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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryAuto Industry Strikes in China Carter, Lance Article 2010 Strikes in China are nothing new, but the recent strike wave was remarkable in at least three respects: the amount of concessions granted to workers; the degree of publicity it initially received in t... China in Revolt Friedman, Eli Article 2012 Few in the West are aware of the drama unfolding in today’s “epicenter of global labor unrest.” A scholar of China exposes its tumultuous labor politics and their lessons for the Left. China in the Contemporary World Dynamic of Accumulation and Class Struggle Goldner, Loren Article 2005 The Chinese ruling elite is riding the whirlwind precisely because its own necessary reforms are quite visibly setting in motion social processes that could completely overwhelm it, namely a working-c... China Mao or never: New Internationalist September 2004 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2004 A look at the communist government China and the people's dream of free speech. China: Rise and Emergent Crisis: Book Review Short, Jase Article 2015 Book review of Au Loong Yu's 'China's Rise: Atrength and Fragility.' China's Rise: Strength and Fragility Loong Yu, Au Book 2013 Loong Yu examines in detail the road from the revolution in China, from a largely rural peasant country in 1949 to the present huge capitalist economy. Chinese neocolonialism in Africa: The Dragon eating the African Lion and Cheetah? (Part I) Mariam, Alemayehu G. Article 2017 China has literally invaded Africa with its investors, traders, lenders, builders, developers, labourers and who knows what else. The fancy phrase for that is win-win cooperation. The "cooperation" ha... Chinese Workers' Resistance: Against The Current vol. 111 Diamond, Norm Article 2004 Norm Diamond interviews Tim Pringle, who lives in Hong Kong, where he participates as an observer and also as a member of the editorial board of the Chinese-language magazine Globalization Monitor. The Chinese Working Women's Network: Against The Current vol. 113 Ngai, Pun; Ming, Yang Lie Article 2004 There is no doubt that China is growing rapidly in importance in the global economy. China has now surpassed the United States as the largest destination in the world for foreign investment. While man... Class and class struggle in China today Gilbert, Simon Article 2017 An examination of the transformed economy in China and the consequent changes in class relations, and how the Communist Party has managed to maintain its rule. Connexions Library: China Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on China. Dagong Diary, Part 1: Job Hunting chuang Article 2015 Part 1 of a seven-part series recording a short excursion into the lives of dagongzai and dagongmei at the beginning of China’s working year. Dagong Diary, Part 2: Proper Hiring Begins chuang Article 2015 The following is part 2 of a seven part series recording a short excursion into the lives of dagongzai and dagongmei at the beginning of China’s working year. The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire McCoy, Alfred Article 2010 The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more realisti... Domestic Work and Rights in China: Against The Current vol. 133 Wong, May Article 2008 When China adopted the “open door” policy in 1978, south China, especially the Pearl River Delta area, was the first industrial area created to attract foreign investment, particularly from Hong Kong.... Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2010-2011: Capital devours lives, labor, land; masses seek paths to freedom ![]() Article 2010 A revolutionary organization can no longer allow any separation between theory and practice, philosophy and revolution, workers and intellectuals, "inside" and "outside." Fictitious Capital and Contracted Social Reproduction Today: China and Permanent Revolution Goldner, Loren Article 2012 Once gain, as in 1914, capital requires, in order to survive as capital, a vast devalorization of all existing values, however great the destruction of human beings and means of production which that ... Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance ![]() Chomsky, Noam Book 2003 Chomsky documents how, for more than half a century, the United States has been pursuing a grand imperial strategy with the aim of dominating the globe. Keeping the Rabble in Line Chomsky, Noam; Barsamian, David Book 1994 Interviews with Noam Chomsky covering issues such as free trade, health care, global warming, the nature of corporations, human rights, and democracy. Lessons of an Ambiguous Struggle: Against The Current vol. 88 Mel Rothenberg Article 2000 The conflict around Congress' granting China Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) signals the opening of important new terrain of political struggle. With the background of the two major mass demon... A Marxist History of the World part 63: The Rape of China Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 Neil Faulkner looks at the impact of western imperialism's repeated and bloody attempts to control the wealth of China A Marxist History of the World part 78: The First Chinese Revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 In 1927, the Chinese nationalists smashed the country's first working-class revolutionary movement – a defeat that would shape the whole subsequent history of China.Counterfire The New Chinese Nationalism: Against The Current vol. 136 Yu, Au Loong Article 2008 Corporate globalization has been remarkably successful in driving down wages and the welfare of working people across the world. Resistance to this is necessary and inevitable, hence the birth of the ... The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade Ransom, David Book 2001 Ransom suggests that fair, environmentally-conscious trade is not only a viable alternative to unfair free trade, but that it is the way of the future. The Protectionist Trap: Against The Current vol. 88 Lund, Caroline Article 2000 In July, the United Nations and some fifty large corporations came to an agreement that the companies would all respect workers' rights and protect the environment in their investments around the worl... The Realities of China Today: Against The Current vol. 137 Hart-Landsberg, Martin Article 2008 Interest in the post-1978 Chinese market reform experience remains high and for an obvious reason: China is widely considered to be one of the most successful developing countries in modern times. The... The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy Li, Minqi Book With the decline of the economic power of the United States, its current hegemonic role will deteriorate and the growth of China will so erode the foundations of capital accumulation - by pushing wage... Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants Pai, Hsiao-Hung Book 2012 Each year, 200 million workers from China’s vast rural interior travel between cities and provinces in search of employment: the largest human migration in history. This indispensable army of labour a... Tianjin, China: a village 'land grab' protest spells trouble for the Communist state Hoffman,Samantha;Sullivan,Jonathan Article 2015 Rising anger by China's dispossessed (those displaced from their homes, villages and farms to make way for expanding cities and infrastructure) is posing a threat to the ruling regime. At the root of ... Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962 Jisheng, Yang Book 2012 A look at 'the great famine', a concealed result of the Great Leap Forward in China. Transnational Capital and the State in China: Partners in Exploitation Greenfield, Gerard Article 1998 The destruction of job and income security, the sacking of tens of millions of workers, and the withdrawal of government subsidies and protection for local industry serves the interests of a ruling el... Under the Dome Chai, Jing Film/Video 2015 A self-financed Chinese documentary film by Chai Jing, a former China Central Television journalist, concerning air pollution in China. It is narrated by Chai, who presents the results of her year-lon... Sources LibraryChina commits billions in aid to Africa as part of charm offensive Provost, Claire; Harris, Rich 2013 China has committed $75bn (£48bn) on aid and development projects in Africa in the past decade, according to research which reveals the scale of what some have called Beijing's escalating soft power "... |