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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red Connexions logo:
- Capital Punishment: The most Deplorable form of Deliberate Murder
Resource Type: Article A society that legally permits the killing of human beings can never prevent its repetition by the general public. The abolition of capital punishment and declaring the value of human life is the first step in the struggle against a culture of murder in society.
- Iran will be the Scene of a Mass Anti-Islamic Offensive
Interview with with Radio Hambastegi Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 We have seen in the last 20-25 years the emergence and considerable development of political movements that have organised themselves under the banner of Islam. There are a series of extremely Right-wing, anti-human and violent movements in North Africa, the Middle East and today, in all countries in which the so-called official religion is Islam or which have significant Muslim minorities. Their conduct is primarily in the form of opposition to the freedom of women, women's civil liberties, freedom of expression in the cultural and personal domains and the enforcement of brutal laws and traditions against people, and even killing, beheading, and genocide of people from young children to the elderly.
- The Iranian Revolution and the Role of the Proletariat (Theses)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Islam and De-Islamisation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999
- Islam, Children's Rights, and the Hijab-gate of Rah-e-Kargar
In Defence of the Prohibition of the Islamic Veil for Children Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 It has been proved time and time again that pushing back religiosity and religious reaction is not possible except through unequivocal defence of human values against religion. It has been proved time and time again that preventing religious barbarism does not come about through bribing it and trying to give it a human face, but through the fight against reactionary religious beliefs and practices.
- Islamic Terrorism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994 There is not the slightest real and legitimate relationship between the appalling calamities that have befallen the Jewish people in this century and the suppression and crimes committed by the extremist right wing government in Israel against the Palestinians. There is not the slightest real and justified relationship between the sufferings of the deprived people of Palestine and the terrorism of Islamic or non-Islamic organisations attributed to these people.
- The main problem with Israel is that it is based on religion
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999
- Our Differences
Interview about Worker-communism Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 There are two parts to the interview. The first deals with issues of working class and communism at a general level. The second focuses on more specific problems concerning the Iranian left and, particularly, the Communist Party of Iran (CPI).
- Religion is Part of the 'Lumpenism' in Society
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Liberation theology is the name for Christian priets who are prepared to say something against Latin American dictators. This is what they call liberation theology, but by definition no theology is liberating. Theology is the antithesis of liberation. It signifies keeping people ignorant, obstructing their independent thought and consigning them to an unknown creator and world. Liberation theology is nonsense.
- The State in Revolutionary Periods
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1985 The subject of the present discussion is "state in revolutionary periods." Under this heading we are going to deal with an aspect of the Marxist theory of the state, or, in other words, the methodology of Marxism in dealing with the phenomenon of the state -- an issue often overshadowed by stereotyped statements about the state, and therefore neglected.