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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results33 Connexions Library5 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 11 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 5 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryBeyond a Boundary ![]() James, C.L.R. Book 1963 Part memoir of a boyhood in a black colony (by one of the founders of African nationalism), part passionate celebration of the game of cricket, this book raises serious questions about race, class, po... Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 2, Number 1 - May 1977 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1977 The Caribbean Left's Legacy: Against The Current vol. 112 Abraham, Sara Article 2004 Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has con... Caribbean Politics and the 1930s Revolt Green, Cecilia Article 1997 During the 1930s all Britain's major island and continental colonies in the Caribbean exploded in rebellion. Christopher Who? -- Discovering the Americas McKenna, Paul; Taylor, Norman Article 1990 Columbus seen as a conqueror. Connexions: Volume 4, Number 4 - September 1979 - Food/La Nourriture Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 Connexions: Volume 5, Number 1 - January 1980 - Literacy/Alphabetisation Serial Publication (Periodical) 1980 Connexions: Volume 7, Number 2 - May 1982 - Canada-Latin America/Le Canada-L'Amerique Latine Serial Publication (Periodical) 1982 Connexions Digest: Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Digest: Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Connexions Digest: Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 Connexions Library: Central America and the Caribbean Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Central America and the Caribbean. The Destabilization of Haiti Bernstein, Dennis Article 2004 A short summary of the illegal and suppressed details of American intervention in Haiti during the 1990's and early 2000's. Faces of the Caribbean Gilmore, John Book An introduction for the general reader as well as for students of Caribbean studies, cultural studies, and the history of the Americas.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sources Article 2009 SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, c... Guadeloupe and Martinique threatened as pesticide contaminates food chain Valo, Martine Article 2013 Chemical once used on banana crops threatening livelihoods and public health by polluting soil and sea. Tim Hector: A Caribbean Radical's Story Buhle, Paul Book 2006 An account of the life of Antiguan activist Tim Hector. Helping you reach the media: How Sources can help you get more and better media coverage ![]() Article 2009 Media coverage is the most valuable kind of publicity there is because it is based on the news value or information value of what you do or say, and is therefore far more credible than paid publicity ... The History of Costa Rica Molina, Ivan; Palmer, Steven Book 1998 An overview of Costa Rican history with an emphasis on how Costa Ricans have been able to make their own history, "though they do not make it just as they choose." In 1492, What Did Columbus Really Do? McKenna, Paul Article 1990 A summary of various resistance movements then being organized to protest celebrating the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' first landing in the Carribbean. Informal Labour, Another Wall Faced by Migrants in Latin America Frayssinet, Fabiana Article 2017 A large proportion of the 4.3 million migrant workers in Latin America and the Caribbean survive by working in the informal economy or in irregular conditions. An invisible wall that is necessary to b... The Kidnapping Of Haiti Pilger, John Article 2010 Not for tourists is the US building its fifth-biggest embassy. Oil was found in Haiti's waters decades ago and the US has kept it in reserve until the Middle East begins to run dry. More urgently, an ... Last Resorts: The Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean Pattullo, Polly Book 2005 Examines the real impact of tourism on the people and landscape of the Caribbean. It explores the structure of ownership of the industry and shows that the benefits it brings to the region do not live... Paul Buhle's Tim Hector: Against The Current vol. 125 Abraham, Sara Article 2006 Paul Buhle's account of Tim Hector, Caribbean radical of Antiguan origin who passed away in 2002, is provocative and welcome. Its span is broad and appropriate for a general rather than specialist rea... Resistance and Caribbean Literature Cudjoe, Selwyn R. Book Professor Cudjoe's study of the development of the Caribbean novel takes as its starting point the assumption that the literary sensibilities of the finest Caribbean novelists have been shaped by a hi... Responding to Washington's Haiti Coup: Against The Current vol. 110 Caribbean People's Statement Article 2004 Caribbean People, representatives of Caribbean organizations and people of Caribbean descent meeting in Bridgetown, Barbados on Saturday March 20th, 2004, unanimously agreed to call on CARICOM Governm... Revolutionary Centennial: Guyana's 1905 Rebellion: Against The Current vol. 114 Westmaas, Nigel Article 2005 1905 was a landmark year in the history of Guyana, as it was for several places around the world. In Russia, the Tsar and his troops shot workers delivering a petition in St. Petersburg. In Bengal t... Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest Restall, Matthew Book 2004 Restall explodes myths that were long taken for historical truth and points to a larger and more complex interaction between the indigenous people and the Europeans. He shows how Indian culture adapte... The Slave Trade: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440 - 1870 Thomas, Hugh Book 1997 A comprehensive history of the Atlantic slave trade in which approximiately eleven million black slaves were carried from Africa to the Americas to work on plantations, in mines, or as servants in hou... The Socialist Register 1989: Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Women of the Carribean Ellis, Pat (ed.) Book 1986 This collection of articles encompasses virtually every aspect of Carribean women's lives. The authors take up wide-ranging issues that bear on Carribean women, telling us the probelms they face and h... Women Rise Up Against Gender Violence in the Caribbean Podur, Justin; Cummings, Joan Joy Grant Article 2017 Podur interviews Joan Joy Grant Cummings, a women's right activist, regarding the severity of sexual violence towards women and girls in Jamaica. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesArusha Cross-Cultural Centre Stimulate reflection and action by Canadians to promote equitable development of peoples at home and abroad, and communication and understanding among people of different cultures. Canadian Crossroads International CCI fosters global understanding by placing Canadian volunteers in the developing world, placing volunteers from developing nations in Canada, and sponsoring community education programs. Each year, m... Canadian Institute of International Affairs The CIIA provides a national, non-partisan forum for the analysis, discussion and debate of international issues focussing on the implications for Canadian interests. Activities include the National F... Canadian Society for International Health To facilitate education and research in international health through the mobilization of Canadian resources. Pueblito Canada Community development projects in Latin America. Development education materials for children in Canada. Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryCanada Rediscovered McGhee, Robert 1991 Robert McGhee descirbes wat we know about early European explorations of what is now Canada - Irish, Norse, English Portuguese, French, Spanish - as well as the early Europeans' interactions with the ... Caribbean Experts and Information in the Sources Directory Spokespersons, Experts, and Resources Organizations and experts on Caribbean topics. Getting your story into the media 2009 Stories are the heart and soul of the media. Journalism is about telling stories, and good stories require sources # human contacts, the people who provide informed comment and expertise, the people w... Out of the Backyard: New Latin American and Caribbean Bloc Defies Washington Dangl, Benjamin 2011 The CELAC meeting comes a time when Washington’s presence in the region is waning. Following the nightmarish decades of the Cold War, in which Washington propped up dictators and waged wars on Latin A... Sources gives you powerful tools to help you stand out from the crowd 2009 An overview of how you can use SOURCES to amplify your message.
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, writers, producers and researchers with the sources they need for their ... From the Connexions Archives |