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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryThe Canada Metals story: A chronology Diemer, Ulli Article 1980 The ongoing struggle against lead pollution in South Riverdale. Chemicals in your water: A little is too much Diemer, Ulli Article 1984 There is reason to be concerned about the increasing amounts of chemicals in our water. Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater Gaworecki, Mike Article 2014 It has now been revealed that California regulators with DOGGR permitted hundreds of wastewater injection wells and thousands more wells injecting fluids for 'enhanced oil recovery" into aquifers prot... Contaminated Meat, Contaminated Water: From Walkerton to Listeria Diemer, Ulli Article 2008 The current listeria outbreak has the feel of deja vu all over again. Once again, we are hearing about companies and industry associations lobbying for fewer inspections and less 'interference', and a... Contamination: The Poisonous Legacy of Ontario's Environmental Cutbacks ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2000 The story of Ontario's right-wing Harris government, which gutted health and environmental protection polices, leading to the Walkerton water disaster. A Decade of Gulf War Illness: Against The Current vol. 91 Ensign, Tod Article 2001 The demon is back: Ten years after the U.S. air war began over Kuwait and Iraq on January 17, 1991, tens of thousands of sick Gulf War vets await treatment and/or compensation for chronic health probl... Depleted Uranium: Scandal Update: Against The Current vol. 91 Ensign, Tod Article 2001 In the first weeks of the new year, a new controversy has erupted among NATO allies over possible health effects of the Pentagon's use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons on their troops who served in Bo... GMOs, Global Agribusiness and the Destruction of Choice Todhunter, Colin Article 2018 One of the myths perpetuated by the pro-GMO (genetically modified organisms) lobby is that critics of GMOs in agriculture are denying choice to farmers and have an ideological agenda. The narrative is... The Great Lakes Primer Cooper, Kathy; Millyard, Kai Book 1986 An introduction to the environmental problems faced by the Great Lakes. Marx as a Food Theorist ![]() Foster, John Bellamy Article 2016 Marx developed a detailed and sophisticated critique of the industrial food system in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century, in the period that historians have called "the Second Agricultural Revoluti... Mercury Poisoning Article 1976 Quaker involvement with the issue of mercury poisoning at White Dog and Grassy Narrows Reserves. Monsanto: Contamination By All Means Necessary Todhuner, Colin Article 2013 What happens when you allow commercial interests free rein over a nation state's food and agricultural policies? Consumers and farmers end up paying the price. Muddying the waters Landrevie, Barbara Article 2015 The by-products of aluminium extraction have been poisoning the Mediterranean for almost 20 years. But the closure of the plant that produces them would cost jobs in an underemployed region. 150 years of dirty water Diemer, Ulli Article 1984 Toronto's water has been polluted pretty much since the city was founded - but that doesn't mean we should put up with it. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter June 26, 2017: Public Safety Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 The June 26, 2017 issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter is about public safety. Palestinian farmers face settler terror Amayreh, Khalid Article 2004 Jewish settlers have a long history of terrorising olive farmers, and they are now increasingly resorting to a worrying tactic: poisoning Palestinian water sources.
Six Nations and Dundalk Fight Corporate Crap: Why We Should All Support Their Struggle Lepper, Laura Article 2012 Dundalk is situated at the highest elevation in Ontario, the headwaters of both the Grand and Saugeen rivers, and sits on land deeded to the Six Nations through the Haldimand Proclamation of 1763. Des... |