Carbon Dioxide

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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

Blueprint for a Green Economy
Pearce, David; Markandya, Anil; Barbier, Edward B.
A set of practical proposals for financing a sustainable environment.
Field Notes from a Catastrophe
Kolbert, Elizabeth
A readable account of the development of the science of global warming, alongside shocking vignettes that demonstrate the rapidly altering effects climate change is having on our world.
In Our Backyard: A Greater Vancouver Environmental Guide...
Trendell-Whittaker, Peggy
In Our Backyard focuses on environmental problems that apply directly to Greater Vancouver. With detials on local garbage and recylcing facilities, water and energy consumption, sewage disposal, air q...
Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay
Nickerson, Michael
The failure to reduce green house gas emissions, the success of efforts to curb ozone depletion, causes related to prosperity and social justice are just some the topics covered. By using the example ...
The Rising Seas
Ince, Martin

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

The contribution of trees to our lives: it is time to take stock
French botanist Francis Hallé makes a case for the defence of trees as a powerful ally in saving the Earth's ecosystems
Joignot, Frédéric
A reflection on the impact of trees in the world and the necessity of improving urban forestry out of self-preservation.
Nobody's Fuel
Energy supply is more important than climate change
Lightfoot, H. Douglas