution and the 'discovery' of the Americas still resonate.
- The Skies Are Emptying Out
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- The Slow Exodus of Palestinian Christians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Israel has exploited the steady decline in the numbers of Palestinian Christians to advance its claim that they are being hounded from the region by Muslim extremists. But the real blame lies with Israel and the foreign Churches.
- Social media's erasure of Palestinians is a grim warning for our future
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Nowhere are ties between tech and state officials more evident than in their dealings with Israel. This has led to starkly different treatment of digital rights for Israelis and Palestinians.
- Solidarity: Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2020 Drawing on both historical and current struggles for Palestinians under siege, occupation and forced displacement, including the Great March of Return in Gaza, the film provides a stirring indictment of Israel’s settler project as well as that of the cable networks’ deliberate spin to shield Israel from accountability. As the film’s title indicates, Peck divides the film into five themes: the expulsion of Palestinians during the Nakba, when 800,000 Palestinians were forced from their homeland in 1947-1948; Israel’s disproportionate violence against Palestinians; Israel’s continued expansion of illegal settlement colonies; the US’ financial support of Israel; and what’s behind the smear campaigns to label criticism of Israel’s policies as anti-Semitism.
- South of Carlton Community Action Committee (SOCCA)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The South of Carlton Community Action Committee was formed by a group of residents in the South of Carlton neighbourhood in 1970.
- South of St. James Town
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The area just to the South of the St. James Town apartments, roughly bordered by Wellesley, Sherbourne, Carlton and Parliament Streets.
- Spirit of the Grassroots People
Seeking Justice for Indigenous Survivors of Canada's Colonial Education System Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 A memoir by a survivor of the Indian residential and day school system who fought for justice on behalf of Indigenous people.
- Springboard
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Springboard was a volunteer organization run out of the Christian Resource Centre during the 1970s. The purpose of the program was to facilitate regular contact between incarcerated men and their families during their time in prison.
- Step to Nuclear Doomsday: US Puts Low-Yield Nukes on Submarines in Response to Made-up Russian 'Escalate to Deescalate' Strategy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The US has deployed “low-yield” nuclear missiles on submarines, saying it’s to discourage nuclear conflict with Russia. The move is based on a “Russian strategy” made up in Washington and will only bring mass annihilation closer.
- Stop Calling Harmful Bigotry "Religious Freedom"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Supreme Court is considering a case, Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, that once again pits LGBTQ rights against so-called religious liberty. In this case, one of the plaintiffs, Catholic Social Services, is arguing that it has the right to discriminate against same sex couples when placing children in foster care.
- Stop Spadina Save Our City Co-ordinating Committee (SSSOCCC)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 History of the Stop Spadina Save Our City Co-ordinating Committee (SSSOCCC), which was formed to oppose the proposed Spadina Expressway that was supposed to be bulldozed through the middle of downtown Toronto.
- SYRIZA's Betrayal of Greece is a Spectre haunting the Left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Regardless of whether he beats the odds, no one can deny the significance of Sanders's movement in taking the relatively progressive first step of returning "socialism" from exile to everyday U.S. politics which was once an inconceivable prospect. Unfortunately, a consequence is that now his idea of an 'alternative' to capitalism has been made synonymous with the word in the minds of Americans, regardless of its qualifications.
- Systemic Cruelty
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 When bailiffs broke down his door on the 20th June 2018 they found Errol Graham emaciated and dead. He weighed just four and a half stone (28.5kg). There was no food in the flat except for two tins of fish that were four years out of date, no gas or electricity supply.
- There is something missing from tech worker organizing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- They Are Rolling Out The Architecture of Oppression Now Because They Fear The People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 "As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capability to arrest the slide into a less liberal and less free world," NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said in a recent interview.
- They Stripped Us of Our Clothes and Assigned Us a Number
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 How can one begin to excavate the horrors of a radical resocialization project (from roughly 1876 to 1986) to transform "savages" into "civilized" citizens? In turning First Nations societies upside down, the government and the churches ended up turning themselves upside down, evident in the spiritual and moral degradation of themselves and students under their care.
- Thinking Clearly in a Time of Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A crisis like this pandemic is not a time to stop thinking. It is a time when critical thinking and public discussion are more important than ever. A small number of officials and politicians are taking decisions with enormous and far-reaching implications for the lives of many people, not just for the duration of this pandemic, but far into the future. The time to have serious discussions about what they are doing, and the direction we are heading in, is now, not some day in the future when it will be difficult, or too late, to change course.
- To Save Our Climate We Need Taller Trees Not Taller Wooden Buildings
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 To many of us working at the intersection of forest conservation and climate stability recent opinions and news coverage of proposals to fill our cities with tall wooden buildings presents not a stirring vision of sustainability but a nightmarish scenario of a land base increasingly scarred by clearcuts, logging roads and small diameter tree plantations at a time when climate science insists that reestablishing natural forests and letting them grow much bigger and older is one of humanity's last best hopes to keep climate change from accelerating out of control. To save our climate we need taller trees not taller wooden buildings.
- Todmorden Mills
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Todmorden Mills were a series of mills built in the Don Valley, north of Bloor Street.
- Toronto Student Movement (TSM)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Toronto Student Movement was organized at the University of Toronto in the summer of 1968. Its founding coincided with student revolts in Quebec, France, Germany, Italy, and the U.S. While there were many issues (such as the Vietnam War) galvanizing student uprisings, the primary focus of the TSM was education itself. The university was seen as itself oppressive and intent on re-creating subservience to capitalist and imperialist projects.
- Toronto Warrior Society
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Toronto Warrior Society (TWS) was affiliated with the American Indian Movement (AIM), which emerged in the United States in the late 1960s to defend First Nations activists and to promote Native pride. TWS was strongly committed to socialism, and to anti-capitalist endeavours.
- Toronto Women's Liberation Movement (TWLM)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As the 1960s progressed, Toronto activists embraced a wide range of issues, from racial justice to student rights. Hardly anyone was talking about the oppression of women, yet women were paid much less than their male co-workers on average, and they weren’t allowed to apply for many jobs, simply because they were women.
- Toronto Women’s Liberation Movement (TWLM)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 An article about the history and development of the Toronto Women’s Liberation Movement (TWLM).
- Toronto's Historic Cemeteries
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A overview of Toronto's early cemeteries.
- Torturing Assange
An Interview with Andrew Fowler Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Andrew Fowler, Australian award-winning investigative journalist and author of 'The Most Dangerous Man in the World: Julian Assange and WikiLeaks' Fight for Freedom,' accounts the rise and political imprisonment of Assange. According to Fowler, Assange seemingly inevitably moved toward an adversarial positioning against American imperialism abroad. He was a tonic for the indifference expressed by so many ordinary Americans in the traumatic aftermath of 9/11 and the rise of the surveillance state.
- The Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX): Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and the Russians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 There has long been fierce opposition to the TMX project (owned at the time by Texas-based Kinder Morgan), which will nearly triple the pipeline’s capacity to bring Alberta diluted bitumen (dilbit) to the West Coast.
- Trefann Court
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A thin strip of land just south of Regent Park and bounded by Queen, Parliament, Shuter, and River Streets, Trefann Court was slated for “urban renewal” by the City of Toronto in 1966. Residents fought back and eventually managed to stop the redevelopment plan.
- Trefann Court Residents Associations
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A thin strip of land just south of Regent Park and bounded by Queen, Parliament, Shuter, River Streets, Trefann Court was slated for 'urban renewal' by the city in 1966. Home to 1,300, mostly working class, residents, the area was characterized by old houses and a dwindling population. Faced with the demolition of their neighbourhood and inspired by earlier resistance by residents in the Don Mount on the other side of the Don River, residents organized against the project and refused to accept the city's plans.
- The Trouble with Disparity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Racism is real and antiracism is both admirable and necessary, but extant racism isn’t what principally produces our inequality and antiracism won’t eliminate it. And because racism is not the principal source of inequality today, antiracism functions more as a misdirection that justifies inequality than a strategy for eliminating it.
- Truth is Our Weapon and Shield
An Interview with Black Panther Party Veteran Billy X Jennings Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Truth is Our Weapon and Shield - An Interview with Black Panther Party Veteran Billy X Jennings
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Interview with Billy X Jennings discussing legacy of BPP, role of education in revolutionary practice, and current uprising in the US.
- Twitter spreads paid US government propaganda while falsely claiming it bans state media ads
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Twitter says it bans ads from state-affiliated media outlets. However, US government propaganda organs like Voice of America’s VOA Persian pay the social media corporation huge sums of money to spread disinformation against Iran and other foreign adversaries.
- Two very different Jewish responses to bigotry
One promoting solidarity, the other promoting insularity Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In the last weeks of September 2020, anonymous adhesive stickers bearing possible messages of bigotry appeared on utility poles and other surfaces in Halifax, Nova Scotia. And the response from two Jewish organizations demonstrate two very different approaches to those messages.
- Uncovering Canadian Media's Devastating Pro-Israel Bias
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The bias is enforced at every level of the media, from editorial boards all the way to ownership.
- Understanding France's General Strike in the Context of the Yellow Vests and Global Class Warfare
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Labor and capital are at loggerheads in France. As the open-ended strike launched on December 5th against a neoliberal overhaul of the pension system continues to expand, the Macron regime has dug in its heels to defend the advantages this so-called reform would have for the wealthy (even though it has recently been forced to present what it considers to be a "compromise" to the union leadership).
- United Jewish Peoples Order (UJPO)
Connexipedia article to be written Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The United Jewish People’s Order (UJPO) is a national, progressive, secular and independent organization that can trace its roots back to 1926.
- Uproar in India: And You Thought It Was Only About Farmers?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Surely the 'mainstream' media (a strange term for platforms whose content excludes over 70 per cent of the population) cannot be unaware of these implications of the new farm laws for Indian democracy. But the pursuit of profit drives them far more than any notion of public interest or democratic principles. Shed any delusions about the conflicts of interests (in plural) involved. These media are also corporations. The Big Boss of the largest Indian corporation is also the richest and biggest media owner in the country.
- Wall Street Invading Wet’suwet’en Territory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 While protesters have rightly condemned the RCMP actions in arresting Wet’suwet’en First Nation land defenders, they (and the corporate media) have largely overlooked the role of a major player in this whole debacle: Wall Street titan Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., better known as KKR.
- Waterfront Toronto: Google's de facto Development Arm in Canada
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Big tech’s smart city initiatives aim at taking over governance and decision-making functions in cities around the world.
- 'We Get There First or White Supremacists Do'
How These Rural Canvassers Disrupt Racist Narratives Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The stew of punitive policies and racial demagoguery was precisely why progressive organizers deemed Alamance County a crucial battleground in the wake of the 2016 election. While the intertwined immigration and monument battles were playing out in Alamance, canvassers from Down Home North Carolina fanned out across the county, knocking on doors and holding conversations with residents about immigration and healthcare.
- 'We've got a real divide in the community:' Wet'suwet'en Nation in turmoil
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The battle over the CGL pipeline in British Columbia both on social media and in the press is dividing the Wet'suwet'en Nation some members say. The two opposing sides have been in a very public dispute over Coastal GasLink's (CGL) 670 km pipeline that will carry fracked natural gas from Dawson Creek, B.C., in the northeast, to Kitimat on the coast.
- The West Displays Its Insecurity Complex
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 "The West is winning!' U.S. leaders proclaimed at the high-level Annual Security Conference held in Munich last weekend. Not everybody was quite so sure.
- When they say jump
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 This article explores the failure of ATU Local 11, the union that represents the majority of TTC workers, to organize its members for "Transit Worker Assault Awareness Day" after a member was stabbed while working.
- Which Side Are You On?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 I think of my friend whenever I hear some bullshit-bloated politician or commentator dismissing the humanity and dignity of criminals and prisoners.
- Why is Surrogacy Illegal in Most of the World?
Ethics and Risks Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The infertility and surrogacy multi-billion-dollar industries, those who benefit from it, and others, too often attempt to out-shout any criticism of surrogacy by conflating surrogacy with LGBTQ+ rights and labeling all opposition to surrogacy as homophobic. Opposition to surrogacy has nothing to do with the sexual preference, sexual orientation, gender identification or marital status of those who use anonymous gamete and/or hire a surrogate. It is contractual anonymous conception and surrogacy which is at question, regardless of who contracts for such services.
- Why the working-class, socialist history of International Women's Day matters today
On International Women's Day, Katherine Connelly looks at its origins in the socialist and feminist movements led by working class women Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The high-profile celebrations of a day founded by socialists to highlight the struggles of working-class women will not include any discussion of socialism, nor will they contain much about the specific problems and experiences of working-class women.
- Wikipedia formally censors the Grayzone as regime-change advocates monopolize editing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On Wikipedia, a small group of regime-change advocates and right-wing Venezuelan opposition supporters have blacklisted independent media outlets like The Grayzone on explicitly political grounds, violating the encyclopedia’s guidelines.
- With Corbyn gone, the Israel lobby is targeting Palestinians directly
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- 'Women are the strongest pillar'
Meet the female fishmongers in Liberia fighting for healthy fisheries. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On the landing beaches of Liberia fishing canoes crowd the shallows, the bright colour schemes and fluttering flags showing the pride the fishermen take in their work. But although the men haul the nets this is an industry underpinned by women.
- Women Working With Immigrant Women (WWIW)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Women Working With Immigrant Women (WWIW) developed as an umbrella organization for agencies and women working with immigrant women in Metro Toronto in 1974. Its main goals included information sharing and referral, acting as a support group, and initiating programmes and services to meet the needs of immigrant and refugee women and women of colour.
- The World Must End The US' Illegal Economic War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The United States is relying more heavily on illegal unilateral coercive measures (also known as economic sanctions) in place of war or as part of its build-up to war. In fact, economic sanctions are an act of war that kills tens of thousands of people each year through financial strangulation.
- Yellow Earth
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Rich layers of shale oil are discovered under Yellow Earth, North Dakota and the neighboring Three Nations Indian reservation. All hell breaks loose.
- Yes, the Left Should Talk to Trump Supporters
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 If we're serious about defeating the dictatorship of capital and the horrors of U.S. empire, left-wing activists, writers, and organizers should be very clear: there is absolutely no way to avoid talking and organizing with Trump supporters. It's not easy, but in many contexts, it’s already happening.
- Yorkville in the 1960s
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A section of urban Toronto that was the centre of the counterculture in the mid-1960s.
- Zimbabwe farmers turn to smart solutions to fight climate change
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Having suffered poor harvests due to drought, Lupane small-scale farmers find solutions in climate-smart agriculture.