The Unjust Society

Cardinal, Harold
Publisher:  Douglas & McIntyre, Canada
Year First Published:  {13732 The Unjust Society UNJUST SOCIETY Cardinal, Harold Douglas & McIntyre Canada Attacks Canada's governments for their treatment of Native People and calls for just solutions. 1969 1999 160pp $22.95 B Book 1550544837 CX9261 1 false true false CX9261.htm [0xc000205ec0 0xc000450600 0xc000c18de0 0xc000c396e0 0xc000ca8900 0xc00104ce10 0xc0010076b0 0xc0025d7620] Cx}
Year Published:  1999
Pages:  160pp   Price:  $22.95   ISBN:  1550544837
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX9261

Attacks Canada's governments for their treatment of Native People and calls for just solutions.

Subject Headings

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