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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red Connexions logo:
- The American Working Class in Historical Persepctive
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1973 A review of Jeremy Brecher's Strike! (See CX6590)
- 'Be his payment high or low'
The American Working Class in the Sixties Resource Type: Article First Published: 1965 Whether workers win a particular struggle or are forced to retreat or manage to hold their own varies considerably with time and place and the particular relationship of forces in each factory. What remains constant throughout, however, is the struggle itself and the search for new social forms.
- Black Cats, White Cats, Wildcats
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1969 Direct, shop-floor organization have emerged that are willing and able to call strikes in its own name and fight against both the union and the management in a struggle to assert the power of the working class in production.
- A Different Sort of Democracy
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 We do not want to suggest that the democracy of ancient Greece was perfect or that it can be easily be copied in the modern world. Greece was burdened by the dual crimes of slavery and the inferior status of women, as were all ancient societies in the Mediterranean basin and in Asia. What distinguished ancient Athens was that, in that society, human beings began to break out to produce new forms of self-government. That they could not solve all the evils of that time should not be surprising.
- The Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1969 DRUM was formed in May 1968 during the course of a wildcat strike that protested against an increase in production without an increase in man-power. Most of the plant porkchoppers were off in Atlantic City at a union convention and the plant was shut down by a joint effort of older Polish women from the Trim Shop and young black workers.
- False Promises: A Review
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1974 False Promises is a strange book. Despite a certain carelessness of presentation, I recommend it to all concerned with the working class for its extensive documentation of the working-class experience, at work, in the larger society, and in the unions. It is imbued with the conception that freedom is the fundamental quality of revolutionary change and it rejects the strangling doctrines and structures of the union movement and of the vanguard parties. Yet it cannot overcome a conception of working-class consciousness which reduces workers to victims and consciousness to verbalizations.
- Mao as a Dialectician
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1968 Published: 1971
- Marxist Views of the Working Class
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1974 We are not discussing the working class because we want to find out what the noble worker is all about. We are concerned with social change. The fundamental problem of how you define and how you view the working class is the problem of whether the working class is a viable instrument for social change.
- Punching Out
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1952 Published: 1973
- Remembering C.L.R. James
A review of C.L.R. James, A Political Biography Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Worcester's biography of James is both critical and yet sympathetic.
- Revolutionary Optimist
 An interview with Martin Glaberman Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000
- Structuralism as Defense of the Bureaucratic Status Quo
 A Dialectical Critique of Althusserian Theory Resource Type: Article First Published: 1974 Althusserian theory is deeply conservative and puts obstacles in the way of seeing the truly revolutionary currents that exist in the modern world.
- Terror in Italy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 I have known Toni Negri since 1964, when we met at the University of Padua. I have many disagreements with his theories and his formulations. But I am certain that he is innocent of any complicity with the Moro assassination and/or the Red Brigades. And I am also certain that he deserves a trial that is fairer than the Italian government seems to be willing to give him.
- Unions vs. Workers in the Seventies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1972 The tightly knit structures of the big industrial unions leave no room for maneuvering. There is no reasonable way in which young workers can use the union constitution to overturn and overhaul the union structure. The constitution is against them; the money and jobs available to union bureaucrats are against them. And if these fail, the forces of law and order of city, state and federal governments are against them. If that were not enough, the young workers in the factories today are expressing the instinctive knowledge that even if they gained control of the unions and reformed them completely, they would still end up with unions - organizations which owe their existence to capitalist relations of productions.
- Walter Reuther, 'Social Unionist'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 The book is full of self-serving quotations from Reuther and others that are accepted at face value. There is a very superficial understanding of the auto industry, of life in the union and on the shop floor, and of the left. The huge number of quotations and citations tends to conceal a high degree of inaccuracy and misunderstanding.
- Wartime Strikes
The struggle against the no-strike pledge in the UAW during World War II Resource Type: Book First Published: 1980 The history of the struggle against the no-strike pledge in the United Auto Workers of America (UAW) and the organization of the Rand and File Caucus, accompanied by an analysis of the question of working class consciousness in the light of this experience. Glaberman asks: What is the nature of working class consciousness and how does it relate to the question of whether the working class has the capacity to transform modern society?
- Wildcat I
From The Factory Songs of Mr. Toad Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994
- Workers have to deal with their own reality and that transforms them
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 I think self-activity is the response of working people to the nature of their lives and work. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's quiet. Part of the reality is that we're going through a considerable technological revolution, which means that experiences, even jobs, that people depended on and know about, begin to disappear. To expect workers to say, "Yesterday, they automated my factory; today, I know exactly what to do about it," is Utopian. It takes a while. It takes a generation. Workers will learn.
- The Working Class and Social Change
Four Essays on the Working Class Resource Type: Article First Published: 1975 A study of "The Working Class," and the complexities of its definition as economic categories diffused from profound bases of social demarcation during the 1960's.