Clicking on the title of an item takes you to the bibliographic page for the resource, which typically also contains an abstract, a link to the full text if it is available online, and links to related topics in the subject index. You can find items through the
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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red Connexions logo:
- Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1850
- Article by Marx and Engels in Deutsche-Brusseler-Zeitung April 1847 - February 1848
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1847 Published: 1848
- Articles by Karl Marx on China 1853-1860
Resource Type: Article China was, at this time, in upheaval. It was the most populous region in the world (400 million people in 1834). The "Celestial Empire" had long operated with trade surpluses, but by the 1840s, serious trade deficits plagued China. The first European-Chinese conflict (The Opium War) began in 1839 and ended with the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. During this period, famines wracked the land. It is estimated maybe 14 million people died in 1849, and another 20 million between 1854 and 1860. At the same time, the Taiping rebellion broke out in 1850 and attacked the status quo Confucianist Manchu Dynasty -- which had ruled since 1644. The rebellion was based in social revolutionary ideas of equality and was popular among the masses. It abolished private property, established sexual equality, and banned drugs (from alcohol to opium). By 1853, it dominated much of SE China.
- Articles by Marx & Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung June 1848 - May 1849
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1848 Published: 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung
- Articles by Marx & Engels in the Rheinische Zeitung April 1842 - March 1843
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1842 Published: 1843
- The Communist Manifesto
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1848 Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the theoretical and practical platform of the Communist League, a workers' association.
- England's 17th Century Revolution
A Review of Francois Guizot's 1850 pamphlet Pourquoi la revolution d'Angleterre a-t-elle reussi? Resource Type: Article First Published: 1850 For Guizot, English history ends with the consolidation of the constitutional monarchy. For him, everything that follows is limited to a pleasant alternating game between Tories and Whigs. In reality, however, the consolidation of the constitutional monarchy is only the beginning of the magnificent development and transformation of bourgeois society in England. Where M. Guizot sees only gentle calm and idyllic peace, in reality the most violent conflicts and the most penetrating revolutions are taking place.
- The First Indian War of Independence (1857-1858) and the East India Company (June-August 1853)
Resource Type: Website First Published: 1857 Articles by Marx and Engels on India 1853-1859.
- The First Trial of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1849
- The German Ideology
Critique of Modern German Philosophy According to Its Representatives Feuerbach, B. Bauer and Stirner, and of German Socialism According to Resource Type: Book First Published: 1846 Published: 1932 Marx and Engels take on the "philosophic charlatanry" and pettiness and "parochial narrowness" of the pseudo-radicals of their time, "in particular the tragicomic contrast between the illusions of these heroes about their achievements and the actual achievements themselves."
- Historical Materialism
The Materialist Conception of History Resource Type: Website Selected writings by Marx and Engels.
- The Holy Family or Critique of Critical Criticism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1845
- Ireland and the Irish Question
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971 Brings together all of Marx's and Engels' writing on Ireland in one volume.
- Letters of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 1870 & after
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1870 Published: 1895
- Letters of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels for the 1850s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1859
- Letters of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels for the 1860s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1869
- Letters of Marx and Engels: 1844
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1844
- Letters of Marx and Engels 1845
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1844
- Letters of Marx and Engels: 1846
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1846
- Letters of Marx and Engels: 1847
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1847
- Letters of Marx and Engels: 1848
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1848
- Letters of Marx and Engels: 1849
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1849
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 3
Marx and Engels 1843 - 1844 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1844
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 4
Marx and Engels 1844 - 1845 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1845 Includes The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism, and The Condition of the Working-Class in England.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 5
Marx and Engels 1845 - 1847 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1847 Includes The German Ideology.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 6
Marx and Engels 1845 - 1848 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1848 Includes the Poverty of Philosophy and The Communist Manifesto.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 7
Marx and Engels 1848 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1848 Includes articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, June 1 - November 7, 1848.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 8
Marx and Engels 1848 - 1849 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1849 Includes articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung November 8, 1848 - March 5, 1849.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 9
Marx and Engels 1849 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1849 Includes articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung March 6 - May 19, 1849.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 10
Marx and Engels 1849 - 1851 Resource Type: Book Includes The Peasant War in Germany.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 11
Marx and Engels 1851 - 1853 Resource Type: Book Includes Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and Revelations Concerning the Communist Trial in Cologne
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 12
Marx and Engels 1853 - 1854 Resource Type: Book Articles mainly on British colonialism.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 13
Marx and Engels 1854 - 1855 Resource Type: Book Includes Revolutionary Spain
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 14
Marx and Engels 1855 - 1856 Resource Type: Book Includes material on British politics and the Crimean War.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 15
Marx and Engels 1856 - 1858 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1858 Mainly articles about Europe, colonialism, and India.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 16
Marx and Engels 1858 - 1860 Resource Type: Book Mainly events in Europe.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 17
Marx and Engels 1859 - 1860 Resource Type: Book Includes Herr Vogt and articles on military matters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 18
Marx and Engels 1857 - 1862 Resource Type: Book Articles for The New American Cyclopaedia.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 19
Marx and Engels 1861 - 1864 Resource Type: Book Colonialism, slavery, and the American Civil War.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 20
Marx and Engels 1864- 1868 Resource Type: Book Includes The Prussian Military Question and the (German Workers' Party), and Value, Price and Profit, and articles and Reviews written in connection with the publication of Volume One of Capital.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 21
Marx and Engels 1867 - 1870 Resource Type: Book Materials related to the International Workingmen's Association.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 22
Marx and Engels 1870 - 1871 Resource Type: Book Includes The Civil War in France and other materials on the Franco-Prussian War.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 23
Marx and Engels 1871 - 1874 Resource Type: Book Articles on the International, Bakunin, and the Housing Question.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 24
Marx and Engels 1874 - 1883 Resource Type: Book Includes the Critique of the Gotha Programme, and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 38
Marx and Engels 1844 - 1851 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 39
Marx and Engels 1852 - 1855 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 40
Marx and Engels 1856 - 1859 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 41
Marx and Engels 1860 - 1864 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 42
Marx and Engels 1864 - 1868 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 43
Marx and Engels 1868 - 1870 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 44
Marx and Engels 1870 - 1873 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 45
Marx and Engels 1874 - 1879 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 46
Marx and Engels 1880 - 1883 Resource Type: Book Letters.
- Marx and Engels on Philosophy
Resource Type: Website Early philosophical works.
- Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 1
Marx 1835 - 1843 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1835
- Reviews from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Politisch-okonomische Revue
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1850 The periodical's aims were to assess the results of the 1848-49 revolution, to reveal the nature of the new historical situation, and to develop further the party's tactics. Altogether six issues were published; the last issue, a double one (5-6),came out at the end of November 1850. All further attempts to continue publication were blocked by police persecution in Germany and lack of funds.
- Writings by Marx and Engels on the U.S. Civil War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1861 Published: 1862